The New Shit,show Ya Pics.

  • Thread starter keiksweat
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sounds good. its good ting the PC can have large ass font.. or i could not read this hwo fucked up my eyes are. hah..

when i look at a person i see a black spot with white light around them.. that fades in and out..
trippy shit.


sounds good. its good ting the PC can have large ass font.. or i could not read this hwo fucked up my eyes are. hah..

when i look at a person i see a black spot with white light around them.. that fades in and out..
trippy shit.
Hope all is well pal!


im hanging in there man.. i think im just gonna stick to being a loner.. fuck the public. :)

dude some asshoel would not let us get over on the freeway during a accident.. he was driving crazy.. fucking road rage shit.. me just chilling vaping on the back from doctors.

i think im just gonna keep to my self.. fuck people in real life. hah. ready to throw the towel in on society i tell yeah.. to many rude people..



Premium Member
Love my country home
Can see
IMG 0113
for a hundred miles to the southern mountains


hope everyone is high, or at least happy.
vape loaded, and off i go for my night walk.. depression is back. stupid brain cant make up its mind what the fuck it wants to d o. hell i do not even know who i am anymore. old clothes no fit, i do not look like my self on pills.. its scary how sick i looked. i look healthy now. laughs. and girls look at me.. shrugs. old man here.. why girly looking at me i dunno ( yeah i had to spend a half hour at the mall at my parents hobby store.. people suck ).. at least that is the depression talking. hah.
rock on.


Premium Member
im hanging in there man.. i think im just gonna stick to being a loner.. fuck the public. :)

dude some asshoel would not let us get over on the freeway during a accident.. he was driving crazy.. fucking road rage shit.. me just chilling vaping on the back from doctors.

i think im just gonna keep to my self.. fuck people in real life. hah. ready to throw the towel in on society i tell yeah.. to many rude people..

sorry bout dat..
Must be the rat race of the city..Makes good folk crazy...
Not too late to say see ya like we did 16 years ago..
Folks round here are way cool.
Folks mind their own business pretty much so. Don't give a rats ass about what you do as long as you do not try to take away their guns or water...
Pretty rare not to get a wave back from on coming cars everyone waves or nods.
Other night during chores heard a truck sputter and die out of gas.
Went to help some other fella had stopped and was pouring in 5 gallons he would not accept payment..
We see our neighbors rarely always working, but if something comes up folks help each other out.
Good folks everywhere do not let the crazys make you crazed.

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