Changed up my stuff a bit, still learning

  • Thread starter urbanfog
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Also some know grandma hasnt been doing good, dementia is some crazy shit. Anyway I was gifted a bunch of her Jade plants (has had some for years, stalks like forearms) and a african violet. All transplanted and ready to remind me daily of a woman who made me the man I am. Also transplanted last years orchid into a 3 ga root pouch, hopefully we will get some beautiful flowers in spring, already have new leaf growth


Also some know grandma hasnt been doing good, dementia is some crazy shit. Anyway I was gifted a bunch of her Jade plants (has had some for years, stalks like forearms) and a african violet.

Grandma passed this morning, thank you for all your support. The family is having a rough time but like all set backs we will rise up. RIP grandma, I love you


tomorrow we lay to rest the best grandmother ever. I and the family will miss you grandma, thank you for all the knowledge and life skills you taught me. A garden will be done in your memory, thank you for being grandma, and giving so much to our family. See you one day :(


was a rough weekend, for sure. Did some cleaning, and then spent sat evening up till 5 am doing some whiskey shots with "grandma" while taking 21 more cuttings. Finally pulled out my DIY aeroponic cloner and finished it. Got it done :) 22 sprayers in a ice chest with 500 GPH(i think, cant remember exactly) pump. Tried doing everything perfect. New razor, new clone hormone dip, ph'd water, clonex, vitB. All cuts after removing from plants done under water, then dipped and put in cloner. So far 36 hours and not one drooper :) We shall see. I may be able to get perpetual yet......(took 11 LA confidential, 5 green ribbon, 5 strawberry cough). Also the 3 seeds that popped are looking good and have been transplanted into 3 ga root pouches, and looks like as of now may all be female..If the new cuts clone, Ill post my "White boy trailor park, not spending any money" cloner DIY, LOL

New teens (kryptonite) are bulking up nicely, lots of new growth. Ph in the soil seems to be perfect with my amended dr earth mix, they are still drinking nicely. I did find a bunch of wire stands that I have the fabric pots on with fans blowing under the trays, which seems to help drain and dry out the media. Just picked up 2 600 MH bulbs since Im vegging in my bigger tent, figured I better slow the stretch and give them the light they want for now. Its got me thinkiing of a 2-3 plant scrog in the 4x4 with the extra 1k I have. Veg in the 4x8 and flower big bushes in the 4x4....gotta see, adds lots of power and I would need to invest in another extraction fan set up, or "T" into the existing extraction on the other tent.

The pathetic flowers currently under the 330 CMH seem to finally be pulling out of the "funk" they got the last month or so. Will have some semi decent colas from up high, but lots of lower damage ( heat, spider mites, cleaning/treatment sprays) We shall see, I am more focused on the next couple runs now that I have a system. Also have everything new going in 3 and or 5 gallon fabric pots, longer veg, alfalfa teas for veg growth then into flower with a 4x4 2" scrog screen

Corn, tomatoes slowing down a bit, but carrots, leeks and onions are popping! Also the cucumbers are just kind of meandering along, not sure whats going on thjere. I am going to start breaking down the veggie garden area and get ready for the chickens to be moved back to their "winter" home.

Well, felt good to get back and ramble a little. Have a good week.



Update to follow....
ken dog

ken dog

just saw this thread... Sad news about your grandmother.... sad news indeed.
I was glad to hear that you got some plants that were hers

please accept my condolences.


Just to update, being I have changed a few things :woot:

2 x 600 watt digis running MH at full 100%
2 x cool tubes with reflectors
650cfm extraction thru hoods
multiple fans
2000 ssq ft humidifier
4x8x6.5 Gromedics tent
drain to waste one one side of room and f&d on the other
chow/coco/organics blend
3 & 5 gallon smart pots
Current vegging strains
temps during lights on 75-80 degrees at 65-70% humidity :D (FINALLY COOL TEMPS)
18/6 schedule
PH run off @ 6.8-7.5

5 Kryptonite (clones)
2 LA Conf (clones)
3 Darkstar (from seed, and so far all look female)
1 Strawberry cough (clones)
1 (very tall :( ) Green ribbon

All plants hit with azamax on 10/12, just to make sure borg is done. Will hit again in the next 7 days for follow up. Prior to spraying entire tent again broke down, sterilized and put back together .....just in case....lights off and waiting
Also started to do some LST training on a few girls, couldnt figure out how to "tie down" branches with smartpots/fabric pots.............then BAMMMMMMM, it came to me. Curtain hooks upside down !!! works awesome, anywhere I want to pull something down, put a drape hook in the smart pot side and tie the branch too it, works great and easy to remove for harvest :D

Veg tent
Entire tent broke down again, steam cleaned, bleach washed and then hit with ISO for extra precaution. Sprayed with azamax for final "rinse" and now waiting for some clones to grow some roots.

All clones (22 of them) still going strong but no roots yet at day 8 :( BUT, they arent dead :) Homemade aerocloner seems to be doing better than any previous attempts, running sprayers at 30 min on and 30 off. H20 temps 65 degrees, ph'd at 5.5ish and 200ppm.

Got my rec updated and decided to go higher final product limits and lower plant count for now. 33 plants with 3lbs finished flowers. Also I took a risk and "enrolled" in Cannabis Training University so I can learn more about the laws, growing techniques, budtender and dispensary management etc, supposedly after passing the final I will have a piece of paper lol. BUT I also found where I can follow up after and enroll in accredited classes online thru Clover leaf University, and eventually I will be looking into some classes at UCDavis in horticulture. Who knows, but I figure all things considered I want to know as much as possible about the industry, from all sides.... and if nothing else it gives me something to do.....disability sucks and dam I get bored.....

Ill get some new pics of the setup later today

Have a great week Farmers,


Grandma passed this morning, thank you for all your support. The family is having a rough time but like all set backs we will rise up. RIP grandma, I love you

Sorry to hear this my friend I too was raised basically by my grandmom and she passed in 2010 at 83 ....take Solis in the good times and the fact that she lived a full life (as my mom killed herself at 53) and your grand mom is in peace now, she will be in my prayers ,

blessings SoSer


Yea and subbed up.... glad things are on track , looks like most plants will bounce back .....


Carrots :)
Random shots from the ending veggie garden, the mexican sunflowers were AWESOME! They got huge, and I saved lots of seed for next year:)
Some rosemary getting sun, prior to flower flip, then into the tent
And last, the neighbors attempt to be "undercover" LOL (right in the corner of the plywood has colas coming over the plywood which is nailed to the 6.5' fence. Looks ok overall, but they just put them in the ground and water with no real concern for pests/nutes etc.


Hey urban, garden's looking good brother. I love the indoor work you're doing.

It's too bad you aren't moving some o them ladies outdoors. Let me know if you ever do. ;)

I had a lot of success LSTing in smart pots by using 8" drip line hooks from the hardware store. Just push it into the pot, and ask the roots to forgive you later. Lets you control the direction you are LSTing the plant too by using multiple hooks to banzai tree the shit out of your plants. Metal clothes hangars work in a pinch too, just use wire cutters to make them into J shaped hooks.

I think when I pulled my plants outdoors, each one had about forty or so hooks in a seven gallon pot each. I was LSTing everything that grew for about a month straight.


Hey urban, garden's looking good brother. I love the indoor work you're doing.

It's too bad you aren't moving some o them ladies outdoors. Let me know if you ever do. ;)

I had a lot of success LSTing in smart pots by using 8" drip line hooks from the hardware store. Just push it into the pot, and ask the roots to forgive you later. Lets you control the direction you are LSTing the plant too by using multiple hooks to banzai tree the shit out of your plants. Metal clothes hangars work in a pinch too, just use wire cutters to make them into J shaped hooks.

I think when I pulled my plants outdoors, each one had about forty or so hooks in a seven gallon pot each. I was LSTing everything that grew for about a month straight.

Thanks! I'd love to be outside, one day will be able too. Hoping to have a nice greenhouse and outdoor grow when I get out of Kalifonia and the kids move onto their life journeys......

Weekly update:

All doing well, flower tent filling in nicely. Need to do some more lst and topping soon, which is good because my clones flopped (scratches head, these will be the devil of me) Thankfully I have plenty of plants right now, so as everything, its MY learning process. :banghead:

The 3 & 5 gal smartys seem to be doing a great job, I love the ease of moving, rotating etc so far, and for me seems to be a hole lot easier to go back to the "lift pot technique" for when to water, on top of waiting for them to tell me what they want and when. Currently I have the 5 kryptonites on the right side using a very lightly nuted (500 ppm) of Ph'd water and have been flooding for about 15-30 minutes every 3 days or so, again after checking weight of pot, check moisture in soil etc. They are getting a lot of growth and have taken off. I will flower 2 or 3 with a scrog when I flip, and keep vegging the other 2 for the next go around.

The 3 darkstar seeds, are now also in a growth mode and I am also considering a haircut soon to keep em squat and bushy. Cant tell just yet, but after a quick look last night with a magnafying glass they seem to all be showing female preflowers....Dont get me wrong thats great, but was really hoping for some pollen to learn with and get some seeds built up, as I am getting wayyyyy low :(

Strawberry cough, still TALL, but after losing my clones I am going to have lots of branches to snip for more cuts.

LA Conf and green ribbon seem to be coming around after all the pest stress and now I should be able to get them back to health and these will all be going back in the 4x4 veg area once I flip the others over. If nothing elsze Ill have some nice strains for mothers, sounds good anyway lmao!

Finished the CTU course this weekend and took my cert test, got a 90% on my first try woot! Its just a piece of paper, but I actually learned a few things and confirmed my learned stuff too.And I have lifetime access to learn more as they come up. Now I will be looking at some horticulture classes online and/or local to see if I can learn so deeper knowledge.

Clones, long story short.....made it 14 days, no roots showing and all withered. Going to try doing just a few using UB's method of jars and see what I can get. I WILL MASTER THIS PROCESS LOL

Well have a great week all, short week for the family and I and a long weekend in the mountains...cant wait to smelll the clean air





soaking some gifted beans to add since my cloning technique is as good as a dog with no legs :confused:

Soaking some rapid rooters for this go around, and will be using uncle Ben's technique of "jarring" each plant. I will only be taking a few this time to see how it works. Water has been ph'd, 5ml clonex, 5ml b1, bubbled for 24, rr's soaked for 24 then into rooters and placed in quart jars for humidity protection

Beans are feminized darkstar x royal kush (3 soaking) for 24 hr then going into my soil mix

Happy HUMPDAY........


I'm here creepin

Is that kryptonite the purp x space queen?
She's still my favorite strain I've ever grown


I'm here creepin

Is that kryptonite the purp x space queen?
She's still my favorite strain I've ever grown

Fell free to come on in, dont mind the dog hair on the couch and the beer is in the fridge :)

Yes, from what I was told they are purps x xspace queen. I picked them up from a local farmer, and man I am impressed with the growth. So far they are vigorous and hearty, cant wait to see what they do under my screen once I flip.


got the veg tent up and going again to move some ladies to "mommahood"

2x kryptonite
1x green crack
1x strawberry cough
1x LA conf

I may even drop the 330 and go 150 HPS if they, start to over grow too much. Every one got trimmed, showered, flushed, bug treated (yep, still seeing the mites......:face palm: :banghead::banghead::banghead: ) although not as bad, I didnt follow thru with the second treatment in time, so this time its on the calendar and I will be watching closer......dam life stuff. And after reading the rosemary isnt necessarily the best and can get mites, they are on the patio getting big and if anything I may extract some of the oil and use for a spray. And I can use the room :D

For the flower tent I did some rearranging, and picked a few healthy looking females. I went with my 4x4 F&DTW system centered long ways in the 4x8 tent. Installed my scroog screen and began training last night. Lots of tops already coming up, I figure a week or so training and then the switch. I am considering running both HPS and MH for flower, with MH for the first 7-10 days of stretch, then add the HPS 600. Everyone got a good flush yesterday for their first MIR session to see about bulking them up a bit more going into flower. Also will be making a EWC/Alfy tea for alternate feeds, then next two weeks to give them a strong start, we shall see.

I may play with a top drip set up, but they seam to have liked the flood from bottom the last 2 weeks. Other than that, same ol shat same day LOL. Taking the summer garden out slowly but surely and am considering some sort of Asian rock/flower garden to keep me busy next as money allows. Hell, fill it with sand and I got a Zen garden Hmmmmmmm. Sorry for some crappy pics, new phone and didnt catch em while cleaning them:banghead: I HATE learning a new phone/camera etc lol

Clones and seedlings you ask? DONT LOL, still fighting that battle....but have some time to learn more I guess on my veggers ladies.

karma love,


wow, looking at the screen now compared to 9 days ago is crazy....(pics up later) Going to let em fill in a day or 3 more I think then switch to 12/12, whats your opinion on screen fullness before flip? hmmmmm
Ladies have been getting MIR'd and feed since last flush and yellowing I had is now gone and my focus is on lower branching removal once canopy ready I guess...

vegging plants are doing well and have only received light feed, 24 hr 330 watt CMH, but they are filling in nicely

Had a busy few days, and now need to do some tent house cleaning, check res, etc. To ALL veteran farmers, and farmer's family, THANK YOU for my freedom! I remember everyday :) Ill get some pics up later after the quiet (LOL) day ;)


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