Tnelz thread about whatever!

  • Thread starter Tnelz
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Haha yeah, i've always been skinny but athletic. Skateboarding constantly for the last 15 years has kept me really lean. Most nugs don't give me munchies so the jet fuel is a real treat. I love eating but I forget to a lot and don't have a huge appetite on a daily basis. What are your guys' current favorite smokes and what effects do you look for in your meds?


Funny, I stopped skating after backtail failure left me with a cracked jaw, realized being a grown up means I cant take time off after hurting myself. The partying caught up with me, now sportin a good 15 lbs over what I should be. Just lucky I got a thinner body build.

Really diggin my glue currently. Love good ogs, had real cookies back when it first got out, pretty good as well. But by far, most medicinally was a pheno of Black domina I found after runnin tons of packs. Straight 1 hitter quitter lights out smoke. I look mainly for meds that put me to sleep, since I have sleeping problems and nerve damage from an accident/skating incident up my neck and jaw which really only come up when i lay down


Enjoying some G6 Jet Fuel flowers from TLC collective after a long day diggin trenches and jackhammering. I've been stuck on this strain lately. Super tasty sour fuel flavor, smells like lemon-lime (sorta like sprite) and gives me an awesome relaxing full body stone, a little bit of giggles/smiles, and makes me hungry as hell (which is good as i've only got about ~5% body fat last time i checked in cardio/weight training class). It's also a nice sleep aid. Diggin it!:) ... a certain "nightmare creature" said their meds are bunk... HA! what a bag o' malarkey!
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Good to know! I've been looking for a strain to (potentially) assist with me gaining some weight as well. Been trying for over three years to gain some weight and I'm still hovering at around the 120 lb. mark. Was working out in the oil patch for a while and lost even more despite eating more than is typical (for me). I'll see if I can find some of that stuff locally, this lack of appetite/forgetting to eat shit is getting old, lol.



These things appeared out of nowhere. Not in my rooms yet, but are everywhere. Anyone know what they are? Should I be preparing for battle?

P.S. They act like ants, traveling in a line, but a much wider line than anta travel in.


I'd discourage them... their body type puts em square with the Tarnished plant bug and the Lygus bug... the group behavior gives me the assumption they are a pest who had their home disturbed...
Damn, that was some deductive shit! Kudos @SeaF0ur!


@SpitXFire u know it. Got my peeps loving it.
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These things appeared out of nowhere. Not in my rooms yet, but are everywhere. Anyone know what they are? Should I be preparing for battle?

P.S. They act like ants, traveling in a line, but a much wider line than anta travel in.
They have an outdoor aphid look. I'd be spraying around the edges of my room with something nuclear. Lol. Not sure what it is though. I'm of the same thinking as SeaF0ur for sure.


@SpitXFire u know it. Got my peeps loving it.

They have an outdoor aphid look. I'd be spraying around the edges of my room with something nuclear. Lol. Not sure what it is though. I'm of the same thinking as SeaF0ur for sure.
Don't say that, lol.


@MushinNoShin ....I feel I have to shower after looking at those pictures!! Yikes!! I agree with @Tnelz and @SeaF0ur in that the group behavior is almost always a sign that their casa was destroyed or there is a lot of food around, also in that they have an aphid look to them. I want to say I have seen them before but never inside. Is it safe to assume that what I am looking at in the picture is the lil jerks on some sand?? If so that can't be what they're eating so I would try to find where they're getting grub at if you still think its not your plants. You say they are not in your rooms yet? where are they? did you find them in a bag of something?? or??.. I got a friend that is into bugs so I will forward him the pic and hopefully get some info for...I'll lyk asap....Good luck!!!


@MushinNoShin ....I feel I have to shower after looking at those pictures!! Yikes!! I agree with @Tnelz and @SeaF0ur in that the group behavior is almost always a sign that their casa was destroyed or there is a lot of food around, also in that they have an aphid look to them. I want to say I have seen them before but never inside. Is it safe to assume that what I am looking at in the picture is the lil jerks on some sand?? If so that can't be what they're eating so I would try to find where they're getting grub at if you still think its not your plants. You say they are not in your rooms yet? where are they? did you find them in a bag of something?? or??.. I got a friend that is into bugs so I will forward him the pic and hopefully get some info for...I'll lyk asap....Good luck!!!
Much appreciated! They are on dirt and concrete. I have a feeling they are an invasive species because I've never seen them before and I usually notice things like this. They are REALLY creepy looking and have this creepy movement about them.
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