Searching A Consultant

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hi, I am starting a grow. I have had a few small grows, ran into some small problems and had a little success. I am looking to do a decent sized grow. I cant afford for it to go badly. Is there any consultants out there, how much do they cost? I am looking for advice on my set up, what to grow and maybe if there are any problems I would like to pay for advice by the hour until the problems are solved. If anything like this exists, can someone pass me on some info, thanks.


I like soup
hi, I am starting a grow. I have had a few small grows, ran into some small problems and had a little success. I am looking to do a decent sized grow. I cant afford for it to go badly. Is there any consultants out there, how much do they cost? I am looking for advice on my set up, what to grow and maybe if there are any problems I would like to pay for advice by the hour until the problems are solved. If anything like this exists, can someone pass me on some info, thanks.
In house is $100.00 an hour... but just ask your questions here and its free hahaha


With all the knowledge on here, you should be able to find the answers. Those who don't succeed don't put in the time to do the research. Nothing is easy, but if its something of a passion then one will dedicate the needed time into making it work. The key is to dive in and do the research!!!, Of course stuff happens, but there are people here to answer your questions and will be more than helpful. and there are consultants for the right price. This isn't a game nor a cash register, its a lifestyle. Best of luck in your endeavors!


First the research, then state what you are attempting to build. give all details that you can.
Tell us where you have problems. Now the details of your set up...
inside? outside? greenhouse?
inside...where located room, tent...access to fresh air?
seedling room? veg room? flower room?
size and types of lighting?
medium? soil/hydro?
all accessories including power, fans, pumps... dehumidifier/humidifier...?
condition of your water?
type of nutrients?
Everything you can think of...
You get better replies if you give better info.


First the research, then state what you are attempting to build. give all details that you can.
Tell us where you have problems. Now the details of your set up...
inside? outside? greenhouse?
inside...where located room, tent...access to fresh air?
seedling room? veg room? flower room?
size and types of lighting?
medium? soil/hydro?
all accessories including power, fans, pumps... dehumidifier/humidifier...?
condition of your water?
type of nutrients?
Everything you can think of...
You get better replies if you give better info.

It is an iside grow, 3 rooms, no tent, I will have a seedling room, veg room and flower room. Lighting, I was looking for advice on this, ventilation, I will have as many fans as I need and an extractor. I will use soil, but if I was advised to go hydro, I would do that, but I thought it might be a bad idea for a beginner. I am not sure if I need a dehumidifier, the air seems dry. Should I be looking at getting a humidifier? I have no CO2. Any advise on water and nutrients would be great. Of the last batch of plants, I had 10 and 7 went fairly well, and the others died on me the leaves went yellow and drooping, so maybe a problem with watering? I am doing it with a friend and maybe I relied too much on him to know what he was doing. I was looking to cover everything this time. Maybe advise for a beginner, best lights to use, how much water per day, exact amount of nutrients, and what is essential, humidifier? CO2 . Should the water be filtered? I am willing to invest in the next batch, but I want to do it properly this time, nothing half assed. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


yeah, but I will learn. If I have good help, I can do it. If I have some problems, I can get advice and learn for the next time. I dont need to ask for that much help, but I want to cover everything. The guy I am doing it with has done a lot of grows, and most are successful, but he runs into the odd problem. I just want to be sure everything is covered. That is why I was looking for a consultant. I also know another few people who do decent sized grows, who will also help me. They do reasonably well, but again, I just feel like they are not experts. I ask them some questions and they seem to give me answers that contradict what I read. Like they think cloning clones loads of times isnt a big deal and they insist they dont have problems, but I am reading that you shouldnt do this. They dont use CO2 for indoor grows, is that important? Sometimes the rooms are about 31 degrees, is this too hot, or because the fans are blowing on them, is this okay? They dont use humidifiers or dehumidifiers etc. I can take their advice and probably do okay, but I think spending a few hundred dollars is probably the way to go, just to be sure and I can learn too.


Message me. I will show you it all. Every detail. You have $ to spend on products? We will do some hydro store shopping,home depot for the cheaper stuff. I am a carpenter. Any problems, I'm an easy person to deal with. What's up? You really need someone. Right here. Message man


If you wanna scale up but you need to ask for that much help you're not ready yet
If the majority of my friends grows have gone well, with the odd grow losing about 20-30% of what we started out with, isnt it just a case of doing 3 times more and maybe losing 7 plants instead of 2 or maybe with good advice having a better chance of not losing any? Does doing the same number as last time with a little advice not just mean that I will still have less that last time, regardless? What is the worst that can happen? I lose 15 plants and still have more than the 10 I would have, if I stick with 10. I appreciate your advice, I just dont get fully understand your point. We are probably working at 80-90% success rate at the moment. In your opinion, what do I have to lose by adding more?


Are you talking about rooting clones?
There is no reason to be loosing fully rooted plants. If you are then you need to stay small until you get the hang of it.
Once plants hit flower I nearly never loose a plant.
Anyways, point is stay small until you know what your doing. From a business stand point if a company is having problems being successful with 5 employees they don't go expanding and hire 50 more. Chances are the lessons are just going to cost you much more money if you scale up.


Homework, homework and more homework. I spend hours on the grow diaries, like a drug, more more more. Google and youtube everything. Forums galore. Like Greenbreez said "A lifestyle" Now get crackin. Good luck.


yeah, but I will learn. If I have good help, I can do it. If I have some problems, I can get advice and learn for the next time. I dont need to ask for that much help, but I want to cover everything. The guy I am doing it with has done a lot of grows, and most are successful, but he runs into the odd problem. I just want to be sure everything is covered. That is why I was looking for a consultant. I also know another few people who do decent sized grows, who will also help me. They do reasonably well, but again, I just feel like they are not experts. I ask them some questions and they seem to give me answers that contradict what I read. Like they think cloning clones loads of times isnt a big deal and they insist they dont have problems, but I am reading that you shouldnt do this. They dont use CO2 for indoor grows, is that important? Sometimes the rooms are about 31 degrees, is this too hot, or because the fans are blowing on them, is this okay? They dont use humidifiers or dehumidifiers etc. I can take their advice and probably do okay, but I think spending a few hundred dollars is probably the way to go, just to be sure and I can learn too.

I think you are having trouble with a fundamental issue - Just how well have you characterized your water? You should be conversant on the quality of the water you use - PH, PPM and how consistent that is over time. I'd suspect the plants you lose have serious root issues. You need to autopsy every fail for root development, soil PH and perhaps other site specific issues.

Cloning is widely used in commercial settings - it is how specific genotypes are propagated in quantity. I have never seen proof (data) of clone fade syndrome. I think that phenotype expression can drift - if conditions are not consistent with the requirements to stimulate that expression.

Save the advanced stuff (CO2, etc.) for later when you have higher survival rates and a consistent, stable method that works for you.

And ya. Read more. A lot more.


Don't use tap water unless for cloning, tap water has chlorine/chloramine in it, kills beneficial bacteria in medium. Kills bad bacteria in clone water. well water is ok, but must check ppm it can fluctuate and or have hi minerals.
For veg room, it is best to have a high humidity and a lower rh in flower. too dry in veg will slow growth too high in flower can promote mold.
If you have a good source of fresh air Co2 can come later, The bigger the flower room (as in # plants) the more fresh air (CO2) will be needed.
The lights....? Well that's pretty much in your ball park. If heat issue may be problem, then a bunch of HID lights will not be wise. maybe LED or ceramic... It is also good idea to have strong lights in your veg.
Determine if your electric is 110 or 220 vac.
Run lights on its own circuit, with adequate protection.
You have a lot to consider... try to keep it simple and to not over tax yourself. Less is more.
You should first have everything built, up and running to test its consistency. Temps and humidity, light leaks...etc.
Once you have that then you can start your garden, a perpetual garden is ideal. harvest every two weeks.
Have 4 stages in 2 week increments in flower, (works best if all plants have same flowering time) 8 weeks example.
So every two weeks you cut clones, harvest a section and replace with fresh veg. That way you are not nailed with a one large harvest. Hope some of this helps peace.


I'm coming over.

Don't Cum lol. Look bro I can hook you up. I'm a well seasoned Emerald Triangle grower with over a decade of experience in growing. I know exactly what you need and this is completely sizeable (6-60,000+ plants/1-10,000 lights). I can get you free CAD drawings ($2,500) Value if you spend at least ten grand. I have tons of knowledge for you. This is from decades of combined research from master growers, bontants, horticulturist etc.

Forget this guy your electric is fucking 240 two phase. every house in america has at least two phase. If you got a dryer you got 240v. What you really want is three phase 480V for those large 600A+ operations.


You can always hold your breath and read the fourm. theres also but you dont know who your talking to or how they have tested thier claims. You always have to know what you're reading about and or cross reference the facts. This all takes time and don't you want to be clipping flowers off branches and watching them roll into a 50gal tub?


Don't use tap water unless for cloning, tap water has chlorine/chloramine in it, kills beneficial bacteria in medium. Kills bad bacteria in clone water. well water is ok, but must check ppm it can fluctuate and or have hi minerals.
For veg room, it is best to have a high humidity and a lower rh in flower. too dry in veg will slow growth too high in flower can promote mold.
If you have a good source of fresh air Co2 can come later, The bigger the flower room (as in # plants) the more fresh air (CO2) will be needed.
The lights....? Well that's pretty much in your ball park. If heat issue may be problem, then a bunch of HID lights will not be wise. maybe LED or ceramic... It is also good idea to have strong lights in your veg.
Determine if your electric is 110 or 220 vac.
Run lights on its own circuit, with adequate protection.
You have a lot to consider... try to keep it simple and to not over tax yourself. Less is more.
You should first have everything built, up and running to test its consistency. Temps and humidity, light leaks...etc.
Once you have that then you can start your garden, a perpetual garden is ideal. harvest every two weeks.
Have 4 stages in 2 week increments in flower, (works best if all plants have same flowering time) 8 weeks example.
So every two weeks you cut clones, harvest a section and replace with fresh veg. That way you are not nailed with a one large harvest. Hope some of this helps peace.

Why would you use tap water to clones? Hmmm methinks that it is the most important part in supplying a stock of clones is to have healthy clones with vigourous growth just like thier mommas . hmmm how does one take out chlorine and chloramine hmm let me think ah ahhh, a KDF filter. Now that you don't have to waste your time with your thumb up your ass waiting for chlorine to be removed from the water all to still have chlorine with an added ammonia molecule only a KDF filter will remove this. No not an de-ionzier. You should be cross referencing that pH too motherfuckers!

How many lights to run on a circuit? a 30A 240V breaker will run 4 DE bulbs boosted no problem.

Less is not more actually. Worried about smell your gunna need 4 CAN150's with 12" MAX FANS per 5 DE lights.

Want to ensure you don't get pathogens, root rot, mold? Gunna need dehumidifiers and water chillers.

You actually have a lot to consider because if your in a rec state there's going to be a lot of competition. 24-26% THC-A is a good amount. Want to do this but not spend top dollar on nutrients? There are special sauces to be used.

Your on the right path buddy but no one wants to feed week 7 plants with with week 3 feed. Derrr!!! You want at least four blooming rooms staged two weeks apart and you need half the size of your blooming room to be dedicated veg space.

So everyday you are cutting clones and flowers. Think you can keep up?


Don't Cum lol. Look bro I can hook you up. I'm a well seasoned Emerald Triangle grower with over a decade of experience in growing. I know exactly what you need and this is completely sizeable (6-60,000+ plants/1-10,000 lights). I can get you free CAD drawings ($2,500) Value if you spend at least ten grand. I have tons of knowledge for you. This is from decades of combined research from master growers, bontants, horticulturist etc.

Forget this guy your electric is fucking 240 two phase. every house in america has at least two phase. If you got a dryer you got 240v. What you really want is three phase 480V for those large 600A+ operations.
Its 110-120/220-240 2 phase. it varies. I have 115vac for some odd as reason.


Why would you use tap water to clones? Hmmm methinks that it is the most important part in supplying a stock of clones is to have healthy clones with vigourous growth just like thier mommas . hmmm how does one take out chlorine and chloramine hmm let me think ah ahhh, a KDF filter. Now that you don't have to waste your time with your thumb up your ass waiting for chlorine to be removed from the water all to still have chlorine with an added ammonia molecule only a KDF filter will remove this. No not an de-ionzier. You should be cross referencing that pH too motherfuckers!

How many lights to run on a circuit? a 30A 240V breaker will run 4 DE bulbs boosted no problem.

Less is not more actually. Worried about smell your gunna need 4 CAN150's with 12" MAX FANS per 5 DE lights.

Want to ensure you don't get pathogens, root rot, mold? Gunna need dehumidifiers and water chillers.

You actually have a lot to consider because if your in a rec state there's going to be a lot of competition. 24-26% THC-A is a good amount. Want to do this but not spend top dollar on nutrients? There are special sauces to be used.

Your on the right path buddy but no one wants to feed week 7 plants with with week 3 feed. Derrr!!! You want at least four blooming rooms staged two weeks apart and you need half the size of your blooming room to be dedicated veg space.

So everyday you are cutting clones and flowers. Think you can keep up?

Tap water is great for clones, the chlorine defeats bacteria...and doesn't hurt the clones. And they are not there for long.

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