Medical Marijuana Will Kill Florida

  • Thread starter Prime C
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Prime C

Prime C

Defender of Dank
What a bs article! Keep on lying cause you only make it that much better!


Aw man that Ryan Pfeffer is an idiot.
See what happens when the deliberately ignorant are given a voice? They make fools of themselves. Hilarious article.
Yet very sad that fool believes what he wrote.


My favorite part was how he showed Florida has integrity. The 2000 election

I read 3 paragraphs from the dude and its obvious he just spews shit all day. Watch for him to have a fox news show


so evil and insidious that mere contact will be enough to turn toddlers into meth-crazed cannibals. HAHAHAHAH this is hilarious I can't believe this guy actually believes this stuff, crazy


lol , Had to goggle his name to see if has dumb as he sounds in this letter here's the link


Fear Not!
so evil and insidious that mere contact will be enough to turn toddlers into meth-crazed cannibals. HAHAHAHAH this is hilarious I can't believe this guy actually believes this stuff, crazy

he is kidding...i think
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I haven't read this, but I have an idea....hear me out
Send old folks to florida and then let the cannabis kill them off, it's cleaning the country and using the new surplus of cannabis that's abounding...lmao


"Tweaking marijuania addicts" lmao!!! This guy has no idea what he's talking about. This idiot probably thinks he 'll get high by being in the same room with it lol
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

marijuana will save florida.

Florida's my home state, I've been getting offers left and right to fly back and start consulting on converting large greenhouses and give general info about the this point in Florida I think there are more empty greenhouses out there than full ones - I've given the Farm Credit Bureau a call to ask their opinion on marijuana and they said they are seriously considering offering refinancing and new business loans for struggling nurserymen/women who wish to switch crops.


The author of this B/S Ryan Pfeffer can go fuck himself. He sure has no idea what he is spewing on about. The world has sooo many assholes but Fla. has more than it's fair share.


I wish I could take back the time I spent reading sewer gas that this guy spews. 'What about the children?!' Yeah, like Disney World is setting up a dispensary in the gift shop and use the aero system at Epcot to do it. While we're entertaining this image, might as well have Mickey and Goofy coming up to children specifically to hand them joints with Disney logos printed on them. Shit, they bought Star Wars, I'm sure they would buy Cheech and Chong too! Image that ride? You must be this 'high' to ride this ride!



Original Swamp Fam
marijuana will save florida.

Florida's my home state, I've been getting offers left and right to fly back and start consulting on converting large greenhouses and give general info about the this point in Florida I think there are more empty greenhouses out there than full ones - I've given the Farm Credit Bureau a call to ask their opinion on marijuana and they said they are seriously considering offering refinancing and new business loans for struggling nurserymen/women who wish to switch crops.
everyone and their mother is getting offers. funny thing is the ones with the money to move forward have no clue about mj except the money that can earned. gonna be a cluster fuck
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

everyone and their mother is getting offers. funny thing is the ones with the money to move forward have no clue about mj except the money that can earned. gonna be a cluster fuck

idk how true that is...Florida is one of the most agriculturally dense states in the country (my home town of apopka is dubbed the foilage capitol of the world) and most of those nurserymen are hurting pretty bad. You can't tell me people who have grown everything from lush amazonian exotics to perennials to dry-climate succulents aren't going to be able to grow a plant that will clone in plain water. Or that tissue culture labs aren't going to be brokering genetics and prepping up for national legalization so that they can ship plugs nationwide.

Florida is going to be the first state to completely sidestep the traditional way marijuana is grown - no more bullshit nutrients or indoor grows (probably still be a few) or retardedly priced specialized equipment...real growers with decades of experience in a huge variety of crops, backed by serious investors who are finding successful businesses, owners, lawyers, and administrators in med states. Florida is about to get blown open...standards are being set.

all that being said...I've seen a good bit of greenhouse weed out here in CO and it definitely looks better than the local shit I get in I think the "commercial weed game" is gonna be a good change of pace in terms of quality down there. I'm really hoping personal grows are allowed in Fl, I know I wouldn't move back unless I could get something started.


Might go back to Florida if that's the case.... lol
Seriously so florida is the shit best beaches I've seen kill Cali beaches but he humidity :( if nevada legalizes I'd be ghost before the ink dried always wanted to live in vegas( summerlin )would be nice but ft lauderdale isn't bad either.


Original Swamp Fam
I dont see florida side stepping indoor cultivation one bit. I agree it could benefit a lot of the struggling greenhouses but knock out indoors. never. Ive been in this state all my life. all over from Keywest to jax. grown in very part of it. indoors and out. and trust me right about now offers are flying everywhere. still no clue how its gonna be till down the road and regulations are in place. Ive had 3 6 figure offers in the last 2 months. and ive heard of countless other stories behind the scenes. so many people are gonna try and jump into this. its gonna be a cluster fuck and if any state and make a mess of it its florida.

ps. the commersh around florida can be crap. a lot of it in miami is picked way to early. but in the right circles its always been kill. and again Ive had it all over the state. when the cultivation centers are up and running the quality wont get much better imo. to many jumping into the game that know nothing about this plant. its all money to them and when the bottom line says pull it now so I can get another run in it doesnt matter who your lead grower is. to many investors looking at bottom line not in it for the passion and quality. just my opinion.

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