Flushing is a bad practice based on flawed science.

  • Thread starter YarraSparra
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He's right, I have been booted from every site there is! Yet I am the most successful grower u will meet. I belong to a community of medical growers of over 20 people. I come on line to see all the bullshit. The ones who truly know me, will tell u I will give u the shirt off my back and that I am too nice. I sell my oz. at $125-$180, so I am the cheapest guy around.

I am successful, u may not like me, but I am a good grower, my strains: Girl Scout Cookie(From clone and seed), Agent Orange, Cenex, Pineapple Express, Pure Kush, Querkle, Qrazy Train(Seed). Yep I know my shit! I am a 44 year old ex Framer(Houses) I am studying Horticulture at the local Community College, when I get my AA(Sustainable Landscape Design) I will enroll at the UW for a Botany degree. I live off my wife who is a VP at a large insurance company, her best friends are lawyers! I love my life.

Legal Marijuana, and the state of Washington Liquor Control Board is buying my Strains!!!

What's ur call to fame?

I have several, so would you if you wern't so silly. I have to ask if your being sincere or just kidding around, do you really sell the public what your growing in there? HUH? You need to grow up, and start giving the job your doing some respect, and the people that smoke your pot would not be impressed by what you have going on there.

Since i've delt with a thousand with your style in ly time, let me say for the record, you claim 'i don't like you' thats silly to the 9's i don't give a fuck about you, its this site i give a shit about stop being a TURD in the punch bowl.....

I consult on the largest legal grow in Colorado, Green Solutions is currently the largest patient and plant count holder in the state of Colorado. We as a group cull down 25# dried daily, Win Cups and help everyone we can to build this into a future we all can be proud of, and yours is a shitty little 5 light grow thats messy, NICE!


He's right, I have been booted from every site there is! Yet I am the most successful grower u will meet. I belong to a community of medical growers of over 20 people. I come on line to see all the bullshit. The ones who truly know me, will tell u I will give u the shirt off my back and that I am too nice. I sell my oz. at $125-$180, so I am the cheapest guy around.

I am successful, u may not like me, but I am a good grower, my strains: Girl Scout Cookie(From clone and seed), Agent Orange, Cenex, Pineapple Express, Pure Kush, Querkle, Qrazy Train(Seed). Yep I know my shit! I am a 44 year old ex Framer(Houses) I am studying Horticulture at the local Community College, when I get my AA(Sustainable Landscape Design) I will enroll at the UW for a Botany degree. I live off my wife who is a VP at a large insurance company, her best friends are lawyers! I love my life.

Legal Marijuana, and the state of Washington Liquor Control Board is buying my Strains!!!

What's ur call to fame?
Take the cock measuring somewhere else man. This thread is about flushing. Holy fuckin shit....MGG


Somebody like u might like Bud Candy, I use Sensizyme! Anyone know why? Sensizyme turns bad stuff into usable food, another form of flushing and keeping the salts out! Dam,n I'm good!

I am avg. 8-15ozs. per plant in 7 gallon pots!

Sorry, but I don't use Bud Candy. Too expensive. Sweet works fine at a fraction of the cost. If I was real ambitious I would go like Sea Maiden and make my own molasses mixture.


I am defending my original post, with proof of my ability. I am married, so I do care who's dick is bigger, my wife says mine is. That's all I need. Honestly, isn't a troll someone who insults others and try's to get them pissed. Well it didn't work, I believe FLUSHING is crucial, and our patients deserve the benefit!

OK so your wife says yours is...then fuckin DROP IT ALREADY. And by IT, I mean the attitude. You admit to growing for a measley 3 years...fuck man you're still wet behind the ears.

I will agree that using plain water is best for the last few times they need moisture...but that's about all I would agree with you on at this point.

As far as the sweeteners, if you look at the label most are just Mollasses with BS to add flavor, IE grape, orange etc, and a heftier price tag. IMO if your herb doesn't have the flavor you want from the genetics and your TLC during the grow those "flavors" aint gonna mean shit. And if youre using it at flush those extras should be of concern. MGG


Wow, I live in Seattle, so I use rain water. Ph 7.2 and PPM 30-50. When u water, I am soil(Happy Frog), do u allow the water to flow through the pot? I don't, I know exactly how much water goes in each pot for each strain. Sense I have multiple strains and alternating flower schedule, that's why I showed u the calendar, every watering is special depending on strain. So salts and other shit piles up in the soil, I speak about soil! In vegg I water with plain water every other water, u just don't need all the nutes, it lived in the wild without it!

So we have to understand, we are already pushing the plant to the limit, I go 24hours of light during vegg, I vegg on avg. 2-4 months.

During flower,
Stage 1=800-1000ppms Ph 5.8
Stage 2=1300+

Depending on strain, Querkle 7 weeks and done, Purple Haze 10 weeks, I will run straight water or use just sensizyme! I am very popular in my area, even my neighbors love it!

And just so ya know...Happy Frog isn't soil, genius. MGG


Wow, I live in Seattle, so I use rain water. Ph 7.2 and PPM 30-50. When u water, I am soil(Happy Frog), do u allow the water to flow through the pot? I don't, I know exactly how much water goes in each pot for each strain. Sense I have multiple strains and alternating flower schedule, that's why I showed u the calendar, every watering is special depending on strain. So salts and other shit piles up in the soil, I speak about soil! In vegg I water with plain water every other water, u just don't need all the nutes, it lived in the wild without it!

So we have to understand, we are already pushing the plant to the limit, I go 24hours of light during vegg, I vegg on avg. 2-4 months.

During flower,
Stage 1=800-1000ppms Ph 5.8
Stage 2=1300+

Depending on strain, Querkle 7 weeks and done, Purple Haze 10 weeks, I will run straight water or use just sensizyme! I am very popular in my area, even my neighbors love it!

Wow, it's like watching a stand up comedian infront of a laughing audience, beaming with pride at the greatness of his jokes ~ But the audience is laughing at the fact that he forgot to wear pants!


Riiiiiiight...SOILLESS MEDIUM. You just proved its never good to come in as a knowitall smartass then spout out some stupid shit. Go crawl back under your rock and take your Happy Frog 'soil' with ya. :D MGG


Riiiiiiight...SOILLESS MEDIUM. You just proved its never good to come in as a knowitall smartass then spout out some stupid shit. Go crawl back under your rock and take your Happy Frog 'soil' with ya. :D MGG
Don't make him go,..... He's making me laugh a lot!!!!

here are a few great one liners,.....i vege for 2-4 months and get back less than 1/2# !!!!

I am so good i use AN products and,............!!!

Happy Frog is what i use for my soil grow,...........!!!


Premium Gardener
And just so ya know...Happy Frog isn't soil, genius. MGG

Since when is happy frog not soil? It says 'potting soil' right on the front of the package.


775038 20130425062020 fox farm happy frog potting soil


Since when is happy frog not soil? It says 'potting soil' right on the front of the package.


View attachment 428308
And lots of shit says "organic" on it but its not truly organic. FF can put "potting soil" on the label...I think most know that real "soil" has elements of sand clay etc., not just be a mixture of peat, some mycho's, castings and perlite. Nothing against Happy Frog....I've used it myself.....but it isn't "soil".


FF also lists OF as a soil, but its no more a true "soil" than fuckin Pro-mix is. MGG


Premium Gardener
And lots of shit says "organic" on it but its not truly organic. FF can put "potting soil" on the label...I think most know that real "soil" has elements of sand clay etc., not just be a mixture of peat, some mycho's, castings and perlite. Nothing against Happy Frog....I've used it myself.....but it isn't "soil".

I've never heard that sand or clay are what separates a soil medium from a soilless medium. Did a little searching and was not able to corroborate that either.



Definition of soil... Yes i stole it from wiki but im sure dictionary.com says the same thing so here :P

Soil is the mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids and a myriad of organisms that can support plant life. It is a natural body that exists as part of the pedosphere and it performs four important functions: it is a medium for plant growth; it is a means of water storage, supply and purification; it is a modifier of the atmosphere; and it is a habitat for organisms that take part in decomposition and creation of a habitat for other organisms.

Now ya'll can stop arguing about what constitutes soil and get back to flaming the troll :P

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