Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

  • Thread starter EventHorizan
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Lol one plant left to trim the "buds "off. Dafuq am I gonna do with all this O_O

Had this not been airy and lame I would've easily gotten 12+ oz. I probably still have that but there's no fking way I'm going to trim all of this. Some of it will go straight to butter/bubble hash. It's the lower airy stuff/I don't want to trim alllll of this.


Got my Guardian today though. Tbh it doesn't even look like it was used. I think it was "used" because the box had a corner smashed in. I was worried the pH probe was going to be shipped incorrectly (completely dry) but that wasn't an issue either. Whatever kind of gel is used doesn't freeze very easily either apparently. Was definitely a thicker viscosity but wasn't frozen.

Still doubting I get more beans and it's not looking like my one that showed promise has progressed any in the last few days of being in coco :(


Give what i was showing u on the other thread a shot.
Thats what ill be doing this week. I got em in the 3 gal Mon. Wanted to give them a few days and then train them all. I might throw some fan leaf tek in there on the tops. I had to keep them somewhat lanky in the 4x4. Finally got em in the bloom room on mon. They filled it out pretty easy. 2 600w mh for probably 2 weeks after i train em and flip 2000w hps. Damn, this starfighter x longbottom leaf #3 came out pretry damn good. Got me rambling


Lol one plant left to trim the "buds "off. Dafuq am I gonna do with all this O_O

Had this not been airy and lame I would've easily gotten 12+ oz. I probably still have that but there's no fking way I'm going to trim all of this. Some of it will go straight to butter/bubble hash. It's the lower airy stuff/I don't want to trim alllll of this.
I have a bunch too. Plenty of coconut oil and i might have to make some bubble finally too. I havent trimmed any of the scruff. Thankfully i still got a few zips of good tops per plant. Looking lik 2-3 per plant on average.


Give what i was showing u on the other thread a shot.
what is the technique?
I always like stripping everything up to 4-6 nodes then flipping
but I also make sure all branches are of equal hight before this
my plants are getting smaller and smaller before flip I am thinkin 8-12" at flip now
of course I run clones
gonna be runnin SOG soon so just single cola plants
G gnome

G gnome

what is the technique?
I always like stripping everything up to 4-6 nodes then flipping
but I also make sure all branches are of equal hight before this
my plants are getting smaller and smaller before flip I am thinkin 8-12" at flip now
of course I run clones
gonna be runnin SOG soon so just single cola plants

One node and flip.

Ive always been a supporter of plantlet style methods!!! As i always say "there aint no money in vegging plants".

I understand how lst, scroggery, and all that can be beneficial to guys who want big operations but also wanna stay within a certain plant count for legal reasons in Michigan for example where the absolute max is 72. Well, thats not very many so if u wanna have a big garden and stay legal the answer is big plants. Otherwise, all that vegging, topping and bending is a waste of valuable resources. U cud be using all that square footage, electric, fertilizer, time, and effort for growing buds and isnt that the real goal? Haha Not to mention the longer something lives the more likely it is to die or more likely have something go wrong w it....also another reason why i like to vet em in and get em out.

Another way to look at it is like this.....if i can get by w a small veg rm and a short veg time and get x amount per plant, watt or sqft and another guy gets the same yield but has much more resources devoted to it then whos actually yielding better results?

I see guys on here all the time like " yeah i get 3lbs per light" but if it took ya 8wks to veg its really not impressive....


One node and flip.

Ive always been a supporter of plantlet style methods!!! As i always say "there aint no money in vegging plants".

I understand how lst, scroggery, and all that can be beneficial to guys who want big operations but also wanna stay within a certain plant count for legal reasons in Michigan for example where the absolute max is 72. Well, thats not very many so if u wanna have a big garden and stay legal the answer is big plants. Otherwise, all that vegging, topping and bending is a waste of valuable resources. U cud be using all that square footage, electric, fertilizer, time, and effort for growing buds and isnt that the real goal? Haha Not to mention the longer something lives the more likely it is to die or more likely have something go wrong w it....also another reason why i like to vet em in and get em out.

Another way to look at it is like this.....if i can get by w a small veg rm and a short veg time and get x amount per plant, watt or sqft and another guy gets the same yield but has much more resources devoted to it then whos actually yielding better results?

I see guys on here all the time like " yeah i get 3lbs per light" but if it took ya 8wks to veg its really not impressive....
so you and I are livin in the same world
I whole heartedly agree
I like to go 3-4 nodes but yes same concept
Event and I have talked about this as well
if I can veg for 2 weeks and flip
and you veg for 8 weeks
you pull 3lbs
and I pull 1.5
but I run cycles to 1 of yours
then to me I am way ahead of the curve


N this is what i got for the purp. Should i clear some more undergrowth off the purp or anything?
I would clear everything below
so all the scragly stuff that you see at the bottom
get rid of aint gonna net you nothing

I like to describe it like this

the plant has a max energy usage
so you can have that plant use the energy on the entire plant or forcr focus all that energy to a very specific region which are top flowers
G gnome

G gnome

so tou and I are livin in the same world
I whole heartedly agree
I like to go 3-4 nodes but yes same concept
Event and I have talked about this as well
if I can veg for 2 weeks and flip
and you veg for 8 weeks
you pull 3lbs
and I pull 1.5
but I run cycles to 1 of yours
then to me I am way ahead of the curve
"Way ahead" is an understatement .

Think about the compounding effects over time!!!! Plantlet methods ftmfw!!!
Its not opinion or difference in styles its just a str8 up fact
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