Need to know if plants are still alive??? Plz read sorry for long paragraph but need help

  • Thread starter CaliBud97
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Im in week 9 in flower lemon haze should he coming down in a month but had few problems heat stress and poor roots due to overwatering from misjudgement of the smart pot (never used them before) , using all canna products; terra flores rhitzotonic canazyme and boost accelerator i used pk13/14 week 5 to 7. I need to know if these plants are dead or not from week 5 they went downhill outside suffered heat stress from hps lights with no heat extraction (most basic ones) with poor air flow. Plants were getting fed whilst still wet due to misjudgement im guessing the roots wrre flooded. Literally theres not a fan leaf left they all shrivelled up and dropped off and sugar leafs are starting to curl upwards, underneath dead leaf is still quite a vibrant green however some colas (cant really call them colas theres hardly anythig on there) are literally brown and crusty, small branches at bottom are very flexible however colas are firm to an extent. Pistils turned orange from week 5 and stay orange you get the odd one or two on each bud but they are fried by the next day. A fee plants in same room however are doing good which makes me think it cant of all been heat stress defo roots . How do i know if the plant is dead or can still bounce back now temp and airflow is on point? Wil try get pics asap


Meant to be coming down in couple weeks**** not a month


Also forgot to say running 3 600 watt hps not close to buds at all nearly a meter space, there is a 4th light but havent had it on due to heat stress. At one point temp with lights on was 34 and lights off 28/29 .. heart breaking i know just a quick set up rushed it need to re do it asap


Those temps are pretty high, but not impossible to work with. I thought smart pots were supposed to prevent over watering, but maybe I'm confusing them with something else. What type of growing medium are you using? Some of the symptoms that you are describing almost sound like nutrient burn, although the yellowing of the fan leaves isn't unusual during flowering, especially later flowering. I'd try to check your soil nutrient level if possible, as well as your Ph. It sounds like you have some new growth going on, but a meter from a HPS 600w shouldn't be too close, IMO. It could also be a number of smaller factors combined with the heat stress and poor air flow. Overwatering is usually a problem experienced earlier in the grow. If you made it to 9 weeks and have good looking plants, too much water might not be the problem, although overfeeding can cause symptoms that look like low water and wilting, despite having enough water. This can make folks think they are overwatered, and the cycle continues when the problem was overfeeding and not too much water. Anyhow, there are a bunch of things it could be and without pics and stuff, it's a guessing game.
Keep up the good work!
Mr Bee

Mr Bee

Also forgot to say running 3 600 watt hps not close to buds at all nearly a meter space, there is a 4th light but havent had it on due to heat stress. At one point temp with lights on was 34 and lights off 28/29 .. heart breaking i know just a quick set up rushed it need to re do it asap
Your not going to get much growth with those temps.have u been letting your pots dry out a good bit between waterings?
Rushing a grow isn't something I would need to get all your equipment and your environment dialled in before u even pop a seed or clone.while it's true growing weed isn't really difficult it's also true that it can be easy to fuck up if you don't know the basics .


Also forgot to say running 3 600 watt hps not close to buds at all nearly a meter space, there is a 4th light but havent had it on due to heat stress. At one point temp with lights on was 34 and lights off 28/29 .. heart breaking i know just a quick set up rushed it need to re do it asap
One problem when you have high temps is the chance for root rot to take hold. It's important to keep the roots cool, and some have recommended putting a layer of damp mulch on top of the soil, providing extra water to help the plants deal with the heat, and providing a barrier to keep the lights from directly heating and drying the soil/roots. It's kind of ironic that extra water is recommended, but is also the potential cause for the condition itself! The nighttime temps shouldn't be a problem, but the lights on 34C is just a little too high, IMO. Some strains can probably handle it, but that would take some research to find strains from areas where the temps reach 35 or so on a daily basis, possibly some Central African strains.
If it looks like the plant is a goner, I would just put it somewhere that it gets water but no real attention, and let it try to re-veg. Then, if/when it recovers and starts growing regular growth again, you can take a few clones/cuttings and try again, this time avoiding the pitfalls of inadequate ventilation and excessive temps. Go easy on the nutes!


Those temps are pretty high, but not impossible to work with. I thought smart pots were supposed to prevent over watering, but maybe I'm confusing them with something else. What type of growing medium are you using? Some of the symptoms that you are describing almost sound like nutrient burn, although the yellowing of the fan leaves isn't unusual during flowering, especially later flowering. I'd try to check your soil nutrient level if possible, as well as your Ph. It sounds like you have some new growth going on, but a meter from a HPS 600w shouldn't be too close, IMO. It could also be a number of smaller factors combined with the heat stress and poor air flow. Overwatering is usually a problem experienced earlier in the grow. If you made it to 9 weeks and have good looking plants, too much water might not be the problem, although overfeeding can cause symptoms that look like low water and wilting, despite having enough water. This can make folks think they are overwatered, and the cycle continues when the problem was overfeeding and not too much water. Anyhow, there are a bunch of things it could be and without pics and stuff, it's a guessing game.
Keep up the good work!
One problem when you have high temps is the chance for root rot to take hold. It's important to keep the roots cool, and some have recommended putting a layer of damp mulch on top of the soil, providing extra water to help the plants deal with the heat, and providing a barrier to keep the lights from directly heating and drying the soil/roots. It's kind of ironic that extra water is recommended, but is also the potential cause for the condition itself! The nighttime temps shouldn't be a problem, but the lights on 34C is just a little too high, IMO. Some strains can probably handle it, but that would take some research to find strains from areas where the temps reach 35 or so on a daily basis, possibly some Central African strains.
If it looks like the plant is a goner, I would just put it somewhere that it gets water but no real attention, and let it try to re-veg. Then, if/when it recovers and starts growing regular growth again, you can take a few clones/cuttings and try again, this time avoiding the pitfalls of inadequate ventilation and excessive temps. Go easy on the nutes!
C'mon mate, give us a pic
I will get pics sorted out tomorrow 1000% thanks for the quick reply literally werent expecting any this site is proper stuff, tomorrow afternoon definanitly


Your not going to get much growth with those temps.have u been letting your pots dry out a good bit between waterings?
Rushing a grow isn't something I would need to get all your equipment and your environment dialled in before u even pop a seed or clone.while it's true growing weed isn't really difficult it's also true that it can be easy to fuck up if you don't know the basics .
The temps were thay for only a week in week 8 they have been back to normal for a week, i will get pic tomorrow afternoon million percent thanks for the reply


Your not going to get much growth with those temps.have u been letting your pots dry out a good bit between waterings?
Rushing a grow isn't something I would need to get all your equipment and your environment dialled in before u even pop a seed or clone.while it's true growing weed isn't really difficult it's also true that it can be easy to fuck up if you don't know the basics .
Temps were only fucked durin week 8 basically since week 6 the plants have been on freeze mode as they say buds stayin the same just getting a littleeeee denser white pistils stopped apperaing from week 5 im pretty sure its from me overwatering cos i have 9 plants and 3 of them are okay.. will get pics tomorrow thanks so much for reply


Pics will be up tomorrow 6pm i will take pics of all of em as like i said 3 or 4 look fine the rest are a joke the stems are so flimsy that the crusty fluff whts meant to be a main cola is dropping loool its a joke. Thanks guys for replys will upload tomorrow


I dont have no recent pics saved on my phone until i take tomorrow but this was week 4 flower... im going to post a pic of week 5 and a half
3CC9F10D 1F2E 4DE1 B038 7B79789BA232


This is two weeks later from last pic so week 7 flower even here theu are small and shit and crusty so maybe u guys can tell from these stages what it was ... up to date pics coming tomorrow aint took a pic in 2 weeks cos the sight of them makes me wana cry only jus thought about using a forum sight now i was scared 🕵🏼‍♂️👮🏻‍♂️ Use it
4FDA904A 99D6 4AFF AC01 E229B6499AED


One problem when you have high temps is the chance for root rot to take hold. It's important to keep the roots cool, and some have recommended putting a layer of damp mulch on top of the soil, providing extra water to help the plants deal with the heat, and providing a barrier to keep the lights from directly heating and drying the soil/roots. It's kind of ironic that extra water is recommended, but is also the potential cause for the condition itself! The nighttime temps shouldn't be a problem, but the lights on 34C is just a little too high, IMO. Some strains can probably handle it, but that would take some research to find strains from areas where the temps reach 35 or so on a daily basis, possibly some Central African strains.
If it looks like the plant is a goner, I would just put it somewhere that it gets water but no real attention, and let it try to re-veg. Then, if/when it recovers and starts growing regular growth again, you can take a few clones/cuttings and try again, this time avoiding the pitfalls of inadequate ventilation and excessive temps. Go easy on the nutes!
My gorilla glue 4 x white widow has been in temps as high as 100 because of my negligence and they didn’t seem to die or take any adverse effects I was actually shocked because it wasn’t cooked
Mr Bee

Mr Bee

Yeah if your not letting your soil dry out between waterings the constant wet will eventually drown and rot your roots.the roots are very very important .it's important they'r in good condition as if they'r not youl never get the best out of your plants.its a simple thing and most new growers make the over watering mistake.
I would also dispose of those fabric pots for your next run as they can harbour all sorts of unpleasantness.either get new ones or get plastic pots.i prefer plastic pots but that's just my personal preference.slso buy a wad of tall canes as those wires must be a pain to get around at watering time.
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