Confused First Timer

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Noob grower

New guy from Oregons' Willamette Valley. Have 4 plants, each one growing in a 15 gallon container, and looking forward to harvest. Plants are from 4 different clones: Cherry OG, Choc kush, Blue dream, and Snoop dream. The BD is around 9' tall now with the SD close behind. The Cherry OG is a very bushy 4' tall and the choc kush somewhere between all of them.

I'm confused about the flushing and harvest times. Reading about everything I can on this forum and others, shows many strong opinions with actual techniques all over the place. Some say you need to feed, feeed, feed during bloom for large and flavorful buds while some say to stop feeding nutrients and let the plants die off during the weeks leading up to harvest. And those are just 2 of the many opinions out there.

I'm at day 124 of the grow from clones. My soil was a mix of composted soil and potting soil with my additions of organic blood and bone meal as well as an Natures Care organic blend plus Alaskan fish food. Started feeding again in August as the plants started showing stress from lack of nutrients. At the time, I had been using a drip watering system and feeding them each 2-3 gal/day at 5 am. I was told that was way too much water and to cut back to 2-3 gallons once or twice a week. The plants started wilting like crazy so I started a schedule of 4 gallons every couple of days. All plants seemed to like that, especially during our 90 degree plus days. Also feeding ProteK and Humic acid.

Mid August, blooms were developing so started adding more hi-phos bat and seafood guano. 1 tablespoon each with 4 gallons of water every 3 days. Now have some huge buds on all the girls. ph is staying in the 6.4 to 6.8 range. Tap water is at 7.0 with mixed nutes 6.5-7.0. Have been adding the dry fertilizer to water and then run an air pump with airstone in the bucket for 3 days prior to feeding. Then add molasis and fish fertilizer.

Seeing a few trichomes getting amber heads, but those are on the outer edges of the larger leaves, and not on the buds themselves. Some of the posts I'm reading indicate it's within a few weeks of harvest and should start to flush. But it doesn't make sense to me to shut off nutrients when the buds are still growing and filling out. My intention of a flush was to just use the normal amount of water and water at my current schedule. But now very uncertain as to when I should start the flush. Wait until there are more amber heads on trichomes and then flush? And then for how long?

Sorry for the long post. Wanted to make sure I was giving people enough info to formulate a decent answer. Thanks in advance for the help.
Paul Simon

Paul Simon

It is time to go to pure water with maybe some sugars for most outdoor plants, the dry nutrients will contrinue to feed your plants as they break down. You have weeks left before harvest.

Noob grower

Thanks for responding. I was also thinking that the sugars (molasses) would help keep the soil microbes active to break down nutrients and make it easier for the roots to absorb them. Wondering if there is a way to figure out how much nutrients the soil contains or if there is a way to measure it. Or is this more of an observation of the effects of nutrients being depleted?


Howdy, Linn County here and welcome to the farm. Since your growing in containers you can purchase a soil test kit. I have used Luster Leaf Rapitest (1601) in the past and I purchased it from Amazon. I don't believe it was more than $20 including shipping.

Noob grower

Thanks for the info, just ordered one. I'm a little north of you in Salem. Had no idea my plants were going to get so huge so had to build a 10' tall greenhouse a few weeks ago to keep them from getting destroyed or getting mold from the rainy season!


Thanks for the info, just ordered one. I'm a little north of you in Salem. Had no idea my plants were going to get so huge so had to build a 10' tall greenhouse a few weeks ago to keep them from getting destroyed or getting mold from the rainy season!

My rule of thumb is 2 gallon containers for every 12 inches of growth. Your using 15 gallon containers so, yeah lots of grow potential.


Living dead girl
Thanks for responding. I was also thinking that the sugars (molasses) would help keep the soil microbes active to break down nutrients and make it easier for the roots to absorb them. Wondering if there is a way to figure out how much nutrients the soil contains or if there is a way to measure it. Or is this more of an observation of the effects of nutrients being depleted?
They will (the sugars will keep microbes active) but keep in mind that while they're eating, they're fixing mineral nutrients in their bodies (mineralization) which makes those nutrients unavailable to the plant. But, when they shit or die, those minerals become available again. I use sugar feeds to force a fade, but it must be timed properly. Two weeks out from harvest, no more or they'll get all that N again.

If you're not using salt-based fertilizers, then there's little need for 'flushing'. If you're using them judiciously, again, little need. If you're using organic sources, then flushing is a moot point here.

I have a thread on how to harvest without a loupe, so you might find some useful information in it that will help you make a decision.


Listen to Seamaiden! No need to flush an organic soil grow unless you messed something up real bad. Since they are outside, they will ripen on their own schedule. You can pin things down easier when using lights ID (force the harvest date). But outside and greenhouse plants will go by the sun and weather/temps and finish in their own time. Good luck and big harvest!

Noob grower

They will (the sugars will keep microbes active) but keep in mind that while they're eating, they're fixing mineral nutrients in their bodies (mineralization) which makes those nutrients unavailable to the plant. But, when they shit or die, those minerals become available again. I use sugar feeds to force a fade, but it must be timed properly. Two weeks out from harvest, no more or they'll get all that N again.
I just read that in another post of yours and it definitely changes the way I think about molasses, sugars, microbes, and their overall effects on the plant. That would also explain why growth seemed to slow way down about a week and a half after adding molasses.

If you're not using salt-based fertilizers, then there's little need for 'flushing'. If you're using them judiciously, again, little need. If you're using organic sources, then flushing is a moot point here.
As far as I know, and according to the labels, everything is organic. Since personal growing is legal here in Oregon, there are multiple "indoor garden" stores in town.

I have a thread on how to harvest without a loupe, so you might find some useful information in it that will help you make a decision.
A lot of information to absorb in those threads. I do have a x30/x60 loupe and the additional observations will certainly help me to look at all indicators instead of fixating on just one.

Noob grower

Snooping around the site, I've already seen the breakdown on how and when sugars act on microbes. Definitely an eye opener and totally changes my ideas of what was going on. The lack of growth about a week and a half after adding the molasses regularly, would follow your explanation of minerals getting bound up by the microbes. Sounds like I unleashed the herd and they're having their own private party!

Thanks for the links. Quite a bit to absorb.
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