DIY Pro - Take 3

  • Thread starter uc pro
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uc pro

i will post info tomorrow, its been a long day.
just finished NYCD and got 7.5 lbs per plant, almost confident we will get closer to 10 lbs per pllant.

4 plants in 30 gallon buckets, 65 inch spacing, 9 1000 verts, 3 ton ac, sealed room, burning co2.

and for those of you who think 7.5 lbs is bullshit, please leave the tread and dont bother comming back in 2 months cuz aint no one gonna be responding. im not here to lie to anyone, im here to show everyone how to do what i do.

Diy pro   take 3
Diy pro   take 3 2
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
Im a believer my brutha...ready for the show...


Move over everyone, apparently theres a new sheriff in town. I believe it can be done with proper skills. Veg time as paperstreet asks is my question too.

uc pro

How many weeks u vegging to pull that kinda wieght?
i veged the NYCD for 7 weeks, be fore i fliped. this strain is just as strechy so im thinking anywhere from 8-9 weeks of veg to get my goal of 10.

uc pro

thanks for everyone whos with me on this, i think the design of the under current has way more to offer and we have yet to pin the correct way of doing everything to hit high numbers and quality.
btw: the nutes for this run are my own recipe and i will revile them as we go. this recipe was handed down to me by a legend and i happen to tweak it just a little bit.

roots excel
base a
base b
total ppm in the system right now are 175, ph 5.9


i veged the NYCD for 7 weeks, be fore i fliped. this strain is just as strechy so im thinking anywhere from 8-9 weeks of veg to get my goal of 10.

7 weeks veg and how many weeks did you bloom for??
Any pic's of those girls??


got 7.5 lbs per plant, almost confident we will get closer to 10 lbs per pllant.

4 plants in 30 gallon buckets, 65 inch spacing, 9 1000 verts, 3 ton ac, sealed room, burning co2.

so 4 plants , 9 1k lights = 30lb's - just over 3p's per light

I do not see why it isn't possible , I use 10gal containers of rockwool , fed everyother day by hand , ran drain to waste , and no co2 and hit 2per on the regular , hit 2.5 a hand fulla times.. so I'd hope this set-up works ... I've seen so many of these types of rooms where people don't come close to hitting the 1g per watt number , and it's always been very disappointing, and very discouraging for someone like me that's interested in giving it a grow

stOked to see someone with the technology and knows how to use it !

uc pro

7 weeks veg and how many weeks did you bloom for??
Any pic's of those girls??
bloomed for 10 weeks, flushed for 3, sorry this is the only pic i had left. not the best quality.

Jalisco Kid

Krusty hit 30 lb of 10k. More plants though. You must have some of the dense bud. My last round I had a mcfly that took off on her own and ended up over 6'+ by 8' and I doubt I had anything close to that. How often do you do nute change overs? Good luck with your harvest.JK


Hell yea bro that rooms gonna be nice, I'm digging the DIY UC Pro. Do you have any other pics of the 7.5# Sour Diesel. Not saying they weren't, but I ran ECSD for yrs and that picture doesn't even look close.


likes to smell trees.
Flushed for 3 days, or 3 weeks??


With a 7 week veg a 10 week bloom and 3 weeks of flushing you can only run 2.5 crops a year with that setup. IMO the yield does not justify the time.

I couldn't agree more. What if you could do a veg zone to handle that part, and keep several bloom rooms like this running in rotation? Funny, I did that- right down to his 27 gallon tubs. I need to emulate the rest of his set up, and start getting results like this, do I can make sure my veg is putting out the right plant. At that point, it DOES become worth it!


I couldn't agree more. What if you could do a veg zone to handle that part, and keep several bloom rooms like this running in rotation? Funny, I did that- right down to his 27 gallon tubs. I need to emulate the rest of his set up, and start getting results like this, do I can make sure my veg is putting out the right plant. At that point, it DOES become worth it!

Thats the way to go you could put 2 bloom rooms like he has and 1 veg room. put you 4 tree's to veg for 7 weeks then transfer to 1 of the bloom rooms then plant 4 more back into the veg room and do it again. like this you can cycle harvest every 10 weeks. it might be possible to get 5-6 harvest a year depending on how good you are.


Thats the way to go you could put 2 bloom rooms like he has and 1 veg room. put you 4 tree's to veg for 7 weeks then transfer to 1 of the bloom rooms then plant 4 more back into the veg room and do it again. like this you can cycle harvest every 10 weeks. it might be possible to get 5-6 harvest a year depending on how good you are.

...or, four bloom zones, all running nose to tail so I have a crop every two weeks. Then, the veg area's job is to deliver a bloom ready quartet at the same interval, and it's going to be more involved than what you suggested.

What I did was match the number of veg stages to the number of bloom stages, so the plants get plenty of time to get big.

Clone stage counts as stage zero- then there is a 'bullpen' of rooted cuts that sit a couple of weeks while I choose a batch or run of individual girls from, call it stage 1. Stage 2 is a one by three tray right under the LED in my veg tent for two weeks, to grow and fill out. Stage three is a three by three table where they are spread out, trained, and given more time to grow. Finally, stage four is a two week stop right before they hit the bloom cycle. Here, they get their own RDWC to grow roots in, they're directly under a 1kW MH to harden off to strong light and given room to grow for, yes, you guessed it, another two weeks.

That should make plants ready to go into bloom and POUND IT!! Weighty puns intended...

Doing the math on such a system, four bloom rooms could push out well over 20 crops a year, four plants per zone, at two pounds per plant... a tidy sum, to be sure!

btw: the nutes for this run are my own recipe and i will revile them as we go.

I occasionally have a similar reaction to my recipes, I feel for you...

Lol, couldn't help myself!

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