What I Learned About 2 Guys 1 Girl From Tom Hill

  • Thread starter grayarea
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Might be the drugs but I'm confused as shit.. what's the question? Reread twice an second time seem more lost.
I don't think you are the only one who is lost in this thread.
Would you suggest getting a fleshlight to practice oral skills?
Dr. Ruth up in here
Your post is even better with your profile pic.
"Dr. Ruth, my girlfriend asked me to tongue punch her fart box. I'm not really into S&M though, what should I do?"

Really though, this thread is just full of amazement and wonder and whiskey tango foxtrot.


I've told my wife were going balls deep tonight so many times now she tells me we're going balls deep. :cool: She likes it that way lol

but are u the most remembered person in other peoples lives for the term.

creates a triangle which means 1 of the 3 people is going to profit more then the other two. which means that at any given time of any day those 2 people can rush up in your house and steal ya gro.
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Might be the drugs but I'm confused as shit.. what's the question? Reread twice an second time seem more lost.
When it was 8th grade my reading comprehension scores were in college levels. Gotta be the drugs.
Puerto Ricans have a saying..Show me a man who don't eat his wife's p#!^y and I'll show u a women that can be taken from her man..
Woman problem solved..but again don't know wtf is even happenin here!!:(
Trying to keep a dude? Not sure but I'm a dude so u know that if you keep my sack empty,stomach full,and the bs drama to a minimum then u have a shot..
And don't just lick it! Bitches hate that..hard to explain but your top and bottom lips should be used like a clamp on the clit..the right pressure and the motion you can judge from her body's reaction cuz all girls are different.. while in between top an bottom lip being softly squeezed and swirled you are using your tounge to stimulate the clit to..
Form a good suction with the right pressure and nice pace and believe me a dick or 30 of them won't mean shit to her..
The orgasm is way stronger from great head to a woman.
If your a dude u have to realize that simply in an out rarely cause organisms for women..
you need to be angled in certain ways...her clit needs to be either getting stimulated by your hand or the area above your junk called the mound.. her on top does that good and you on top but NOT missionary..maybe once in blue moon but a woman who's been fukd great b4 hates soft slow missionary !!feel your mound rubbing on hers and work thst shit nit really concentratin on "in an out" ...in and out is what we like dudes and only to be really done to nut after we make them nut 2-3 times and ready to be done an smoke a j....other angle is where your dick hits her g spot..doggy style at certain angles will do it but usually angle is off..instead next time put 2 pillows down and make her lay on them so her ass is about in middle of the pillows..either put your legs on outside of hers or even one your in between one outside..either way you'll be entering in a down ward angle and g spot will be hit. Grab her in a firm but gentle choke hold forcing her face towards where yours is and fuking pound thst shit hard and make her look at you sometime and then semu turn her head to the side and kiss ker neck and other times force her to kiss you while she's moaning..Don't be afraid to be the fuking stud homie..
And if you ain't breathing hard and out of breath when u nut then ain't do it right.
Make her cum from oral or with fingers though before u ever think about sticking your shit in though trust me...it's like your fail safe lol
That way if you nut and she don't at least she already did once.lol
The sucking technique i described though is the game changer.Women fake all the time but when the get the buisness like that they jump and shake and they're clit so sensitive they fight you to stop..then some cry,some curse,some get religious but they all will let you do that again to them fir the rest of they're life.
Again i don't know wtf was even asked or weather your a dude or chick so figured it try to cover all basis.
If your a dude and your buddy cut her better do what is said and she'll only want u cuz he'll now just be wasting time you coulda been in it in her mind.. .and if your a chick buy a strap on an do what is said an she'll right back to hating dudes lol
QUOTE from my uncle: f^/k her right and she'll live in a cardboard box with you..peacr

yea so im waiting for her while ur saying/doing that which makes me being with you in that same way detrimental to my life.

"Puerto Ricans have a saying..Show me a man who don't eat his wife's p#!^y and I'll show u a women that can be taken from her man.."

same concept.


but are u the most remembered person in other peoples lives for the term.

creates a triangle which means 1 of the 3 people is going to profit more then the other two. which means that at any given time of any day those 2 people can rush up in your house and steal ya gro.
But the angles of a triangle add up to 180, so what about THAT?

I also heard that the human head weighs 8 pounds.


You just made the list buddy! :p

i dont know that guy and was just giving him a ride accross town. i mean yea i know his name and the school he went to but i dont know that guy. ofc we work together everyday and i see him everyday but i dont know him. no its not the same ,im on the internet when im with him in text and im on my phone when im with you in text. i only see him when i go to the store to buy eggs and bacon its not a big deal.

hard to sync up lists if you don't start in the same place together. NOBODY EVER MENTION BACON AND EGGS AGAIN THEY ARE ON MY LIST. lol.


but are u the most remembered person in other peoples lives for the term.

creates a triangle which means 1 of the 3 people is going to profit more then the other two. which means that at any given time of any day those 2 people can rush up in your house and steal ya gro.
I have a plan when that day comes, balls and hammers


i dont know that guy and was just giving him a ride accross town. i mean yea i know his name and the school he went to but i dont know that guy. ofc we work together everyday and i see him everyday but i dont know him. no its not the same ,im on the internet when im with him in text and im on my phone when im with you in text. i only see him when i go to the store to buy eggs and bacon its not a big deal.

hard to sync up lists if you don't start in the same place together. NOBODY EVER MENTION BACON AND EGGS AGAIN THEY ARE ON MY LIST. lol.
I love me some bacon and eggs. I wish we knew someone who had access to meat chickens and eggs.

Grayarea, are you telling a story or quoting from a book you wrote? All caps all day yesterday and now no caps. What is this world coming to?

'giving him a ride across town' Cops tv show last night showed a guy getting busted with a tranny hooker and his excuse was also that he was just giving him a ride. What kind of ride? I don't know, but I do know that I love roller coasters. It's kind of like when you are sailing the ocean and moby dick shows up with his baby's arm holding an apple in a speedo and I'm like, 'dude, what?'

Then the girl in the back seat starts giving me a handy, but she had dry skin and now the willy has rug burn. NORTH AND SOUTH NOT EAST AND WEST, and please mind the step children. I can't believe I shaved my balls for this.

After that we ended up in a park on a slide with a dog who was chasing a ball but then we had green eggs and ham, and now he's on the run, naked without his gun. The fishing is solid though.

You pickin up what I'm layin down? Don't mistake me, I ain't no fruitloop.


and tourette's. Plus, if you see someone in a bathtub having a seizure be nice and throw in a load of laundry.


probably have to upgrade the lasers first to make them better then the same stock lasers the other guy bought who u know is too lazy to do that part.


I love me some bacon and eggs. I wish we knew someone who had access to meat chickens and eggs.

Grayarea, are you telling a story or quoting from a book you wrote? All caps all day yesterday and now no caps. What is this world coming to?

'giving him a ride across town' Cops tv show last night showed a guy getting busted with a tranny hooker and his excuse was also that he was just giving him a ride. What kind of ride? I don't know, but I do know that I love roller coasters. It's kind of like when you are sailing the ocean and moby dick shows up with his baby's arm holding an apple in a speedo and I'm like, 'dude, what?'

Then the girl in the back seat starts giving me a handy, but she had dry skin and now the willy has rug burn. NORTH AND SOUTH NOT EAST AND WEST, and please mind the step children. I can't believe I shaved my balls for this.

After that we ended up in a park on a slide with a dog who was chasing a ball but then we had green eggs and ham, and now he's on the run, naked without his gun. The fishing is solid though.

You pickin up what I'm layin down? Don't mistake me, I ain't no fruitloop.


and tourette's. Plus, if you see someone in a bathtub having a seizure be nice and throw in a load of laundry.

dont mix in so much thinks.


probably have to upgrade the lasers first to make them better then the same stock lasers the other guy bought who u know is too lazy to do that part.
with sniper scopes then you have the people who downgrade like easy E no one wants a downgrade lol


with sniper scopes then you have the people who downgrade like easy E no one wants a downgrade lol

yea thats what the auto ranker feels like with video games because the people who show you what a better player is are pre eliminated from ever even being in your line of site.




krusty said it best.
http:// problem is if you go to the place where her level of doubt drops past the point of you coming back even once before her level of doubt drops to that place in the home she lives in you with and deciding weather or not one ways better then the other . cos if they just whisper to each other to block you from everything that leads to that place and block you from saving them from invaders they will still blame you for it happening. it hurts to be blocked because of them not wanting to lose the hologram version of you that runs out of batteries instead of disappearing for ever one day.

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