First Grow From Seed

  • Thread starter OzyGrow
  • Start date
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Howdy guys / girls.

I'm basically going to start a thread to look back on at a later date to see where I went wrong and the screw ups I made so I can learn a little from not only myself, but hopefully take some advice onboard from all you guys if anyone wants to chime in.

Little about this:

Everything, and I mean everything is new.
Lights, pots, nutes, watering system, room design, never grown from seed, always been clone ( and that was many, many years ago ). So yeah, I'm sort of just winging it from the get go. There has already been some issues that I am trying to figure out, so again.... If anyone has some pointers, I am happy to take them onboard.

2 fixtures with 9x vero29 cobs per fixture, 5 @ 3500k 80cri and 4 @ 3000k 90 cri
3 cobs running on a single hlg 320 1750

2x Pots: 1 per fixture
90L pots with clay balls on bottom and the rest filled with a coco/perlite mix on a run to waste.

Room temps controlled by air con on thermostat with probe hanging from fixture sitting above the plant, fan running on medium circulating over both pots.

2x green crack females ( unknown breeder, as it wasn't listed, was just happy they arrived unlike one of the other banks that duped me out of a couple hundred bucks and made life bloody hard )

2x Big Bud Autos ( freebies )

Ok, so about 3 weeks ago I started the seeds, Soaked for about 24 hours, overnight on the paper towel, they popped the sperm tail and were put in the jiffy pots under 6x cfl's.

Won't be using the jiffy pots again, as I found them pretty crap, although the drained, I didn't find it did very well and kept it a little water logged.

First grow from seed

After roughly 7 days ( 1 globe blew so I just used the 4 instead of the 6 )
First grow from seed 2


They were stretching a bit in that stage, and were only being fed normal water, I started giving them a diilute seaweed feed after that @( 2.5ml per liter ) . They shot up like crazy after that, until I pushed the boundaries and up'd it to 4ml per liter, I think they affected them in a bad way. Maybe to much and somewhat slowed them.

I let them go a little until roots started poking out the bottom and the sides. Shit got hairy in a bad way after this.

Because there is only room for 2x main plants and the auto's are just going on the ground to do whatever they do, the two GC's that I picked went straight into the huge pots. First mistake I reckon.

The Autos seemed water logged like buggery for some reason. These little GC's just went into the biggest pot I have ever used and it looked really out of place. Next time, I'll up the post size by a little at a time.

Now, the Autos to date. Ever had an idea that you thought may work well, only to realize half way through it was a huge mistake but you're at the point of no return. This poor little auto was that exact example.

Because the Auto's were so water logged I decided to ditch the shit in the pot, fill it with some fresh soil and hopefully reboot. But in the meantime with the first auto, I thought it would be a great idea to try and peel the jiffy pot off because it was so wet ( one of those moments ), well I did, ripped a shit load of roots off it, and then eventually half the jiffy pot just broke off ( facepalm moment ). I still took my chances and re-potted. Next one I just potted the whole thing, wasn't going through that again ( although a pretty comical event of fuck ups )

Pretty obvious which is which, the half walking dead plant is starting to make a come back, although it's a slow process.
First grow from seed 3

Funny enough, the one of the right was the largest seedling to start with, and is just hanging in there, the one on the left was the runt.

I do have some concerns with the droopy and mis-colored leaves on the abused plant, but after everything that happened it may correct itself. Otherwise happy to take on some advice.



On to the second half.

I thought I had the water system organised, but that was a huge failure, I bought a pump from ebay, and there was no pressure at the ring, this is after I had already potted everything. So I was going through trial and error when it should have already been tested and worked out. I ended up ripping the whole watering system out 3 or 4 times, and re-doing the feed rings in the meantime. Also messaged the seller on ebay and in the nicest way told him that I could pee a faster flow than his crappy pump. Turned out it was my fault and I had to eat some humble pie and re-message to basically apologize. A new pump later and about 12 hours youtubing, googling I had it worked out to the point I was happy. Problem was though I dumped about 70 of water liters into a pot while testing. Funny enough, it doesn't seem to affect the plant in question and it actually looked ok.

There are a few leaves on there so I thought it would be time for a proper feed. I only got my PH and EC meter today, so I was completely running blind on all those levels. I am hoping this may the issue that is causing one of them to droop a little.

I tested it this morning, PH was about 7.5 and EC was reading 2.2. From what I have read and the chart that seems high. I adjusted it down to 5.9 PH and diluted the resi to about 1.5.

Hoping to see if makes a change over the next few days. The other issue was trying to find a happy medium between heat and light. I have never had a room without having the filter and fan on the roof that removes the hot hair and gives it some fresh in exchange, I'm now relying on the aircon inside, so it's prioving a bit difficult. Although the thermostat is reading what it is, it does seem hotter and I'm worried the fan is just blowing hot air.

I did dim the lighting down but that seem to make them worse, so I bumped them back to 600w per fixture and although one has responded well, the other one is still the same.

I would love some ideas on this is anyone wants to throw one in a hat. Here is some questions I have in regards to that.

Room set to 30'C
only fresh air is delivered by aircon and movement by fan

Is that OK? or does it need to be changed?

Here is the one that seems to be doing well ( which is about 3 weeks old now ). I still don't know why the 2 bottom single prong leaves are still twisted a tad.

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Can see slight twisting on the bottom leaves. Has me stumped.

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The white spots are where the water spray has hit the leaves the other day, I'm still trying to dial it in a bit, but it is also looking a little droopy, and the although when I transplanted them I put the stem in a little deep the bottom leaves look to big. and the two single prong leaves also look a little curled like the other one.

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Heres a better look at them close up which may explain it a little better.
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Well, that's it for now, about 3 weeks in from seed. Happy to hear any thoughts, otherwise all good, I'll keep trying to crack it and see what comes of it.


It was more than likely your pH being 7.5

Way too high. As far as the temp, that's fine for veg. Will want it lower for flower though.

Just finished my first grow myself, my plants were exactly as bushy and squatty as yours are and to be honest, I think this second time around I'm actually going to try to stretch them a tiny bit more just to get them off the soil. That being said, your system/lighting is significantly better than what I used, so pending something happening you should get a solid yield.

Just make sure your pH is staying low. If it creeps to 7.5 when you're feeding heavy nutrients you're going to have problems


Ok, back again for a weekly update on these, have had a right ass of a time trying to get things right and diagnosing some issues that I would really love some advice on. I tried to get some advice from someone at a shop who has been around a while ( not sure how much truth to that there is ) but they had never seen or heard of it before.

Just finished my first grow myself, my plants were exactly as bushy and squatty as yours are and to be honest, I think this second time around I'm actually going to try to stretch them a tiny bit more just to get them off the soil. That being said, your system/lighting is significantly better than what I used, so pending something happening you should get a solid yield.

MW7945, Got any pics of how they turned out, Only ask because if they were similar be interesting to see how yours turned out.

I only just organized a proper air exchange system, so I guess it is still early, but it is concerning.

First issue: Split/cracking leaves.
Only on 1 leaf on each of the plants, but for the life of me cannot find anything on it.

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Split / cracking leaves. I'm pretty sure there aren't any bugs, none that I can see with my eyes anyway. Has anyone seen or know what this is at all and what causes it?

Next issue: Leaves are HUGE and blocking out all light to anything underneath.

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these plants are only about 4 inch or so high. I know it's not normal, and am considering plucking those monsters just to get some light underneath.

This plant is also still droopy, just when I think it's starting to perk up, she goes back down the next day. Starting to wonder if it's a dud.

I had to redo the water system as I wasn't getting even pressure and the second one was missing out A LOT. but that's all good now.

They are feeding 3x a day for a minute at a time on full strength, I just dropped that down to 2x a day, Maybe I am overwatering for something that size, I may also just flush with ph'd water to see if I can somewhat start fresh, any recommendations.

3rd issue: Lighting.

I am having a right time trying to find the sweet spot for light and heat. The first plant, although perky and nice enough looking seems to struggling with heat, has some crinkly, taco looking leaves, so I assume that is heat stress, but no matter what or how I set the lighting doesn't seem to be getting better.

I have resorted to turning my middle row of 3x led's off and the 2x outer rows set at 150w. Also lifted the lights to about 3ft above the pots to try and encourage some stretch, these look like they are growing, but definitely not up at all. it may be strain related, but it's a bit ridiculous. I remember watching a growmau5 video on a 5 cob configuration where he mentioned that he would probably remove the middle cob as it gave too much of a hot spot. My issue is I have the middle one connected to 2x outer ones. May be a case of disconnecting the middle one all together and just running 2x offset in the middle. That will piss me off as I chose the drivers to run 3x cobs each, but if it helps that's what will have to be done.

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Plant #2 with the huge leaves and blocking all light just doesn't seem to be picking up, and if it does, only for a few hours before lights out.

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Plant #1 looks nice enough, but I think is suffering heat stress. You can notice a slight curling, and although the picture doesn't really show it, is a bit wrinkly at the bases of the leaves.

They are the 2 main ones, the other 2x that I threw in for shits and giggles seem to be good as gold, look good, no heat stress, nice and open. They are also not directly under the lights and more on the outskirts. I think I also muddled them up and one is a auto and one is a GC. The were suppose to be 2x auto's but can definately see the difference.
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Welcome any & all opinions with open arms and unicorn rainbow farts as I'm pretty stumped.

Happy Farming.



I've never done coco but I'm running green crack from crop king from seed now. They are strong solid growers. I had bad issues in beginning they were dead pretty much but they came back real nice. You don't want ph over 7. Plants seem to like slightly acidic. 6.0-6.5 is where I keep mine in soil. If you read around here a lot of people run coco. You can get a lot of good info. I'm on my first grow. On the left at menu you can go to search. Type in anything you want to find out. Seriously there will be all kinds of info comes up. People will be on this thread soon too n steer you right on your coco project. Always research any advice before just making changes. The first 5 weeks of my plants I lost 9 of them. I brought 3 dead plants back to fill a 4x4 with mostly all colas now. Most of my issues were solved by reading on this site. Seriously troll around you'll find tons of helpful stuff.


I've never done coco but I'm running green crack from crop king from seed now. They are strong solid growers. I had bad issues in beginning they were dead pretty much but they came back real nice. You don't want ph over 7. Plants seem to like slightly acidic. 6.0-6.5 is where I keep mine in soil. If you read around here a lot of people run coco. You can get a lot of good info. I'm on my first grow. On the left at menu you can go to search. Type in anything you want to find out. Seriously there will be all kinds of info comes up. People will be on this thread soon too n steer you right on your coco project. Always research any advice before just making changes. The first 5 weeks of my plants I lost 9 of them. I brought 3 dead plants back to fill a 4x4 with mostly all colas now. Most of my issues were solved by reading on this site. Seriously troll around you'll find tons of helpful stuff.

Cheers @Monster762. I have done a google, forum search on the cracking leaves to no avail, alot came up with splitting stems and stuff like that but nothing that specific, with saying that, I may have just been putting in the wrong search words.

I think the rest may be trial and error and the beauty of cobs I guess, is they can be customized, heaps of stuff I didn't understand ( and still working out ) is starting to somewhat make sense now ( mainly efficiency, and I am assuming the light output, which I still have to measure, I think that will answer a lot of questions to )

The PH I keep as close to 6 now as I can, give or take a decimal or two. But, I will do some reading up that now actually, that never crossed my mind, cheers man. :)


Cheers @Monster762. I have done a google, forum search on the cracking leaves to no avail, alot came up with splitting stems and stuff like that but nothing that specific, with saying that, I may have just been putting in the wrong search words.

I think the rest may be trial and error and the beauty of cobs I guess, is they can be customized, heaps of stuff I didn't understand ( and still working out ) is starting to somewhat make sense now ( mainly efficiency, and I am assuming the light output, which I still have to measure, I think that will answer a lot of questions to )

The PH I keep as close to 6 now as I can, give or take a decimal or two. But, I will do some reading up that now actually, that never crossed my mind, cheers man. :)
You spent some time on that setup. I'm sure once you get everything dialed in you'll appreciate the time you took before hand. I jumped out the window with no chute and kicked myself in ass the whole way but I think I got it under control now. You got s nice setup there. As far as cracking only thing that would come to my mind would be dryness of the leaves. Either lighting drying them or just want misting. But obviously don't mist under direct light.


You spent some time on that setup. I'm sure once you get everything dialed in you'll appreciate the time you took before hand. I jumped out the window with no chute and kicked myself in ass the whole way but I think I got it under control now. You got s nice setup there. As far as cracking only thing that would come to my mind would be dryness of the leaves. Either lighting drying them or just want misting. But obviously don't mist under direct light.

Cheers @Monster762,

yeah, alot of thought, time and effort went into it to suit what ( I thought ) I needed, but now it's somewhat done, it's more of this is what I have to work with. I think it's more the tweaking it too suit what I need to achieve is the next hurdle.

I am use to hps lamps where it is what it is and never had the ability to play with, I did dim my cobs down to 30w each, and it seems like a overcast day, so a measure of light would be nice to see where things are at. That's one thing I never understood when I first began the journey, but makes a lot of sense now.

That makes sense about the dry leaves, I would have thought it would have happened to a couple more though, but definitely not a "out there" suggestion.


Cheers @Monster762,

yeah, alot of thought, time and effort went into it to suit what ( I thought ) I needed, but now it's somewhat done, it's more of this is what I have to work with. I think it's more the tweaking it too suit what I need to achieve is the next hurdle.

I am use to hps lamps where it is what it is and never had the ability to play with, I did dim my cobs down to 30w each, and it seems like a overcast day, so a measure of light would be nice to see where things are at. That's one thing I never understood when I first began the journey, but makes a lot of sense now.

That makes sense about the dry leaves, I would have thought it would have happened to a couple more though, but definitely not a "out there" suggestion.
As far as par light measurement there's no real way to cheat but you can actually download a lumen footcandle meter on phone. I have no idea what my par is but I got almost 30,000 lumens at my canopy. I run t5s with 6400k and 3000k bulbs staggered and a 600w led w/ uv and ir my whole room ran me about $500. That included resetting walls raised slotted floor for consistant cool air intake pots soil lights fans n all. I use a bs homemade co2 the yeast n sugar deal. Like I said I wish I had taken the time to plant cause making all the cahanges 1 at a time in an active room sucks. But 7 weeks in flower now n it's all dialed in.


I hear ya @Monster762. That's what I've been doing ( change by change ) and it's doing my head in

I took what you said on board and started trolling the forums and googling the shit out of everything. I'm about 95% sure I have screwed up in a pretty big way and got my seeds mixed up which is disastrous. Big bud auto and green crack have been mixed up and I have my Auto's in the big pots which is what I didn't want. After comparing pictures of other growers it's pretty obvious and I should have noticed sooner.

I could seriously bash my head against a wall right now. What a knob!!!

Ah well, I will find out soon enough as I'll be pissing the droopy one off, pot the other in a smaller pot and pop some fresh seeds in the coming days. ( I'll be making sure I don't screw this up )

Silver lining is I can pop 2x more strains that I really wanted to play with, lol.


I hear ya @Monster762. That's what I've been doing ( change by change ) and it's doing my head in

I took what you said on board and started trolling the forums and googling the shit out of everything. I'm about 95% sure I have screwed up in a pretty big way and got my seeds mixed up which is disastrous. Big bud auto and green crack have been mixed up and I have my Auto's in the big pots which is what I didn't want. After comparing pictures of other growers it's pretty obvious and I should have noticed sooner.

I could seriously bash my head against a wall right now. What a knob!!!

Ah well, I will find out soon enough as I'll be pissing the droopy one off, pot the other in a smaller pot and pop some fresh seeds in the coming days. ( I'll be making sure I don't screw this up )

Silver lining is I can pop 2x more strains that I really wanted to play with, lol.
I mixed up mine too but later on you'll be able to tell. Did you get sativa dominant gc or the indica. The indica more rare but I got the indica one. Flower time 10 weeks. Sativa s go longer. You'll be able to tell the autos cause they will throw pistils under veg lighting. They will flower on their own. Just stay in veg until they do then label the pots with tape n permanent marker. I had blueberry too but they are finicky growers n during my stressful weeks they all died.


I have 2 sour deisels in reveg cause the green crack took off n used all they space. They were being totally blocked out in flower so I put in different room under 24 hr. I cut clones of my dominant gc girl last night. It's a beast I want to keep that plants genes going.


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I went from those to these. Same 3 plants. I got little burn going on but flushing this weekend then going to push nothing but water with low low sugars (bud candy )for a week then clean cold water for week or 2 to final flush.
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I mixed up mine too but later on you'll be able to tell. Did you get sativa dominant gc or the indica. The indica more rare but I got the indica one. Flower time 10 weeks. Sativa s go longer. You'll be able to tell the autos cause they will throw pistils under veg lighting. They will flower on their own. Just stay in veg until they do then label the pots with tape n permanent marker. I had blueberry too but they are finicky growers n during my stressful weeks they all died.

I got the sativa dominant, I just re-read then. I had to pick a bank that offered guaranteed shipping.

What I have decided, is to piff the crap one giving me grief, repot the other and pop 2x more fresh seeds and hold everything back ( other than the auto's ) and flip them all together. Just puts me a few weeks behind. Still frustrating none the less though and I can't believe I cocked that up so bad.

Funny you mention the blueberry, because that is one of the seeds I dropped in tonight, that along with a gorilla bomb.

With the before and afters of those pics, there is hope. That is quite impressive and you have to be happy with that. I guess it goes to show how strong a plant they really are.


Yeah the gc is strong. They put up with some abuse. Depending how much room you have the longer the veg the more it will pay off at end. I begged to 2-1/2 ft. Last measurement was 45-1/2 inches. 2-3 weeks ago. Colas are over a foot. Plus longer veg gives you a more matured plant that's ready to go when you hit 12/12.


Being sativa dominant you have potential for monster plants. Indica tend to stay shorter and bulky from what I've read. Sativa go crazy. I too just went with a seed bank that garunteed shipping for extra $35. Just happens the gc they stock is the indica dominant. Now I can't order again cause of the international credit card issues. They bill from random places and in USA bank denies the transactions. I'm gonna try a bank inside USA next time. No customs no card issues and shipping in 4-5 days to the door. Supposedly. I'm ordering lot of regulars and few fems I want male plant to isolate with females of each strain.


Yeah the gc is strong. They put up with some abuse. Depending how much room you have the longer the veg the more it will pay off at end. I begged to 2-1/2 ft. Last measurement was 45-1/2 inches. 2-3 weeks ago. Colas are over a foot. Plus longer veg gives you a more matured plant that's ready to go when you hit 12/12.

Everything you just wrote actually works in my favour if that's the case. Th GC will be ahead of the rest so a longer veg, and the fact they can take a bit of abuse from a newbie is great to, ha ha.

Well new plan of attack it looks like, and just went from a single strain to multiple. May as well jump in the lions den and get all the mistakes out the way in the beginning.

Should have just done veggies :drunk2:


Hey guys / girls,

back again. With an update.

So with a heap of mistakes and trying to work this out, I decided to scrap a few things and start fresh.

I got my seeds mixed up, then I thought I had that sorted ( lets just say, it didn't work in my favour ).

So here is the auto now, I started some fresh seeds and now this has me stumped. I am starting to think the seeds I got are a dodgey bunch, but surely they all wouldn't be like it.

Auto so far, this thing has put me through my paces keeping up with where things are at, and I am just winging it as I go along. Trying to read where it is at and taking a punt on what it should be getting, but so far so good I reckon.

I also did top this not realizing it was the auto, and I stripped the leaves back only for them to come back worse. It is still doing it's thing but will be the last Auto I do for a while.
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For such a small plant it is actually looking pretty good and smells awesome.

Now, on to some issues if anyone can chime in.

When I had the seedlings under the cfl's they seemed to be doing great, and then as soon as the go under the cobs, it's almost like they stunt. Here is a pic of the green crack, the previous 2 that went in the bin did the exact same thing, they for the life of me would not sprout up and just stayed really crappy and bunched in the middle like this
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I have topped these as they looked ok to do, but the last ones just stayed like this and only the leaves grew ( ridiculously huge ) The branches refuse to spread out. I am starting to think it's the seeds or the lights I decided to use, and if this does the same it will be going in the bin along with the rest of the seeds and the last time I use that seedbank, I'll also look at swapping out the lights for different ones.

the only other one that is wigging me out, and it's been like it from day dot is this weird one. Blueberry and is a 2 tone, the other one is nothing like it, It is getting calmag, nitro boost, and everything else it should, and there is no yellowing, just a bit odd.
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Front one is the one I am talking about, back one is gorilla bomb and seems to be doing fine other than a touch of yellow.

Peace out.


Hey guys / girls,

back again. With an update.

So with a heap of mistakes and trying to work this out, I decided to scrap a few things and start fresh.

I got my seeds mixed up, then I thought I had that sorted ( lets just say, it didn't work in my favour ).

So here is the auto now, I started some fresh seeds and now this has me stumped. I am starting to think the seeds I got are a dodgey bunch, but surely they all wouldn't be like it.

Auto so far, this thing has put me through my paces keeping up with where things are at, and I am just winging it as I go along. Trying to read where it is at and taking a punt on what it should be getting, but so far so good I reckon.

I also did top this not realizing it was the auto, and I stripped the leaves back only for them to come back worse. It is still doing it's thing but will be the last Auto I do for a while.
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For such a small plant it is actually looking pretty good and smells awesome.

Now, on to some issues if anyone can chime in.

When I had the seedlings under the cfl's they seemed to be doing great, and then as soon as the go under the cobs, it's almost like they stunt. Here is a pic of the green crack, the previous 2 that went in the bin did the exact same thing, they for the life of me would not sprout up and just stayed really crappy and bunched in the middle like this
View attachment 749038
I have topped these as they looked ok to do, but the last ones just stayed like this and only the leaves grew ( ridiculously huge ) The branches refuse to spread out. I am starting to think it's the seeds or the lights I decided to use, and if this does the same it will be going in the bin along with the rest of the seeds and the last time I use that seedbank, I'll also look at swapping out the lights for different ones.

the only other one that is wigging me out, and it's been like it from day dot is this weird one. Blueberry and is a 2 tone, the other one is nothing like it, It is getting calmag, nitro boost, and everything else it should, and there is no yellowing, just a bit odd.
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Front one is the one I am talking about, back one is gorilla bomb and seems to be doing fine other than a touch of yellow.

Peace out.
First going from a cfl to a cob may cause a little stunting. Because a cob is a whole different world of light over a cfl. What was the wattage difference? Drastically changing the amount of light quickly can do that. Now on to the one plant. I had one grew weird like that and at the end it somehow had a few white seeds in it. Never saw any male parts even when trimming the plant. But your leaves look to have a deficiency or something by the different shades of green on the same leaf. Have you looked for bugs at all? And roots. Water the entire pot evenly. It looks little damp right at base of the plant but the rest looks real dry. The roots won’t want to spread out in dry dry soil. You have to make sure it all gets wet fairly evenly. Other than that plants look good. Especially the Auto. I’ve never grown an auto yet but you might want to look in to cutting all the lower tiny buds n branches off. To get the energy focused on the bigger buds that are getting more light to them. But I am not by any means a pro at this. I still struggle too. So get other opinions too.


First going from a cfl to a cob may cause a little stunting. Because a cob is a whole different world of light over a cfl. What was the wattage difference? Drastically changing the amount of light quickly can do that. Now on to the one plant. I had one grew weird like that and at the end it somehow had a few white seeds in it. Never saw any male parts even when trimming the plant. But your leaves look to have a deficiency or something by the different shades of green on the same leaf. Have you looked for bugs at all? And roots. Water the entire pot evenly. It looks little damp right at base of the plant but the rest looks real dry. The roots won’t want to spread out in dry dry soil. You have to make sure it all gets wet fairly evenly. Other than that plants look good. Especially the Auto. I’ve never grown an auto yet but you might want to look in to cutting all the lower tiny buds n branches off. To get the energy focused on the bigger buds that are getting more light to them. But I am not by any means a pro at this. I still struggle too. So get other opinions too.

Hey Monster762,

Sorry for the late reply, been busy as hell lately.

It's been good and bad lately. Still having real issues with the photo plant. I for the life of me cannot work it out, tried everything I can think of and it's just not playing ball.

I pulled the first auto, I think it was a little bit early, but I didn't have a loupe to check and by the time it eventually arrived it was already done. Only expecting a little bit, but it is what it is, and will tie me over for a while. I actually don't mind auto's to be honest. Don't need a great deal of nutes and is pretty easy going. Was a good learning curve on reading where a plant is and I already ordered some more from a well known bank. Still, not bad for a first, and a free seed at that.

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The fan isn't directly on it, it is pointed below it. That's still pretty fresh, so it's going to shrink down to next to nothing.

The seeds I bought from I don't think are what I actually ordered. I only say that because I didn't order any auto's from them, yet this one has already turned on it's own. It looks great, especially for an auto, don't get me wrong, but quite disappointing to be sent something random, I wouldn't have put it in a 95l pot for starters and would have done the nutrients a bit different. I'm not even sure if bomb seeds do a gorilla in the auto. But I treated this as a normal, so it's pissed me off a tad.

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here is the difference between the 2. They went in on the same day, and I for the life of me cannot get the one on the left to spring up. I have read that the Blueberry ( if that is in fact what it is ) is a slow grower, but I did expect a bit more than where it is.

I read people have issues with to much stretch, where I'm trying whatever I can to encourage it.

Tried running the cobs at 35w,40w,50w,and 60w. Tried different heights of the lights, tried feeding more, tried feeding less. Tried cooler, warmer. It's got me stuffed. That's at 3 weeks since being put in the pots.

I might also be comparing apples to lemons. Watching the one on the right grow so rapidly and being an auto, I might be expecting to much.

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Next time I pop seeds, which will be soon hopefully, I am going to try them straight under the cobs on the floor and slowly raise them rather than under cfl's. I want to see if it reduces the issues I have had going from one to the other. Seeing as that is the 3rd photo plant that I have run into issues with doing it the other way. But if the one on the left does eventually decide to wake up it will be nice though.

Other thing I will be doing is spending the extra money and going to a seedbank that has a fairly good reputation and hopefully get sent the stuff that takes me hours trying to decide on

Well, that's where it's at,

Happy farming,

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