Fresh Run. Fresh Room

  • Thread starter tattoojim
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420 lyfePpP

420 lyfePpP

I just heard some shitty news. My cousin's father in-law was just sent home from the hospital and they told him he had from 2 days to 2 weeks to live. He had been having some pretty bad issues and finally went to a Dr. and ended up having to have one lung removed and then they found problems with the other one.
He hasn't been able to eat all for some reason in all of this and they thought they were gonna be able to do something to help him, he would've had to eat from a blender for the rest of his time living but, he would've had more time anyway but, they ended up not being able to do it. Apparently there's nothing at all they can do for him at this point.
Has me really bummed out, I'm close to my cousin and his family for one thing but also, he is a really good shit. He's always been a pot smoker and grown weed and he's always been someone who's cool to everyone and always ready to roll one up and get you high. He was always good for a laugh too, he was the one that killed off the almost finished plants with a dose of straight nutes that time and always kept a good sense of humor through shit like that.
Life is good for these kicks in the ass every once in a while.
Sorry to hear bout that . Sounds like a great guy.


Morning guys. How are you fuckers today?

The wife and I have been married for 27 years today. Freakin' crazy, where did the time go?

Congrats man .... I remember me n my wife having probs last year and you mentioning coming up to 26 yrs lol! !
We sorted our probs out and tbh we are both really happy now and I'm looking forward to making it to 27yrs
By the way it's Robbie P ;)
G gnome

G gnome

I think im gonna go n by another boat today.....i need a small boat for fishin the river by my house n the boat i got is too big. I need one w a short shaft engine.
My buddies father in law has one im gonna go look at today....its a shalllow "v" 14' boat w a lil 20hp motor perfect for the river
Never got to go look at the boat.....gonna go in the mornin.....

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