russet mites

  • Thread starter caregiverken
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The relentlessness of the russet mite is what is sad. And the stories of Indians touching crops because of them. It's great seeing ken and sun take it to em


Fear Not!
Just got some data that white flies are broad/Russet mite carriers, meaning they hitch rides on white flies, Its all about preventive and changing it up on these batards.
Thanks Again!
I have seen pictures of the broads riding on a house fly :wtf:
dont want to see it again!

I sprayed the Met 52 this morning...It's says it controls whiteflies also.
Weird stuff though! :confused:
It does not want to mix or stay mixed..Im going to try the silica spreader next time
I recall Met52 ec contains oils and was not to be used with a sticker spreader. But do not take my work for it. Please check the instructions to be safe.
I cant find anything about it either way
Im going to have to call them
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I have done 2 applications of the Nuke Em. Fingers crossed. Also took some pics of the damaged plants and am working on resizing them. Will post them soon. Also read on the Nuke Em web site that you should wash off other treatments before spraying the Nuke Em. I didn't do that on the nursery plants. Hope I don't have a problem because of it.

From their site:

"Flying Skull realizes that many growers literally face total crop failure because the products on the market are not getting the job done. Nuke em users have been writing us saying that they have rinsed prior insecticides off their plants with water, let them dry, then sprayed Nuke em onto one plant. The growers then waited 24 to 48 hours to look for any toxicity issues. If everything looked good, they sprayed the rest of the plants. The majority of growers said they experienced no acute toxicity issues if they rinsed the plants leaves and stems with water, let the leaves dry, then applied Nuke em.

If at all possible, Flying Skull recommends not spraying Nuke em over top of Pyrethrins or Sulfur to avoid any toxicity issues for inexperienced growers."
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I have done 2 applications of the Nuke Em. Fingers crossed. Also took some pics of the damaged plants and am working on resizing them. Will post them soon. Also read on the Nuke Em web site that you should wash off other treatments before spraying the Nuke Em. From their site:

"Flying Skull realizes that many growers literally face total crop failure because the products on the market are not getting the job done. Nuke em users have been writing us saying that they have rinsed prior insecticides off their plants with water, let them dry, then sprayed Nuke em onto one plant. The growers then waited 24 to 48 hours to look for any toxicity issues. If everything looked good, they sprayed the rest of the plants. The majority of growers said they experienced no acute toxicity issues if they rinsed the plants leaves and stems with water, let the leaves dry, then applied Nuke em.

If at all possible, Flying Skull recommends not spraying Nuke em over top of Pyrethrins or Sulfur to avoid any toxicity issues for inexperienced growers."
That is good info. I had a lot of leaves turn yellow/burn after spraying met52 and this could be why. I am not concerned with dying fan leaves all that much, more esthetics than anything, but I will remember this for the future!


Fear Not!
Have you considered giving some breaks between sprays ken? With all these dif products its my feeling a few water only days would help keep the ladies looking more healthy.not that they look bad now, but all these oils and such can actually suffocate them to a degree.just thinking out loud bro, they have been through alot these last few weeks lol.when I have had to use azamax I always gave 5 to 7 days between apps and it did its job on
Sp mites.i know these are different, so just thinking out loud.peace
Morning brother..yeah, a matter of fact I didnt spray anything this morning..I needed a break
But i did some pruning instead. :)
I have been giving them breaks in between sprays and washing them in between also.
Let me find and up date what and when i have sprayed so far ;)

Edit; opps, :p yeah, the breaks were the caps bennies and sea
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Fear Not!
Here is a recap and update on my treatments for russets

morning july 29th,(day 1) I sprayed Aspirin (325mg per gal.) and SM90(couple cap fulls per 4gal bucket)
Then, that evening I sprayed Azamax (1.2ml per gal) and soil drenched with it and 325mg per gal aspirin too.
The plants looked better the next day! :) so we took a break.

Then, I waited till aug.1st (day 4) and I sprayed azamax and sm90 early in the morning.(it was cloudy)

On aug. 2nd, I sprayed with Caps Biowar foliar and seagreen.

On the 3rd, I suited up in tyvek, wore goggles, gloves and a respirator, Then,
I sprayed Avid and SM90

On the 4th (Day 7) I sprayed Biowar foliar and Seagreen again because they seem to like that..and they were all growing new leaves! :)

I rested on the 5th :)
Then, in the morning, aug. 6th, day 9
I sprayed Both, Avid(1.2ml per gal) and Forbidf4((1.2ml per gal) and a few caps of sm90 all at the same time.
24 hours later,
the next morning (day 10) i rinsed them off real good, and then used the Met52 ec. That stuff is strange and im not sure if I even did that well..
shit wouldn't stay mixed, i had to keep mixing it. (need to try again later)

So, then, yesterday,Aug. 8th (day11) I sprayed the Flying skull Nuke em.
day 12...I pruned some innards :)


Morning brother..yeah, a matter of fact I didnt spray anything this morning..I needed a break
But i did some pruning instead. :)
I have been giving them breaks in between sprays and washing them in between also.
Let me find and up date what and when i have sprayed so far ;)

Edit; opps, :p yeah, the breaks were the caps bennies and sea
I ended up only spraying met52 the two times last week. I planned on soil drenching it but before I did I scoped, and scoped, and scoped again and could not find any mites at all so I didn't drench it. It was too costly to use if the inoculation from the spray worked.

I am still scoping daily but I will say 99.9% sure they are all gone. I can not even find eggs now.

I am going to keep scoping daily but I do think those two sprays a couple days apart took care of them. I did spray takedown right before the met but I was already regularly spraying takedown and I think they were immune to it. I am sure the met is what solved the problem for me.
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Fear Not!
they are all still improving and growing again :)
Here is the Trooper Sour Strawberry Kush


Fear Not!
Glad to hear it @SunGrown ! :)

I should look under the scope again..
.but Im going to keep on spaying either, I figure ..why bother?:p that just me....

The Met works on contact if you put it in the soil it only kills bugs in the soil..right?


Fear Not!
Now that i look back and read what i have done in the last 10 days..
Yeah,,,I did go kinda crazy..:D


Glad to hear it @SunGrown ! :)

I should look under the scope again..
.but Im going to keep on spaying either, I figure ..why bother?:p that just me....

The Met works on contact if you put it in the soil it only kills bugs in the soil..right?
I was under the impression that in the soil it inoculates the plant, just slower than the leaf contact will...I have been reading non stop any article and study on any mite and mite treatment I can find so I could likely be confused on that...:shifty:

Either way, it worked!


I ended up only spraying met52 the two times last week. I planned on soil drenching it but before I did I scoped, and scoped, and scoped again and could not find any mites at all so I didn't drench it. It was too costly to use if the inoculation from the spray worked.

I am still scoping daily but I will say 99.9% sure they are all gone. I can not even find eggs now.

I am going to keep scoping daily but I do think those two sprays a couple days apart took care of them. I did spray takedown right before the met but I was already regularly spraying takedown and I think they were immune to it. I am sure the met is what solved the problem for me.

That's encouraging! So far, I have done 2 treatments of the Nuke Em. Just got in from morning inspections. I wish I could say my results are as good as yours with the Met52. I scoped several samples and saw quite a bit of activity still. I know the samples were hit twice as I noted the areas and am positive they were drenched so it can't be that the samples were simply missed. At $140 per gallon, I don't think this will be a keeper in my arsenal. The site says you should do 3 applications in close succession but you should see improvement immediately. In their defense however, I saw nothing on the site nor in the reviews that listed it as treatment for russets. Most of the info is on spider mites and broad mites. I will use up the rest of this gallon for a third treatment and then will start using the Ogbiowar.

I did see my minute pirate bugs still eating the russets. No way they can survive being eaten! Just need a LOT more to get control. Was glad to see that the Nuke Em did not kill the pirates at least.


That's encouraging! So far, I have done 2 treatments of the Nuke Em. Just got in from morning inspections. I wish I could say my results are as good as yours with the Met52. I scoped several samples and saw quite a bit of activity still. I know the samples were hit twice as I noted the areas and am positive they were drenched so it can't be that the samples were simply missed. At $140 per gallon, I don't think this will be a keeper in my arsenal. The site says you should do 3 applications in close succession but you should see improvement immediately. In their defense however, I saw nothing on the site nor in the reviews that listed it as treatment for russets. Most of the info is on spider mites and broad mites. I will use up the rest of this gallon for a third treatment and then will start using the Ogbiowar.

I did see my minute pirate bugs still eating the russets. No way they can survive being eaten! Just need a LOT more to get control. Was glad to see that the Nuke Em did not kill the pirates at least.
Good report. I would say don't count it out yet, it is highly recommended by knowledgeable folks out there. But yes, not advertised as a russet killer...they are little soft bodied things, so I would assume it will work though.

As for the met, it isn't indicated for russets either, so I am super stoked about it working out with such a small amount. I literally used maybe 3 liquid ounces total of the product..maybe as much as 4.


Fear Not!
@CannaCrone ;Bummer man!:(
Did you use the Nuke em at the highest strength?
I used 3 cups of it in 4 gals of water and did that twice.
I probably should have sprayed it again this morning..but

I do have some systemics still working for me.

Almost all of my plants are still praying and drinking lots of water
And getting new leaves and buds :)
wanna see? :woot:


Fear Not!
i will leave them as thumb nails in case some of you dont wanna see em ;)

Sour Fruity Pebbles OG :) by Ali G.
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