Ommp Parents

  • Thread starter Kaskadian
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Hey everyone,

I wanted to hear from anyone who has feedback on this subject. As of this morning, I just found out that my wife is pregnant. This will be our first child, and I'm quite excited (and concerned).

I'm concerned about growing with an infant in the house. The safety isn't really a worry since the grow would be inaccessible by the child, and we grow strictly organic so the idea of the child getting it's hands on chemicals isn't going to be a problem. We wouldn't be flowering in the baby's room, drying, doing dabs, etc. I'm more concerned with receiving a knock on the door and having someone come and take our child away because we choose to grew our own medicine instead of paying absurd prices at a dispensary.

I'm thinking about a few options. The most obvious choice is to either dedicate an entire room to growing & have it (literally) under lock & key. The other option would be to stick to micro growing and keep the cabinet under lock & key. I may have to avoid outdoor growing (since having an outdoor plant that my child can see makes me worse than Hitler in the eyes of the government), or consider a greenhouse.

I did a search on the OMMP website, and this is all I could find.

"If I have a card, will that mean that Child Services cannot take my kids away?

It depends. Recently, the Oregon courts determined that Marijuana use does not automatically mean bad parenting. However, you must make sure that you present the best possible case, should Child Services ever choose to intervene. Keep your Medical Marijuana under lock and key, whether it be the plants in your yard, or your brownies. Make sure that your children understand that this is your medicine, not to be touched or shared with anyone else. Maintain order in your house and keep a low profile. Having your kids run about the neighborhood babbling about “Mommy's medicine” is attention that you probably do not need. Discretion is the key word. As long as the negative stereotypes regarding Marijuana continue to direct public policy, patients must accept that certain behaviors will not be treated fairly."

Is there anyone out there in a similar situation?


Yes sir dealing with the same thing here in cali. About 5 yrs ago at my previous resedence, social services showed up saying i had guns, that were being flaunted, and that everyone was high on cocaine at my house. Not a single thing about cannabis. At the time i had a couple hundred square feet of OD plants in my back yard all monsters that were planted in april all 10 12 ft sativas about 10 of um and a few shorter gals in pots. So they showed up at 10p.m. and didnt see a thing cause it was pitch black in my yard.

So i showed her my rec and told her my herb was under lock and key showed her the safe, said she would be back to check on things in a couple days when it was day light. I built a fence literally over night cause i was shitting bricks. Not to mention she brought the cops with her the first time.

oh also just clarify , there was no illegal activity at my house and all i had was a bee bee gun.

So i buikt the fence locked it up and when they returned she didnt even go to the back yard that was fenced in, walked right by my stinky garden and didnt notice it. boy was i lucky and happy about that.

So the wife and i had to piss test to make sure there was no other drugs in our system, in order for our case to be closed. So we did and havent heard from them since, although we have moved from there many years ago i hope to never have to deal with them again.

So in conclusion, this still keeps me up at night, not the herb particularly , but the growing. I never did get the official ok from them cause i went about it as dont ask dont tell. Since that season i only grow indoors now not just fear but i also had rippers hit me that season, which lead me to suspect the culprits of the call in the first place to be them. Anyway i keep my shit locked up and keep an extremely low prifile around my house. Witha a nice veggie garden so people dont get curious.




Thanks for sharing your experience brother! Herb is part of my life and maybe it's selfish to say, but I have NO plans of giving it up. I think it's absurd that I can keep alcohol in the house (something that kills 10's of thousands every year), but I could have my child taken from me because of a non-toxic/non-addictive plant.

I guess the moral of the story is do everything under lock and key and keep it to myself. I already keep it to myself, but I guess I can't risk anyone else peeking over my fence and seeing that I have plants back there.

Back to the growing cabinets.



Living dead girl
I just had this discussion with someone the other day. They felt that, because "we're" (the collective 'we' in terms of all medical growers) in compliance with state law we're ok. Such is not the case. The feds basically offer local munis incentives to remove children from homes, and interestingly enough, in California those hardest hit reside in the poorest counties that also happen to be where the most weed is grown and the least city-type crime occurs. Thus, those local CPS offices have LOTS of incentive to remove children from homes, it has happened and continues to happen. I posted an article about it a year or two ago. I think it's playing with fire to be too casual about growing with kids of your own. The worst that can happen to me with the grandkids is someone tells parents to be more careful, but they don't reside with us and so no one can remove them from our care.
So the wife and i had to piss test to make sure there was no other drugs in our system, in order for our case to be closed. So we did and havent heard from them since, although we have moved from there many years ago i hope to never have to deal with them again.
WTF? No wrongdoing found, but you still had to fucking submit???


Sea is right,why submit to piss tests based on secondhand hearsay?thats rediculous,they have no evidence.You need to see a lawyer so your better prepared in the future.Having said that i know about growing and kids although i havent had that issue for many years now,We all would do anything when scared about our kids welfare and CPS knows this and uses it against you,best to see that lawyer and know your rights beforehand but they will do as they please anyways so down low(indoor) and 100% legal numbers at the very least.


another point id like to make is that l.e.o.s know they can apply.more.leverage to parents.... ive had personal experiance with this, & it is a determining factor when im choosing a person to do business with....


I just had this discussion with someone the other day. They felt that, because "we're" (the collective 'we' in terms of all medical growers) in compliance with state law we're ok. Such is not the case. The feds basically offer local munis incentives to remove children from homes, and interestingly enough, in California those hardest hit reside in the poorest counties that also happen to be where the most weed is grown and the least city-type crime occurs. Thus, those local CPS offices have LOTS of incentive to remove children from homes, it has happened and continues to happen. I posted an article about it a year or two ago. I think it's playing with fire to be too casual about growing with kids of your own. The worst that can happen to me with the grandkids is someone tells parents to be more careful, but they don't reside with us and so no one can remove them from our care.

WTF? No wrongdoing found, but you still had to fucking submit???
Ya they said that since the sddress had been visited before from a different resident by cps, they had to follow threw, with the full treatment, i was quite ignorant when it happen and complied, we dont do anything but smoke herb, well me my wife is sober as a judge, so i said i dont care i know im clean, then when i went to piss dude was gay, and had to stare at my penis while pissing, to make sure it was real, which didnt make it any easier, not the gay part just the uncomfortable staring.

Ya i was harrased and could do very little about it it really sucked.
Sea is right,why submit to piss tests based on secondhand hearsay?thats rediculous,they have no evidence.You need to see a lawyer so your better prepared in the future.Having said that i know about growing and kids although i havent had that issue for many years now,We all would do anything when scared about our kids welfare and CPS knows this and uses it against you,best to see that lawyer and know your rights beforehand but they will do as they please anyways so down low(indoor) and 100% legal numbers at the very least.

I pissed cause i really just wanted them to go away and she sid if i do this and its good case is closed and i wont see her again.
Said that if someone calked again i could file harrasment charges and be left alone so i jumped on board and hope to never see them again.

Thats why i said many times this lifestyle isnt for everyone, and especially people in my situation. Funny cause after this happened is when i dissappear ed from the farm, and just got the nerve up last year to come back, and start posting.

like @fishwhistle said stay in your numbers follow guide lines and hope for the best, also i suggest keeping scales and pre weighed stuff out of the house.

Also another thing thats gonna be coming up soon is the talk with my daughter, she is very intelligent in GATE class and i know i can trust her. She is going on 9 yrs. Old and quite frankly i feel i need to have a talk with her. What im afraid of and have heard time and time again is her using it for ransom, at this age i put her above that, but once puverty hits well we all know how girls get in preteens with there want and needs.

Any advice from my women veterans.
sea what you think?

Happy farminy'all;)


Living dead girl
lso another thing thats gonna be coming up soon is the talk with my daughter, she is very intelligent in GATE class and i know i can trust her. She is going on 9 yrs. Old and quite frankly i feel i need to have a talk with her. What im afraid of and have heard time and time again is her using it for ransom, at this age i put her above that, but once puverty hits well we all know how girls get in preteens with there want and needs.

Any advice from my women veterans.
sea what you think?
I've been educating my granddaughter from the beginning, including about sex, which makes it all much easier to talk about. I personally think it's better to start ASAP. But here she is, 9yo with her wits about her, yes? I think it's time you start talking to her more like an adult, assuming she's ready for that (I was VERY precocious and matured very early on, and had been exposed to quite a bit in terms of reproduction and drug use by age 10, but my parents didn't have to have the kinds of talks with us that we parents have had to have now because WoD didn't exist back then).

In any event, the way I frame it is like this -- there are some things that are for adults only, like sex, alcohol, and cigarettes. Other things are usually only for adults, but sometimes children may need to use them. This is medication. An adult must always watch a child use medication to be safe and prevent the child from taking too much. Smoking flowers are my medicine, but they are also my fun sometimes, just like alcohol. Sometimes children need to use smoking flowers (not for smoking), too, because it's medicine. Their parents will make a special potion for them and give that to them.

^^ This is how I frame for my young grandchildren, and remember, I've been talking to my granddaughter about it since she moved in with us at age 18mos. My grandson is uninitiated, but I basically have the same talk with him, starting at age 5. I think I've mentioned that one time we were all down in my garden and my grandson asked me about my smoking flowers again, and my granddaughter announced to him, entirely unprompted by me, that they can stop little kids from having seizures. I was SO PROUD of her! I didn't teach her that.

Anyway, for an older child I would want to talk to them about programs like DARE (I don't know what GATE is) and how they can actually misinform children, make them think maybe their parents are doing something wrong and how it's up to us to stick together always, because we are family and while laws may change, family never changes. I also should have told my boys what I personally thought about the whole thing, but I was too paranoid. I taught my boys about sex, but not drugs. If I could do it all over again I'd talk to them about everything I could, even the illegal stuff.

I get the feeling you're a tight-knit family, so the idea of snitching doesn't quite fit for me. But having CPS come into your life is just one THE most fucked up things ever and once you're forced to jump through hoops, fuck it man, you jump if you want your kids kept safe from them.

A neighbor called CPS on me after I called because she was regularly locking her kids out of the house while she and their father would get drunk. The baby's diaper would be dripping with urine, her 8yo brother would be knocking on the door begging mom & dad to let him in so he could at least change her diaper and after about a month of that, I couldn't take it anymore and I called. CPS, when they came into my apartment, told me immediately they knew it was a retaliatory phone call, so not much happened. But I know how bad it could have been.

Oh, and nothing happened to the neighbor who neglected her kids.


I have first hand experience with being in the OMMP and having to deal with CPS.

Basically if the grow and medicine is locked up and zero access to minors in the house you will be protected.
BUT if they decide to do a investigation (you or your wife does something stupid to endanger the child they will come) you will not be able to medicate.
A few years ago my kids mom got fucked up on who knows what. Found her on the floor downstairs and called 911. Since she was fucked up on something CPS came to do a welfare check.
I let them in to do there thing. They already knew I was in the OMMP and wanted to make sure I didn't have stuff sitting out. Which I didn't.
My kids were released to me under my care.
I did have to stop medicating during there investigation of the kids mom. Even though I had my card it did not matter.
I am now a single father and the mom is nowhere to be found. Except jail when she gets caught every few months.


I've been educating my granddaughter from the beginning, including about sex, which makes it all much easier to talk about. I personally think it's better to start ASAP. But here she is, 9yo with her wits about her, yes? I think it's time you start talking to her more like an adult, assuming she's ready for that (I was VERY precocious and matured very early on, and had been exposed to quite a bit in terms of reproduction and drug use by age 10, but my parents didn't have to have the kinds of talks with us that we parents have had to have now because WoD didn't exist back then).

In any event, the way I frame it is like this -- there are some things that are for adults only, like sex, alcohol, and cigarettes. Other things are usually only for adults, but sometimes children may need to use them. This is medication. An adult must always watch a child use medication to be safe and prevent the child from taking too much. Smoking flowers are my medicine, but they are also my fun sometimes, just like alcohol. Sometimes children need to use smoking flowers (not for smoking), too, because it's medicine. Their parents will make a special potion for them and give that to them.

^^ This is how I frame for my young grandchildren, and remember, I've been talking to my granddaughter about it since she moved in with us at age 18mos. My grandson is uninitiated, but I basically have the same talk with him, starting at age 5. I think I've mentioned that one time we were all down in my garden and my grandson asked me about my smoking flowers again, and my granddaughter announced to him, entirely unprompted by me, that they can stop little kids from having seizures. I was SO PROUD of her! I didn't teach her that.

Anyway, for an older child I would want to talk to them about programs like DARE (I don't know what GATE is) and how they can actually misinform children, make them think maybe their parents are doing something wrong and how it's up to us to stick together always, because we are family and while laws may change, family never changes. I also should have told my boys what I personally thought about the whole thing, but I was too paranoid. I taught my boys about sex, but not drugs. If I could do it all over again I'd talk to them about everything I could, even the illegal stuff.

I get the feeling you're a tight-knit family, so the idea of snitching doesn't quite fit for me. But having CPS come into your life is just one THE most fucked up things ever and once you're forced to jump through hoops, fuck it man, you jump if you want your kids kept safe from them.

A neighbor called CPS on me after I called because she was regularly locking her kids out of the house while she and their father would get drunk. The baby's diaper would be dripping with urine, her 8yo brother would be knocking on the door begging mom & dad to let him in so he could at least change her diaper and after about a month of that, I couldn't take it anymore and I called. CPS, when they came into my apartment, told me immediately they knew it was a retaliatory phone call, so not much happened. But I know how bad it could have been.

Oh, and nothing happened to the neighbor who neglected her kids.
thanks sea as always you find a way to put my mind at ease. Really just help me put the pieces of the puzzle together. I really appreciate The advice your the best.

I hope that nobody has to deal with this shit, its pretty heart wrenching, when your rights are totally stripped from under you just cause you choose to medicate and have a talent in the botanicals, your just another a piece of shit junkie in most federal eyes.

Although as i things change i hope there are eye lids peeled back and things become more clear to those stuck in that ronald regan phase.

Stay safe yall
happy farmin;)


low profile & locking it up.... remember, security is never conveniant....

I think safety is key. I guess before kids I wouldn't be to worried about having some flowers on my office desk, once the kid comes around I guess I'll need to keep those locked up and out of view. Please keep in mind I wouldn't be medicating in front of my kid anyway, but it's just another step to stay out of trouble.

I just had this discussion with someone the other day. They felt that, because "we're" (the collective 'we' in terms of all medical growers) in compliance with state law we're ok. Such is not the case.

I'm really nervous about having any issues. Obviously I plan to be a responsible parent; I just hope that's enough.

You also talked about educating your granddaughter, I think that's fantastic! My family emigrated from Germany and I grew up being taught that alcohol was "food" and not something to abuse. In Germany, alcohol drinking by children isn't really prohibited (beer/wine) within the home. In public those 16+ can drink beer/wine and those 18+ can drink hard alcohol. My parents/grandparents never allowed me to get drunk, but I remember being a teenager and being allowed to have a glass of wine (singular) or beer (again, singular) with dinner. Want to know the results? I treated alcohol with respect and didn't go through an abuse alcohol phase. Education is key.

I have first hand experience with being in the OMMP and having to deal with CPS.

Basically if the grow and medicine is locked up and zero access to minors in the house you will be protected.
BUT if they decide to do a investigation (you or your wife does something stupid to endanger the child they will come) you will not be able to medicate.
A few years ago my kids mom got fucked up on who knows what. Found her on the floor downstairs and called 911. Since she was fucked up on something CPS came to do a welfare check.
I let them in to do there thing. They already knew I was in the OMMP and wanted to make sure I didn't have stuff sitting out. Which I didn't.
My kids were released to me under my care.
I did have to stop medicating during there investigation of the kids mom. Even though I had my card it did not matter.
I am now a single father and the mom is nowhere to be found. Except jail when she gets caught every few months.

I'm sorry for the difficulties with your kid's mom. I will say though, your story gives me hope. I really hope that we have a level of protection. I'll be doing everything under lock and key. I don't need any risks. I may just turn my office into "dad's study" and keep it permanently under lock & key to avoid any problems. I may have to stick to microgrowing in cabinets since I don't want the government to have ANY excuse to come and disrupt my family.

Thanks for sharing everyone!


Living dead girl
My family emigrated from Germany and I grew up being taught that alcohol was "food" and not something to abuse. In Germany, alcohol drinking by children isn't really prohibited (beer/wine) within the home. In public those 16+ can drink beer/wine and those 18+ can drink hard alcohol. My parents/grandparents never allowed me to get drunk, but I remember being a teenager and being allowed to have a glass of wine (singular) or beer (again, singular) with dinner. Want to know the results? I treated alcohol with respect and didn't go through an abuse alcohol phase. Education is key.
Same here, though I didn't care for beer and still don't. Don't really care for alcohol, and have never abused it. I agree 100%!

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