Curmudgeonland...home Of The Old Farts Club

  • Thread starter yooper420
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Good morning old farts, let's all have a good day. We gonna clean all the leftover shit outta Curmudgeonland today and if anybody gets in our way, them too. We be too old to listen to all of the bull shit going on. Ya know we've heard it before, done it before and survived it, just don't wanna do it again. I be gettin' too old to waste time on bullshit things. Done drank a cup of coffee trying to write this. OK then, along with the second cup we gonna pack a bowl and have us a session of "wake n bake". Ready or not, here we go, puffin' and passin' to start the day the old fart way. We may not get a lot done, but we sure as hell have fun doin' it. Later.


Morning, Gents. Kinda gloomy here today. Back's been vegged since Thursday with no letup, so I'm looking forward to beer (and Oxy) day.

Hope everybody's still breathin' and feelin' fine. I used to hate Mondays. Now, they're just another day (but a beer day!).


Good morning Yoop the rest of the OFC ya even you Gnome.:smoking::fire::ninja:.
I'm doing very well thank you @incogneato. I'm definitely feeling lucky to be alive. As long as my ct & mri's keep coming back cancer free I will be one happy camper.


Morning Hippie, Whatever happened with the neighbors yard waste?
Not sure. Gonna take a cruse on the cart and see if'n it got cleaned up. If not, I'll stop past the township and raise a little hell. If that doesn't work, I'll take the FEL and do what the courts call "a little self help". Figure if I blast through the fence that's on my property (my fence, right?), I'll dump it on their back porch. Hate to be a prick, but I ain't lettin' anybody shit on me.


morning everybody.

did anyone else get a pm from bestofthebest asking?

Hello, I was wondering what seeds of strain you have that you consider to have good genetics?
Please respond.

don't know who the cat is and their profile is a error, but says they joined saturday.


I have a good one for you.
Like 2 years ago I gave a member of the farm my phone number. Never did talk on the phone so I never had a # to store.
Sunday morning while I'm cooking breakfast I get a text asking if this was still stonestacker. It takes me a minute to get to the text, when I do I respond I'm guessing that this is so and so based on area code and the unknown #. No response now it's fucking with my head, so I text back asking who this is. No response. Well I follow him on ig so I dm him still no answer... Now it's really fucking with my head (it don't take much). Finally he gets back at me and says yes it's him just checking if it was still a valid #.
lol I'm a paranoid old fuck...


lol I'm a paranoid old fuck...
It's hard to sneak up on a paranoid person, 'cause they know yer coming. Paranoia=total awareness.

Old Hen took a walk to the west side of the ranch. The piles of the neighbor's shit are gone. We can go back to nice old hippie mode now.:) I much prefer being nice. When I go to prick mode, I tend to take it way too far. Don't care for it much.
Yard dog

Yard dog

hey guys, been busy here. I am replacing a transom board on my pond hopper. looking for a good cheap small outboard, 10 horse or less. haha, thats a joke, cuz everyone knows there aint no good & cheap outboards. not with the &, maybe OR.
here is a picture of Grassmonkey at 49 days, she will come down around day 55. i have three of them in bloom. my bloom cab is sooo full. i will start harvesting this week, ending on the last week of june, different
strains coming down at diff. times.


Whut up sluts.. Sweating balls today, got roped into cutting down a few big ass tree's with a very dodgy chain saw, Between my arms and hands and back... I hurt like fucking hell has cometh!

Time for a little food a little morphine and a little relaxing fishing expedition on my video game ;)

hope you guys are doing better then i am.

Pulled all the radishes today, Slugs beat me to the biggest of them leaving me with middle sized and smaller.. Fucking total waste of garden space. But were learning what grows well and what does not :D And ebay seeds do not! :p

Got more corn planted (seeds..) and 3 tomato plants.

Just gotta wait for the new corn to get 6-8 inches tall then i'll plant more peas and green beans.

Got beans and pee's sprouting with the old corn i planted so thats kewl! Sadly i think there FOOD beans not GREEN beans my brother misunderstood what seeds i had asked for but oh well.. someone will eat them im sure :D
Some guys we assume were semi professionals were felling a tree near ruby hill this weekend. It was twice as tall as the church next door, and three times as tall as the wires on two sides in the alley. While they smartly tied off, it was to the same tree they were taking limbs from. I had to stop working to watch the show. The guy who drew the short straw would use an electric chainsaw to hinge each limb by a third, let it fall, then let the hinge rip loose by the weight of the tree. It worked okay until the small limbs were gone. The last limb of the day they took down in two sections, not three. The trunk looked like a banana, and it wanted to fall to my left or right, but they were pulling it perpendicular. The guy with the saw let the tree pinch the saw, and the upper part of the tree fell. The guy in the tree wedged himself enough that he stayed in the tree but his helmet flew off. As the tree fell the upper limbs clipped the overhead lines, but fell through without breaking anything major. I was expecting to call 911 but didn't see any sparks or hanging wires.
Thats what you get for living in town.
It was Greeley, and I don't think that place was a town when I was there. It was a shit show. The drug dealer down the street and the tweeker next door had an ongoing feud which culminated with them setting each others cars on fire one evening. I was there when they had the riots, and the bean bags, rubber bullets and shotgun shells we collected got us in the news after the cops said they never used pepper spray, rubber bullets or bean bags. This was before the twatter and bookfaceinstasnapchat. I hate that place.
Aphids are easy to kill, as far as bugs go. Malathion is ok to use when the plants are young, but im hesitant to use it as plants develop. I also like to do a perimeter spraying with tempo, which must be reapplied anytime it rains.

I had a friend w an aphid problem last year, and he used a spray of habanero powder and a few drops of dish soap to control the population and it was fairly effective.

I have heard that dishsoap and water can help control aphids as well, but havent tried it or seen anyone else try it either.
I have found that insecticidal soap, potassium fatty acids, are mostly too harsh for a lot of young plants, and dish soap is much easier on tender or new growth than anything labeled insect soap. I find it provides minimal effectiveness for the cost. Even at 1-2% concentration I see potassium fatty acids do heavy damage even with very light applications.
For most of my cactus and soil that might get dry between watering, I use a couple drops of dish soap as a wetting agent, which also helps with bugs. I'll clarify here that I actively use og biowar products and those populations might go dormant or die in my growing situation of the soil drying out between waterings, which probably differs than how most people use it. I might be effectively crippling the bugs in the soil by using dish soap, but in my situation it's a non-issue. My biggest bug problems are crawlers like thrips or fungus gnats, and the occasional spider mite, and aphids outside in the spring. Increasing the amount of dish soap, using warm water, ensuring good coverage and good emulsion has always helped for me. I have a big Petopentia natalensis and it gets regular soakings of tepid water with dishsoap, and I use very sudsy water to coat the leaves. I have found that dusters, depending on the active ingredients, work well with small plants where you can ensure full coverage under the leaf surface. It's almost impossible to cover every area with dust, where using sudsy water I can literally place a pile of soap on each leaf. I keep two bottles in the fridge as I have read that they hate cold and humidity.
I have also used cold hose water as an effective spot treatment of heavy populations, but that only washes them off the fruit/plant, and we sprayed with neem after.
Insecticidal soap is sold commercially for aphid control; these may not always use the word soap, but they will list "potassium salts of fatty acids" or "potassium laurate" as the active ingredient. Certain types of household soaps (not synthetic detergents) are also suitable,[1] but it may be difficult to tell the composition and water content from the label. Potassium-based soaps are typically soft or liquid.
*Much more useful info at the link.
I went to pick up 4 nanny goats today and ended up bringing home Im going to get a billy goat tomorrow. He goes out behind the barn so we dont have to smell him.

Also LGG, thanks for the pm, got my morel shortage sorted, appreciate you willingness to help me out in time of need.
Ain't no thing, it's a nice fringe industry benefit of having contacts everywhere that do everything. I got some follow up that fresh morels will be in boulder soon. I know that Marczyk fine foods sends out emails to those who subscribe notifying of availability of 'rooms throughout the year. I see why people collect their own, them things are expensive.
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