Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

  • Thread starter EventHorizan
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Its just more loose. Theres a business here to protect. Its more lawless there. But you were in the lounge. Theres actually some good threads over there. I like the more community feel here. I started there though so i handle trolls pretty well usually.
Well beside completely jacking up the thread, it was kinda exciting.. Oh well, just look at it like Paw Paw Zan took everyone to wally world on a field trip ......

Well ive been waiting for them, but prob had to wake up their older sister to fill out the new member info....


Well beside completely jacking up the thread, it was kinda exciting.. Oh well, just look at it like Paw Paw Zan took everyone to wally world on a field trip ......

Well ive been waiting for them, but prob had to wake up their older sister to fill out the new member info....

lol they are waiting till we all go to sleep, your gunna have a lot of cleaning up to do in the am.


lol they are waiting till we all go to sleep, your gunna have a lot of cleaning up to do in the am.
I told you it was a pit bull mentality on their part.. I felt it as soon as I posted. If they come here, I will have it erased before sun up, and them booted. And honestly they cant never touch my garden, so they are limited too asinine comments.. And honestly if they make new member profile just to come after me, well I feel kinda empowered by that.. Boys they gonna make old paw paw famous... Once that happens, then I release my Americas got talent genetics!


I thought that type of trolling was limited to reddit lol.. guess I was wrong..
I have never experienced retards quite like that, in a group. I mean you see the occasional dumb ass doing the newb shuffle but not a whole tribe of illiterate nut groupies all at one time.. And talk about but hurt... That is the epiphany of butt hurt.... I mean they posted pics of off the wall shit in a new thread just for the sake of starting shit and then wants to act like we intruded on their sacred ground..
There is a new kind of racism out! Sititism

Not liking someone from another site lmao..
I been discriminated against..

Well night homies.. Sry I took us on that adventure.. I didnt know there would be wild animals...


Welp, seed did indeed sink last night, but that's probably all I'm going to see out of it.. just like the last ones that sank, no sign of the shell opening up yet.

On the plus side my blue dream stopped stretching under the 561c's and are lookin real nice so far.

Seed was covered in little air bubbles this morning too. Not sure if that's at all relevant
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