So.....why Are You Here??

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@Purpletrain.....good post. You are spot wouldn't believe how many so called growers visit my house on a regular basis for product.


Sounds good GG. I have another 3 weeks in. I can also take a pic of the trimmed buds if you think that will help. Can't go down there now as I have been out in the veggie garden. As soon as I get cleaned up later today I will snap a pic or two.
Get pics of the fan leaves, if there smaller then normal extra shiny and serrate leaves is a big sign of dudding.


1.3"??? Wow. We got a whopping 1/2" yesterday after 2+ months of basically nada. Fortunately we have a domestic well and can water outside/etc.... and we sit next to a year-round creek with lots of greenery about.....but even's damn dry out there.

GG#4 not the real deal. putmebk?? The end result of a shitty trade??

I can beat that.....I've never got an offer/nod/share from >any< of ya on a cut of GG#4 (or wi-fi- or ____ or ___ or _____ (name it, I didn't get it)....real or fuckin stingy cock biters! I guess it's because I never share any cuts myself, huh? Yeah..that's it! Silly me. Anyway....a few weeks ago when I ran out of pot (for the first time in well over 20 years) I went to one of the local dispensaries and snagged an $85 quarter (fuckin GASP) of "GG#4". Was super frosty and pretty tasty/stinky/kinda dank/skunky... dunno if it was the real deal/etc for obvious reasons.... but all-in-all,,,,no complaints. It was certainly better than anything I got here...uhhhuuum ;-)

Also tried "Phantom Cookies".....and still think cookies suck. LOL. Reminded me of dried out old minty Mexican pot, really. Maybe someday someone will take the top of my head off with a GSC offering...but so far... not impressed!

FWIW....I'm not gonna run out of pot again.....I'm making >doubly< sure of it after having to BUY the shit....especially those damn Mexican mint cookies. Fuck me.... talk about kids in school...


I've never got an offer/nod/share from >any< of ya on a cut of GG#4 (or wi-fi- or ____ or ___ or _____ (name it, I didn't get it)....real or fuckin stingy cock biters! I guess it's because I never share any cuts myself,

Hey Bro.....hope you are doing well. Long time no see.... However, If you remember I tried to share some of cannarado's when I was at your place.....Yup, you said you did your own thing. Offer still stands.....


The Beast Slayer
After I moved from Washington state. I had no way to get bud and if I did I would have to start paying for it (no longer free).

First couple years here I just stayed clean. But then I made a connection with someone who could hook me up once in a while.

After a while of that I realized how expensive buying this stuff can be. I used to wonder how my friends could buy it all the time without going broke.

There was a point in time 1-2months prior to joining this site where I was deciding on if growing would save me money in the long run. As well as producing better quality than %98 of the stuff on the black market.

The answer was yes. So I started it all by finding space in the house I could sacrifice. That would also accommodate electrical outlets etc.
Measured it then looked at the secret jardin catalog to suite my needs.
I then pulled the trigger on a 2x2x6 tent with a 2x2x1 lower chamber and a 2x2x5 upper chamber.

I then did tons of research online and in this forum as to what I could best utilize. Then bought everything 1 piece at a time over the course of a few months. The key here was not to let time push me around. I was relaxed and took my time making sure each piece was exactly what I needed 1 at a time.

I wanted to share my experience with people. So they could see that with lots of research and effort (as well as help & support of the kind people here). Even a 1st time grower with no experience could do well.

I hoped that when people Google certain things online they would have an alternative to other ideas people tend to not go into detail well about. That drove me crazy when I was researching. There were a lot of dead ends, journals not complete, and some people that had no clue at all about anything they were doing. Just lost in the world.

Maybe one day my mainlining thread will turn into a good alternative to the nug buckets thread when people get sick of seeing it reposted on every forum everytime the question comes up lol. Sometimes people want a fresh/second opinion/view on a certain process. Was it wierd I put 2 word option choices right next to each other (fresh/second, opinion/view)lol? They work in any combo 4 total ways remembering order written still matters.

I'll let the "proffesionals" profess their proffesionalism. And I'll lurk in the shadows to lend my opinion occasionally. Most of all having fun interacting with all you guys. Positive vibes always.

I'm not here to be the best. I'm just here for a small personal stash. So it just has to be good enough for me :smoking:.


Hey Bro.....hope you are doing well. Long time no see.... However, If you remember I tried to share some of cannarado's when I was at your place.....Yup, you said you did your own thing. Offer still stands.....

I don't remember any cuts showing up on my door and me refusing them when you came by the shanty that time.
Not something I'd do. I might balk at hearing (again) how someone (many do this) might share a cut if I am willing to let them tell me how to manage the cut afterwards (restrictions on said cut)...which I always decline...but I've never refused open and honest/unrestricted cuts someone brought to my door. However, when you came by years ago I was pretty consumed by if I did refuse them...I'm blanking on that event.
Sorry for the inconvenience either way.......

And yeah...I have a hard time associating/relating to most folks. I honestly >like< the solo gig. 20+ years of growing illegally kinda swayed me into just doin what I gotta do. As a result....we get by....

hope all is well in the city....


Premium Member
I don't remember any cuts showing up on my door and me refusing them when you came by the shanty that time.
Not something I'd do. I might balk at hearing (again) how someone (many do this) might share a cut if I am willing to let them tell me how to manage the cut afterwards (restrictions on said cut)...which I always decline...but I've never refused open and honest/unrestricted cuts someone brought to my door. However, when you came by years ago I was pretty consumed by if I did refuse them...I'm blanking on that event.
Sorry for the inconvenience either way.......

And yeah...I have a hard time associating/relating to most folks. I honestly >like< the solo gig. 20+ years of growing illegally kinda swayed me into just doin what I gotta do. As a result....we get by....

hope all is well in the city....

Well I was there as well.
Saw no clones..But I think he may have been thinking future...
As I recall I brought farm goodies, as I remember we also feasted..
You have been super generous to us and your friendship is tried and true..
Funny and sad how weed destroys /effects friendships....
Let us know when you need some more to tide ya till harvest....

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I think the majority on these grow sites don't even grow,ive often wondered what the percentages are.No matter though it's the internet you take what's posted with a grain of salt.I do laugh a bit to myself though when they pick a handle like super grow dude or something,growing ain't easy or cheap and its learned by repetition,most dot have the patience to get decent at it


@ Sky and C-Man. No worries guys. I was offering in the future. I didn't bring any cut with me. But the offer still stands. If you remember Sky that C-man showed up about an hour after I arrived and we had a good conversation about our grows. guys be well.


Get pics of the fan leaves, if there smaller then normal extra shiny and serrate leaves is a big sign of dudding.[/QUOT

Ok are some pics of my so called Gorilla Glue. One 2 weeks into flower, a fan leaf and one ready to flip. Never grown this strain before so I'm lost. However a pretty reliable friend said It wasn't GG.



Premium Member
grew about 5 elbows of GG4 last year, pretty nice, but the market was and may still be flooded with the glue. No prob moving folks seemed to like...
at a 420 party in D town a sack sat on table and folks were not really interested in huffing, maybe too much going around to cause excitement..
Grew well for us, easy to trim but pretty much over it in general....
Your plant looks a bit skimpy maybe compared to my memory of the tent gals hidden deep in the hollows of the Dungeon.........


@putembk the first two pics I thought no but that third one is definatly looking like the devil!
Its actually hard to see in pics without the right light.
She actually looks like she's try to fight it but from here the stems look skinny and side branching are coming out horizontal. Also followed by small leaves like I mentioned before.Gg should be thick and strong with big fans at that age. But it looks exactly like mine when I pulled it out my mothers crammed crawl space as I waited for my house to be ready. Gg and banner 3 and 5. I would cull because the virus will spread. You can check out more pics of duds in the dud thread to confirm. I have some pics in there somewhere as well.


Was thinking....another reason I am here is because the Fed under the current administration has become very user friendly for those who use common since on marijuana.
That brings up the question of what is to come? I see things staying pretty much the same if Clinton wins the election......what about Trump????? Will he shut down things or let them continue on the course that the movement has taken.
Just wondering....what if he is on a mission to go after the casual grower. Should I stay or should I go......???


Was thinking....another reason I am here is because the Fed under the current administration has become very user friendly for those who use common since on marijuana.
That brings up the question of what is to come? I see things staying pretty much the same if Clinton wins the election......what about Trump????? Will he shut down things or let them continue on the course that the movement has taken.
Just wondering....what if he is on a mission to go after the casual grower. Should I stay or should I go......???
Both are eerily silent on the subject.Hilary has taken huge amounts of money from big pharma so shes not a given either as pharma is vehemently against it unless they run the show.
Hard to put the genie back in the bottle but I'm sure they are working on a way to screw the home grower who doesn't pay tax on it,its all about money after all.


I would assume Trumps stance would be similar to his view on lgbtq stuff. Personally he could care less, do what you want. However, given the official party platform that was passed and him desperately needing that far Christian right vote....don't think things will be so good for pot smokers. I get a pretty strong impression the states rights argument is moot and they would be stepped on.

Edit: that sounded weird to me. Basically he needed the Jesus vote that is typically reliably republican. They did not back him at all, so the moral crusaders got quite a bit more input than normal into the official party stance. Given that he opted to forgo his personal beliefs on gay issues, I would expect him to go with whatever will appease that large block of constituents he needs to pick up that are social conservatives.
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