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Living dead girl
Who else watches this? I didn't really catch the first two seasons well, and when I looked for them via Directv OnDemand I couldn't find them, same with Netflix. I need to play a little catch-up but can't just go and order the Blu-Ray set yet.

Right now I'm really enjoying the love dance between Lagertha and King Ecbert. I LOVE that they include a lot of dialog in the Olde English and Scandinavian tongues, along with the fact that history that we're not normally taught in US schools is being learned among all the dramatic moments.



My wife is into all those type of shows. Vikings is her favorite but she also watches borgias and Marco Polo on Netflix and game of thrones on hbo.
I don't watch any of that smut. I tried to rid our home of TV but she wasn't having it.


Brown Viking here, Ragnar Lothbrtok is related to me so i'm told. My aunt traced out family tree an has been at it for 15 years now an recently found this out before the first season of the show. He's like my 37 or 38th great grandpa, something like that she said. Dig this show.

Try an watch it from the beginning if ya can find it.


Living dead girl
Aye, gonna have to check something else out.
Brown Viking here, Ragnar Lothbrtok is related to me so i'm told. My aunt traced out family tree an has been at it for 15 years now an recently found this out before the first season of the show. He's like my 37 or 38th great grandpa, something like that she said. Dig this show.

Try an watch it from the beginning if ya can find it.
That is fucking AWESOME. The sister of a dear friend of mine is a geneaologist and she has done some deep history in her family, but I am not sure that she's gone quite *that* far back. How exciting it must be to know who your ancestors were! Yes, I also geek out on shows about genealogy. My mother's working on ours from her side, but it's ALL in Spanish.


(Wow small world as they say! ^Lonestars Killa Queen is HEAVY and Resinous! ;) )

Ok the Next Episode is on/out Soon but the Epi before the last one is what i'm referring to here..Rathgar? .. His Son ! i was Suprised he was "Still kickin'" with 2 Arrows in his Back !!?

You guys watched that U.S/Scottish "Outlander"!? -Another gr8 Show...
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(Wow small world as they say! ^Lonestars Killa Queen is HEAVY and Resinous! ;) )

Ok the Next Episode is on/out Soon but the Epi before the last one is what i'm referring to here..Rathgar? .. His Son ! i was Suprised he was "Still kickin'" with 2 Arrows in his Back !!?

You guys watched that U.S/Scottish "Outlander"!? -Another gr8 Show...
Yea I watch outlander!finished the now ain't it?76


absolutely LOVE that show. wish it was on hbo/show/cinemax...would love to see largetha in the nude :)
my "wife" (by ring/time, not paper), is surely convinced that the Vikings were NOT real in history. I just laughed, out loud actually and told her wtf did you do in history class, sleep? she is NOT the brightest crayon in the box, or the sharpest knife in the drawer. basically kinda dumb and naive.


The only thing i think history may have perhaps not gotten wrong but exaggerated a little is there psychedelic drug use, I don't believe it was as far and wide as they proclaim.. Killing people and generally violence and mushrooms period won't go well together.. Viking or not a mind is a terrible thing to fuck with lol


My husband might disagree with you. Once, when he was on shroomies, he damn near killed a guy.

Ok fair let me ask this tho, After that experience did he find himself wanting to re-dose anytime soon there after? Month / year / EVER? lol

I've personally never met any violent people who are hardcore psychonauts like the vikings are being portrayed.. 1 bad trip is really all it takes and seeing that much violence and committing those acts i would think would turn a trip dark in a hurry..

Then again im basing all this off my own experiences with the shrooms..

Maybe if your so conditioned to violence it wouldn't really matter..?


Living dead girl
Well... he came pretty close to doing the guy in, and it scared the hell out of him so no, he didn't do it again. However, that said, if your culture encourages such acts of ferocity, then the mental impacts could be far different, especially if such acts would bring honor and glory upon a person.

I've read some of the stories (adapted to modern English) told by monks who'd witnessed these invasions, and it was incredibly gruesome, and cruel, and heartless, and violent. My opinion is that they were not only conditioned to violence, they were born to it.

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