Marijuana Adventure

  • Thread starter Tempy
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even if it is, you can treat it to get thru your grow, but dont take no clones because the clones will have pm too.. From what i understand, you can control it but you cant get rid of it....


Fk bro I thought I was doing everything right
This shit is heart breaking fk to take care of them this long only be taken out by pm even though I though I did all the things to prevent it


Fk bro I thought I was doing everything right
This shit is heart breaking fk to take care of them this long only be taken out by pm even though I though I did all the things to prevent it
what did you do to prevent it?
Spray shit on your leaves?
People give horrible advice all the time

I NEVER SPRAY ANYTHING....on my plants unless I see a problem
Spinosad maybe.....
when I see a flyer

people give advice from which the enviroment of your grow can be completely differ than theirs

preventative measures would be keep humidity swings
and hepa filter all air coming in to the grow room
that is doing everything to prevent this type of occurance


what did you do to prevent it?
Spray shit on your leaves?
People give horrible advice all the time

I NEVER SPRAY ANYTHING....on my plants unless I see a problem
Spinosad maybe.....
when I see a flyer

people give advice from which the enviroment of your grow can be completely differ than theirs

preventative measures would be keep humidity swings
and hepa filter all air coming in to the grow room
that is doing everything to prevent this type of occurance
Wisher, looking at the leafs
Do you think it's pm?


pull the leaves off

I am not understanding what you want to hear
if you want to hear pm then toss the plants
if you want to wipe the leaves with a Iso Alcohol soaked cloth and monitor the plants then do that


Tempy,, brother... If it is, then it is... I dont see how you got pm unless you dont have your room dialed in, with alot of air circulation... Defol and lollipop so that you got even more circulation... Im running 65% to 70% rh with 72-75 temps...
I cant believe the mass panic that ive seen here lately with pm... and i dont think any one of them have actually had it... Mandalaman thinks he has it to.. he might tho, because he just introduced clones from someone else to his groom.... without going thru the procedures...
Tempy, you got to do the things you are supposed to, AND then you just got to let her do her thing...
If it goes bad, you clean everything, and start a new run.. it only takes 90 days..
If you crash financially, or cant afford a bad run, then it isnt your growing skills that you need improvement, its your business skills that you need to rethink...
For some of us, its a business, and its a medical necessity, and for others its just a hobby, but nevertheless, you need to realize that some runs are gonna not net you what you want... If you thought you were gonna become Hal Rosenthal, and Manuel Noriega on your first run, well..........
prob not gona happen... but this time next year, maybe..
Now earn your stripes! And take the pm like a man lol!

I remember Wisher having to talk me down off a ledge once when i was rather new too... I let a bagseed herm my whole crop... Mad was even a word lol!!!! But it was just one thing out of a zillion that we have to contend with...


I decided to trash those 3 plants and not take a chance
I will check the other plants and monitor them more carefully
But my question is this now
If I don't see anymore plants infected could I put them in flower now ?


I decided to trash those 3 plants and not take a chance
I will check the other plants and monitor them more carefully
But my question is this now
If I don't see anymore plants infected could I put them in flower now ?
kinda like Cutting you hand off when you get a blister because you panicked and thought it might be Flesh Eating Bacteria

again I ask......

did you spray anything on your plants?
if so then what?
what you may be seeing is the dried residue of whatever you are spraying or sprayed
you are also hyper focusing on your plants and everything is becoming a problem
try to relax
if you see something on your leaves
soak a cloth with ISO and wipe the leaf off

if the same condition comes back then start to diagnose
lets not jump off the ledge


you just tossed your plants because of dried residue from inesct spray

like I said
there is no need to jump off a ledge
you spray your leaves
you will have SPRAY on your leaves

you sprayed Sunday and tuesday you have white residue
seems normal to me
lets try not to fly off the handle

Gardening is very methodical
you need to have patience to allow your plants to respond and react
you see white residue you pull the leaf off
if more show up on leaves that didnt have it before you isolate
if no more leaves show any signs you are in the clear and it was probably residue from spray
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