Ebola just "possibly" landed in Los Angeles.

  • Thread starter ShroomKing
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for some reason I kinda doubt its that easy to beat so far more than 90% those effected die and that's with great improvements in clinical support and iv therapy
It kinda is, thats the issue. Yet its not soo black and white. One needs to be constantly monitered as overdosing on vitamin c is what one will be tetering on in order to and will definently show symptoms, do some research cause if shit hits the fan and hospitals become disease havens or overcrowded some WILL be shit out of luck, plan Z!


Maybe not a hoax but
Check this out, its from Sept.
GlaxoSmithKline - Spontaneous Vaccine Development a scientific impossibility

-Near undeniable proof that this was all scripted, or orchestrated.
-The United States government now owns the patent on Ebola
-Anyone infected with Ebola now deemed to be carrying "government property" in the form of a patented virus

This brings us to the quarantine issue. As the whole world knows by now, the entire nation of Sierra Leone is now under a state of medical martial law, where Ebola victims are now being hunted down like fugitives in door-to-door manhunts. [4]

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046946_Ebola_outbreak_vaccines_patents.html#ixzz3FztZ5PnO
Simultaneously, the United States government is now operating under Obama's executive order #13674, signed on July 31, 2014, which allows the U.S. federal government to arrest and quarantine any person who shows symptoms of infectious disease. [5]

This executive order allows federal agents to forcibly arrest and quarantine anyone showing symptoms of:

...Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled.

Now this is starting to line up. I dont think the US is far off from Medical Marial Law. Theyve been planning for this. The signs have been there for atleast a year now. Blatantly obvious, I have only been asking the question why and how. What major event will trigger this, and here we have it.. Like a beacon on a mountain. Its painfully obvious now.
Ive honestly steered clear and ignored the new for the passed year now. Refusing to be swayed one way or another, refusing to be terrorized by fox new etc.. But I think we all know what has been around the corner, and its apparently not far off now. Shits about to get real.. Real bad.
Maybe I am, but it stems from frustration. I seem to find a higher representation of irrational opinions here than elsehwere. Cooperation rarely happens within a single government, let alone on an international scale involving scientists who have dedicated their lives to helping people. It makes me feel like this > :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
care to share any solutions or models that appear to be moving in the right direction? Denmark or UK seem to be a decent place to live.....not a solution just somewhere to look for me personally I would take my family there if we had to leave the states


It kinda is, thats the issue. Yet its not soo black and white. One needs to be constantly monitered as overdosing on vitamin c is what one will be tetering on in order to and will definently show symptoms, do some research cause if shit hits the fan and hospitals become disease havens or overcrowded some WILL be shit out of luck, plan Z!
Extra vit D and K couldn't hurt

And hospitals and public schools are pretty bad already.....


i agree ebola is real. the only real cure right now is to isolate everyone that has come in contact with the infected until the diesease burns its self out. half the people that come into contact with an infected person may very well die and half will live. once your body fights off ebola you can become infected for another 10-15 years as the antibodies remain in your system for about that long.

I Like it^^^^ A man with rational thought ;) You do mean you "Can't" become infected, because you build immunity that lasts 10 - 15 yrs. correct???

The simple answer to the "Big" debate is stop the possible migration of A disease / plague that originated in Africa, is still basically exclusive to Africa and can not spread without A human host as A carrier.

Whining about limiting travel to & from Africa is going to cause "More Outbreak" is "Total Bullshit" The W.H.O. can easily provide planes for Medical Staff / Humanitarian Aid and the military has troop transport covered. Civilian travel in & out of Africa should be limited until the outbreak is deemed contained. What other issue is there?

The fact is the government vaccination conspiracy theory doesn't hold water based on the shear numbers of people that have been vaccinated vs. those that have not and the reported number of adverse reactions / death / ZombieItis / Autism whatever...

Take A personal sample of self, family friends, recitatives... How many of "YOU' can truthfully say you know more people that have suffered "Any" reaction to A vaccination???? besides all the hearsay and horror stories that move from one person to another faster than the virus / disease itself?

Personally I can say I know far more people,... family, friends, recitatives included that have been vaccinated without issue and not A "Single One" that claims debilitating problems that I have ever meet in my entire lifetime that claims it is derived from vaccination...

Numbers don't lie, No drug, vaccination or surgery for that mater is ever 100% so keep an open mind & take A good look @ the "Big Picture" is what I always say...;)
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Did you know ebola is a modified version of scurvey, and it wasent modified by natural selection...


No... Never heard anything of the sort, Scurvy is a disease resulting from a deficiency of vitamin C... source of info?

The dominate story I hear is usually always similar to the following...

Origin of the disease

The first reported case of the deadly virus came in 1976 and it is named after the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo which was where it was discovered. At the time, the area where the disease was spotted was officially recognized as Zaire. The virus has since spread throughout the region.

Non-human primates, like gorillas and chimpanzees, have been cited by the World Health Organization as possible infection sources for humans, but experts have realized that they are not the source of the problem. The apes have been deemed “accidental hosts,” meaning that they catch the disease and then pass it along but are not the initial “reservoir” source that produces the virus.

There are five different strains of the disease, four of which can spread to humans while the fifth only affects primates.

Fruit Bats Are a Dangerous Delicacy in the Region

Fruit bats, which are hunted for food in parts of Africa, are considered to be likely and stealthy carriers of the virus without exhibiting any tell-tale symptoms. While cooking the bats would kill the virus, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization is urging people to avoid the bats altogether because handling the animal in food preparation could put them in contact with the virus.

"The virus is killed when meat is cooked at a high temperature or heavily smoked, but anyone who handles, skins or butchers an infected wild animal is at risk of contracting the virus," said the FAO's chief veterinary officer Juan Lubroth.

The animal is widely viewed as a local delicacy and served either dried or in a soup.


Then their is the other side of the story like the following that is A good read that still goes hand in hand with the version above... for any virus you need A carrier but I haven't ever seen any conclusive proof that the Ebola virus itself was totally engineered by humans as A weapon or otherwise... Usually their are visual tel tale signs of gene manipulation or genetic splicing that wouldn't occur naturally...



. Cooperation rarely happens within a single government, let alone on an international scale involving scientists who have dedicated their lives to helping people. It makes me feel like this > :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Paranoia is interesting to me too. Perhaps people are weary of, and project this type of collusion because it's precisely this cooperation between government and science (in the pinnacle of "civilized society") which led to the holocaust. People are scared, and if not scared they just don't want to be fooled again. Look at the lengths to which Israel has gone to protect themselves from even the perceived threat of another holocaust, for an example of the point of view born out of that madness. I think it's an indicator of one's individual experience in relation to his/her ethnic history, that some folks automatically assert (or deny) the villain behind the curtain.

I'm not claiming that Ebola is a weopan. It's a virus, and a potentially catastrophic one. Beyond that I'm far too uneducated and uniformed to say anything.

I suppose I subscribe to the Robert Anton Wilson school of entertaining every possible idea and accepting only the experiences which I have witnessed and can explain for myself. In other words I enjoy entertaining conspiracy theory as a type of meditation or mental flexibility test. But I've never lost a wink of sleep or feared any of this.

To me, to deny the possibility of a weopanized virus is as naiive as assuming every vaccine is a weopan. While I do chuckle when others assert these conspiracies as realities, I entertain these ideas because it's interesting to me, and because the possibility of overt population control -beyond the conventional industrial military reality- is an idea I just can't seem to fully deny.

Anyone catch Minister Farrakhan espousing his theory that white folks created Ebola to kill black folks?


A few people said the same about AIDS, that it was a lab created disease designed to destroy the black race (others said gay men). First ever case of AIDS was early 1900s. But the epidemic was in the 70/80s right? I remember reading someplace that it could be that polio vaccine they cooked up with all the ground up baboon or chimp kidneys was the vector for the HIV/AIDS spreading so virulently through Africa (mushrooming outward from Christian ministry sites).

Paranoia led to accusations of genocide- but it seems more likely a medical oversight of critical magnitude which led to the AIDS epidemic as we know it. No one wants to own up to the accident so conspiracies were born.

Because of this and the small pox infected blankets of American history- there will always be people who believe there is a villain behind every natural event. Some folks will always believe diseases happen because white people hate black people, and harsh tropical storms happen because white scientists hate black and brown farmers.

But America did drop agent orange and does drop depleted uranium into countries we battle(d), disrupting and altering DNA processes for generations. Government/Science/Corporate collusion is very real. Is it responsible for Ebola? Probably not. None of us know.


well as long as the weed hating greys don't hybridize it to a tmv and destroy my weed crops ill deal with it like anything else best I canwith the brain I was blessed with
to me right now common sense says to have a lil food and essentials stocked up
and hell it makes me feel safer and eases my anxiety a tiny bit well worth it
it like havin plenty a weed in the freezer
ya may not smoke it for a long time or ya might just give it away
but its still good to have a couple shelves a weed froze just in case
im not gonna be driving around blasting ebola crazed zombies
all foamin at the mouth with blood smearing filthy shit everywhere
if I don't have a fat ass joint on hand constant and one for all my people with me
maybe my hyper active immune system n mega maxed out colo thc level of total complete saturation will
help me resist
still not too early to wear a mask in public in scribble up a
fuck you ebola t shirt or maybe hoodie
shit scares the be jeebus a out a me
now im gonna go get super ass stoned and smoke a snap for each person
who feels Im being irrational

what is the parable of the grasshopper n the ant
well Ill still feed ya funny ass hoppers no worries
im just getting extra can goods n insulin in shit I cant live without for now
I do need some ammo but im poor


Fear Not!
Our government and our "leaders" are as evil as they come
and if you don't believe that, they have you fooled

Personally I believe the problem is not over population, but mismanagement of land and resources.
I Agree and
I cant stand it when, I see folks saying the world has too many people.:rolleyes:
They really mean, people should die..they want people to die. :(They think people need to die.
So, I say to those people, If you think the world is over populated,..Do us all a favor then, and off yourself..:finger:

But aparently some folks think they have more of a right to this planet than others do.
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where is God with all this happenin anyway does he even care anymore if all our kids have ebola by Christmas and I cant even afford ammo to scavenge jackrabbits as civilization falls? well if he don't give a shit why should we better yet if you don't give a shit why should he and if Im panicking hope God notices and gets upset too ya know. idk maybe you are mostly atheists but I believe in God. Lets all pray for ebola to go away and for God to not be angry. geeh maybe kill your best goats tomorrow n say sorry God for all the.....well Ill guess ya will all assume public forum would be inappropriate for my confession to god on many levels anyways.


I wanna live as much or more than your gerbil so I eat him when I get hungry am I bad or just wiser about using resources to my advantage than that gerbil was ....


Fear Not!
God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
- New American Standard Version


yep rump roast at kolahs for xmas Ill match if the dogs can come

Ezekiel 25/17
"and you will know my name is the LORD when I lay my vengeance apon thee"


Fear Not!
It will be ebolicious!

Seriously though...I often wonder why most humans fear "death?"

ebolicious! :woot:

I aint scared ;)

"I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us."


I fear judgment and persecution in the afterlife by God and the other Gods up there or whatever and I don't want everyone standing around messing with my junk when im dead honestly
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