Bag Seed Hunting & The Lst Adventure

  • Thread starter rmoltis
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The Beast Slayer
It's hard to say for sure but I'd lean towards magnesium as well. I think the microblast has magnesium sulfate in it but probably not enough. Does interveinal chlorosis become more apparent later in flower?

I think a good option would be the addition of epsom salt. I belive 1g per gal is a good starting point.

Man those girls sure are thick from all those squats. Good coach.

I'll pick up some Epsom salts tomorrow maybe. It's been on my list of additives to have. I'll see if it helps this round.

She is in 5 gallons of soil.
I'm hoping this gal puts out some fat fruits in flower.

I'm very happy with how this round has turned out. Having all 3 tents full of trained ladies means that I will have a bountiful harvest.

On a side note the runt/mutant hadn't matured enough to flower yet. So I removed her from the 12/12 tents and placed on top of the micro tent. There is a 5000k led bulb about a foot above in the ceiling. She is still in a 1 gal pot. She is the critical super silver haze.
20170127 230938
20170127 230951
20170127 231004

I'm gonna let her veg out while the other gals are flowering. That way I'll have the next beast already formed and ready to go. Her sex being known makes it easy.

I tied her branches down and spread them out. Then I removed all the big fans blocking the light.


The Beast Slayer
I'm making some new rso tonight.
I've decided to use the big bagseed 1 flowers for this batch.

I took my 2 mason jars of cola tops and combined all the biggest into 1 jar.

Then I took all the remaining little tops to use. I will throw in some nuggets too.

These should make some potent oil. They have been curing in their jars untouched.

I save all my plant tops in their own separate jars. I consider them my "private reserve" smoke. I usually smoke all the rest of the plant buds first.

20170128 005831
20170128 011102
20170128 011137
20170128 005701

I'll make sure to weight out the input weight vs yield.

Here is the input weight.
20170128 013200
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Premium Member


Premium Member
Had the beast clone out for water so I took some snaps.

View attachment 663223 View attachment 663224

Im using the earth juice nutes and following the advanced feeding chart every round of flower.
View attachment 663227
Items I add not on the chart are earth juice oily can, God silica, molasses, biozeus & mychorizae. Here is the chart for additives.
View attachment 663229

I always notice a deficiency start to creep up around flower from week 2-3 onward.

I need to over time figure out what's lean in my nutrient mixture as to engineer this problem away forever.
View attachment 663225

Could you peeps help me decide the nutrient I'm lean in? I'm thinking magnesium.

Keep in mind she is in a very high density light area and I'm assuming she is very hungry. I've fed every watering from seedling stage now. Just a matter of zeroing in on the lean nutrient/s.

All my plants in flower just today & yesterday got a water only feed just for good measure.
Hey R I would say it is too early to call out a Mg deficiency. Although it may be the very early stage of it. Like youve been told typically usp grade epsom salt at 1 tsp per gallon will get you back on track. Dont waste you $$$ on CalMag. Do you use tap water or RO or filtered water. Typically mg issues dont occur when using city tap water as it has enough mg in it to sustain the growth.

One reason I hesitate to say it def Mg deficiency is Mg is a mobile element within cannabis and symptoms usually present on the lower growth and older leaves as the plant pulls Mg from the lower part of the plant to keep the new growth going. From the look of your snap you are holding an upper leaf and the bottoms look fine. Is this the case?

A great addition to learning how to diagnose nute issues is knowing the Ph of your inputs and what the rootzone Ph is. This helps you to narrow down the possibilities by having a better idea what minerals are getting locked out. When you get your epsom salt mix up some foliar spray and mist her down both top and underside of leaves and within 24-48 hr if your Mg defish you will see a response. Then once you nail the problem just water with a tsp per gallon. Keep in mind as well, Mg is best taken up at between 6.0 and 6.5 so I know you dont feel you need to run Ph but if your rootzone is out of wack and the plant isnt getting enough Mg when you water with Epsom then your chasing your tail because if it i isnt within the range I shared the plant wont be able to access the Mg.

I hope this helps. On a side bar good to see the rso bringing some comfort to kitty.

Here are a couple of snaps of mag deficient plants




The Beast Slayer
Last few times I made rso my wife was complaining about the smell.

So I engineered a plan for making new batches of rso.
20170128 025135

I use a portable single element electric burner placed inside my tent with a pan just wide enough to hold my silicone pan. I have much clearance on all sides.

I disconnect the carbon filter because I'm venting outside directly. No need to waste a quality carbon filters life on some iso filtration.

Now when I zip the tent shut not only does all the air get evacuated from the house to the outside.

But the air constantly cycles in the tent helps to evap purge the iso while in the water bath on low temp. You can see the flange on the left is the intake. It blows air directly over the iso.

That means no fans blowing dirty air over it because the intake air is filtered already.

It is working excellently!


Are you using ISO for RSO? I was under the impression ethanol was to be used... granted if purged completely or almost i suppose it's negligible..? I've never made it do you have a particular recipe or mix it up ?


The Beast Slayer
Here is the return.
20170128 044353

Original dry weight was 7.65g
That is a %23.66 return off the big bagseed #1. That is a % I consider to be potent :).

It's no lab analyses but I believe the oil yield is an indicator of potency.
I.e. I grew %23 bagseed :). But that %23 covers all the cannabinoids in the oil not just thc.

This batch is a little harder than other batches. It was part powder, part oil on the dish. It took some elbow grease to work them all together and consolidate off of the pan. The result is a nice stable rso slab.

It can now be eaten, cooked with, used topically, or you can just dab it on your nail if you want to smoke.

Are you using ISO for RSO? I was under the impression ethanol was to be used... granted if purged completely or almost i suppose it's negligible..? I've never made it do you have a particular recipe or mix it up ?

If you go to Rick Simpsons webpage it says you can use %99iso to make the "phoenix tears"/Rick Simpson oil.

But I just take my buds, blend them in the magic bullet to dust. Then full with iso and blend for 30 seconds.

I then let the solids settle and I pour off the liquid. Leaving the solids in the cup to be washed a 2nd time in the bullet another 30 seconds.

Then I add all together in a mason jar using a coarse strainer to catch the big solids.

I then add my leftover solids to my mason jar of washed scraps & resin sitting in iso.

I take the fresh iso wash and run it through coffee filters to catch the fine solids. I then do a 2nd run through the coffee filters for good measure.

Make sure to be generous with your iso. Better to use too much then not enough leaving good stuff behind.

I then heat purge over a hot water bath on low heat until the thin film has purged the iso.

Once done cool down, consolidate & enjoy.
20170128 044314


The Beast Slayer
Right on man! That's a great % return. Good stuff.

After sitting overnight the oil has cooled to room temp.

At °71 room temp this stuff is shatter. It is pliable if I'm slow and careful. But if I put pressure on it to cut it like a knife it shatters along the line of pressure. It is truly some quality stuff.

It's probably because I used all tops.

I know my stuff comes out dark green and not amber. I like more yield and a fuller extract. I like to agitate bone dry, cured, room temp flowers in room temp iso.

The process of making this RSO already refines the smoke to a much more acceptable level over flowers.
It comes our tasty, terpy and smooth. Personally I'm not a fan of losing yield to refine it further.

I may add winterizing to my regimen one day to remove some waxes. It only adds the steps of leaving it in the freezer a few hours followed by a run through some coffe filters again.

Just seems I've been in a hurry to make this stuff so I've skipped this last step lately.

I'm very happy with how easy it is to make with iso when compared to butane. Along with the increased level of safety. And how cheap it is to procure.

I've noticed 1 quarter of flower last under a week. While oil extracted from that quarter lasts me longer than 1 week.

It is interesting.
It is as if the increased concentration of delivered oil keeps me medicated more consistantly and steadily over time each day.

My lungs even stay clearer when I stop smoking flower.

Truly is the best way to medicate.


After sitting overnight the oil has cooled to room temp.

At °71 room temp this stuff is shatter. It is pliable if I'm slow and careful. But if I put pressure on it to cut it like a knife it shatters along the line of pressure. It is truly some quality stuff.

It's probably because I used all tops.

I know my stuff comes out dark green and not amber. I like more yield and a fuller extract. I like to agitate bone dry, cured, room temp flowers in room temp iso.

The process of making this RSO already refines the smoke to a much more acceptable level over flowers.
It comes our tasty, terpy and smooth. Personally I'm not a fan of losing yield to refine it further.

I may add winterizing to my regimen one day to remove some waxes. It only adds the steps of leaving it in the freezer a few hours followed by a run through some coffe filters again.

Just seems I've been in a hurry to make this stuff so I've skipped this last step lately.

I'm very happy with how easy it is to make with iso when compared to butane. Along with the increased level of safety. And how cheap it is to procure.

I've noticed 1 quarter of flower last under a week. While oil extracted from that quarter lasts me longer than 1 week.

It is interesting.
It is as if the increased concentration of delivered oil keeps me medicated more consistantly and steadily over time each day.

My lungs even stay clearer when I stop smoking flower.

Truly is the best way to medicate.
Very cool man. Thanks for sharing the insight. I've made BHO before but as you've stated I don't really like the safety concerns associated, especially the ones concerning solvent still being present. Seems like RSO is far more simple and obviously a lot cheaper. I haven't quite touched upon information about the winterizing process. Interesting that it removes the extra wax to further refine the oil. I wonder if that makes it less or more flavorful. I'll have to try this myself after I get a surplus of flowers again.


The Beast Slayer
Very cool man. Thanks for sharing the insight. I've made BHO before but as you've stated I don't really like the safety concerns associated, especially the ones concerning solvent still being present. Seems like RSO is far more simple and obviously a lot cheaper. I haven't quite touched upon information about the winterizing process. Interesting that it removes the extra wax to further refine the oil. I wonder if that makes it less or more flavorful. I'll have to try this myself after I get a surplus of flowers again.

I used to dab a lot of bho when I lived in washington. And I noticed the ones with more wax content seemed to coat my lungs over the day allowing my dabs to be taken with it feeling easier on the lungs.

It would get to the point where I believed the wax would catch the oil vapor and delay the absorption over time into my blood. The reduced absorption efficacy would make the effects last longer just not as strong.

Start thinking over weeks of dabbing daily and how it would build up if you're a heavy smoker. But a week or so of not smoking usually clears it up.

So in my opinion removing the wax would lead to better absorption in the lungs with less residual coating.

But it's not necessary if you don't mind it.


The Beast Slayer
Took these pics of The Beast for my cola's per sq ft thread. But like to keep my work consolidated in my main thread here.

20170128 195202
20170128 195146
20170128 195301
20170128 195342

I did a mild defoliation of the core today. The canopy density was insane. It was pitch black under the plant before. Now you can see light from below at least.


Premium Member
Last few times I made rso my wife was complaining about the smell.

So I engineered a plan for making new batches of rso.
View attachment 663297
I use a portable single element electric burner placed inside my tent with a pan just wide enough to hold my silicone pan. I have much clearance on all sides.

I disconnect the carbon filter because I'm venting outside directly. No need to waste a quality carbon filters life on some iso filtration.

Now when I zip the tent shut not only does all the air get evacuated from the house to the outside.

But the air constantly cycles in the tent helps to evap purge the iso while in the water bath on low temp. You can see the flange on the left is the intake. It blows air directly over the iso.

That means no fans blowing dirty air over it because the intake air is filtered already.

It is working excellently!
Your Mom used to laugh when I said you would be a computer nerd or rocket scientist someday. You seem to thrive on seeing challemges and then engineering your way around things efficiently. Have I told you lately I am proud of the man you've become??? Well consider that my 1 compliment for a month. LOL Luv ya man. Hope kitty is feeling ok. Tell H I love her too and give her a hug for me.


The Beast Slayer
Your Mom used to laugh when I said you would be a computer nerd or rocket scientist someday. You seem to thrive on seeing challemges and then engineering your way around things efficiently. Have I told you lately I am proud of the man you've become??? Well consider that my 1 compliment for a month. LOL Luv ya man. Hope kitty is feeling ok. Tell H I love her too and give her a hug for me.

Thx chief she is doing well now that we got her med routine down.

I've started just relying on slowly blowing 2nd hand dabs at her instead of feeding it. Everytime right after she breathes the hit her nausea goes away and she wants food. We couldn't believe it.

Now everytime I light up the torch and the nail she turns to face while laying down and makes eye contact asking me if she gets some. She knows it helps her feel good. Sometimes she comes and sits closer.
It's just nice we get some quality time with her before she really declines.

Yea agreed 23% is pretty good.

Thx chief!

I'd send you some but it would be done and vaped after sitting in your hot ass mail box lol.

Did I ever say those SDXQ seeds you gave me were great smoke! It's still my favorite from last harvest. I have to restrain myself or it'd be gone.


The Beast Slayer
Here is an update on the mutant/runt.

20170129 133502

20170129 133541

I topper her main stem shortly after its last photoshoot.

Her stretch/growth is slowing back down to normal as she reverts to a 24hr photoperiod.

Her new leaves are slowly starting to lose that wierd crinkle. But some still grow in that way.

She is about 1 foot beneath (1) 5000k led bulb. So her growth speed will not be very fast. She also may stretch more than expected looking for light.

That may help me with my lst training. The extra stretch would help me fill out the pots. Especially since she has 5-7 more weeks before any of the tents become available.

I don't really have any expectations of her. I'm just gonna let her grow in a little wild and just keep tying down new branches. Then we will see what we end up with at the end.


Here is an update on the mutant/runt.

View attachment 663672

View attachment 663673

I topper her main stem shortly after its last photoshoot.

Her stretch/growth is slowing back down to normal as she reverts to a 24hr photoperiod.

Her new leaves are slowly starting to lose that wierd crinkle. But some still grow in that way.

She is about 1 foot beneath (1) 5000k led bulb. So her growth speed will not be very fast. She also may stretch more than expected looking for light.

That may help me with my lst training. The extra stretch would help me fill out the pots. Especially since she has 5-7 more weeks before any of the tents become available.

I don't really have any expectations of her. I'm just gonna let her grow in a little wild and just keep tying down new branches. Then we will see what we end up with at the end.
My spliffs strawberry had weird growth like that at the start and now shes all over the damn place lol. Never really found out why


The Beast Slayer
So I was getting my dab ready and I figured I'd weigh it.

.07 grams of RSO isn't a lot is it?
20170129 193446

I wondered so I took the input weight 7.65gĂ· total oil yield 1.81=4.226519337g of input for each gram of RSO.

Now take that 4.2265Ă—.07 gram dab=.2958g dry flower equivalent.

So this .07g dab which seems huge. In reality is just a %23 return off of a .2958g equivalent sized bud. Here is a photo comparison. The bud weighed .30g.
20170129 193300

I catch myself taking personal hits of dry flower of .30-.50g almost everytime. So this explains why I conserve smoke when dabbing oil.

I just never though a .30g bud could hold that much oil.

The proceeds of my 2nd hand smoke will be donated to my sick kitty. The vapor of the oil helps her nausea a ton.
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So I was getting my dab ready and I figured I'd weigh it.

.07 grams of RSO isn't a lot is it?
View attachment 663799

I wondered so I took the input weight 7.65gĂ· total oil yield 1.81=4.226519337g of input for each gram of RSO.

Now take that 4.2265Ă—.07 gram dab=.2958g dry flower equivalent.

So this .07g dab which seems huge. In reality is just a %23 return off of a .2958g equivalent sized bud. Here is a photo comparison. The bud weighed .30g.
View attachment 663800
I catch myself taking personal hits of dry flower of .30-.50g almost everytime. So this explains why I conserve smoke when dabbing oil.

I just never though a .30g bud could hold that much oil.

The proceeds of my 2nd hand smoke will be donated to my sick kitty. The vapor of the oil helps her nausea a ton.
That is quite a bit if oil from a small bud. Well grown! Dabs for kitty! Hows she holding up?
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