Exhale C02 Bags

  • Thread starter sweetolmaryjane
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I have used these before, but i was very inexperienced when it came to growing back then.
Just wondering if anyone else has used them, and if they know for sure they work or not. I have read various thoughts on these, some swear by them, others say they're trash. Whats your take?
I didnt have a device to measure the levels of C02 when i used them before, and i dont want to buy them again just to see.


When I first started growing I used them. If your area your growing in is not sealed they are worthless to use.


thats actually why i am asking, this time around i have a sealed room, but wouldnt i lose all the c02 with the exhaust. i would have to exhaust wouldnt I, because i have air coming in from outside but without exhaust that would be too much positive pressure, am i right?


thats actually why i am asking, this time around i have a sealed room, but wouldnt i lose all the c02 with the exhaust. i would have to exhaust wouldnt I, because i have air coming in from outside but without exhaust that would be too much positive pressure, am i right?
To properly use co2 your room has to be completely sealed or your just throwing money out the fan hole. You have to have proper cooling and scrub the room.


I have a 3x3 x6 tent. I use two regular size bags religiously in my tent. The main reason people get frustrated with the co2 bags is because they dont really knownthe science of fungus as good as their weed.
Often times people purchase them online and receive bags that have already been colonized by the mycelium or are expired or very close to it.
I always say go get them in person. Always check the expiration dates!
Now...if you think you're gonna open a fresh bag, pop it in your tent and the co2 is just gonna be poppin out the gate your wrong..
As of now the substrate probably has little to no mycelium growth on it as of yet.. so you can expect the levels to be low at first... the more the mycelium grows the more co2 will be put off. The name of the game is patience. Its a living thing just like your plants.

There are more viable option for co2 out there but because I'm not using burners and I dont have to worry about changing shit out every week or month, I like them.
However if you got the money to throw around or a much larger set up then I would suggest another rout for c02 Hope this was informative.


Premium Member
On a side note, not much is typically gained in tent grows especially under hid lighting as the ventilation runs almost constantly especially in the summer months so that most of your gas is getting sucked out of the tent as fast as the gas is entering. Now guys with lower temp leds can get and make better use of gas as the temps are typically much lower than hid systems.


These things are a gimmick Imho. Has anyone run them in a totally sealed room and measured the Co2 levels accurately? They would be absolutely pointless in a vented grow.

If you want to get the benefit of added Co2, you need a tank or a burner with atmospheric monitoring and regulator, AC, and a FULLY sealed room with zero air exchange. These bags are a waste of money in my mind.

Edit; did some digging, looks like they might be fine in a really small tent grow. But anything more than that and it's more economical to use a burner or tank. And you still need to be totally sealed up, which would still require AC unless you're using LED.
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Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Really not worth IMO. Especially if you room is not completely sealed. And if you can afford the equipment to run a completely sealed room I'm sure you wouldnt waste all that effort on a poor source of CO2 with no method of control.

There are some diy with sugar/yeast, baking soda/vinager that are more worth tinkering with if you feel the need. They would provide quite a bit more CO2 and are cheap to run. But again without a sealed room I would not bother.

Also the benefits of increased CO2 levels are directly related to light. So do you really need it?


Do you have any old Italian guys around? Give them an old barrel, a bunch of grape juice, and they will make great wine while using the off-gassed CO2 to help your crops. Win-Win!


Do you have any old Italian guys around? Give them an old barrel, a bunch of grape juice, and they will make great wine while using the off-gassed CO2 to help your crops. Win-Win!

Lol, I've been brewing beer nearly as long as Ive been growing and used to have a small 3x3x6 grow tent, and I would have my fermentation chamber beside it and plumbed the Co2 blow off tube into the grow space. Couldnt tell you if it did anything, but I doubt it since it was a ventilated tent. But I sure thought I was smart at the time lol.


Lol, I've been brewing beer nearly as long as Ive been growing and used to have a small 3x3x6 grow tent, and I would have my fermentation chamber beside it and plumbed the Co2 blow off tube into the grow space. Couldnt tell you if it did anything, but I doubt it since it was a ventilated tent. But I sure thought I was smart at the time lol.
We have all had our moments of brilliance! I saw a recent post somewhere that a guy wanted to seal up his bedroom with the plants in it because he exhaled a lot of CO2 and he was going to grow redwoods with it. I tried to explain that the CO2 concentration coming out of your breath might be high, but there isn't much of it, especially in a larger room. I was told that it sustained at 2000PPM or more despite having outside air circulation. I gave up after trying to explain a few basics. Sometimes when folks have their minds made up, nothing can change them.


Until we maximize our current grow to achieve great plant potential consistantly no benefits of any “extras” will be realized in my opinion. I would add co2 and seal my room only when i stopped seeing gains from what i use now. And i would need more light per sq. foot. Until then what could I get more out of it. I would just be chasing excessive plant transpiration without the experience and skill to keep up.

Both my caregivers i had tried co2. Both yielded less weed and lower quality than with the rooms ventilated. I think they couldnt keep up with the growth. They had 1000w hid so plenty of light.


Premium Member
We have all had our moments of brilliance! I saw a recent post somewhere that a guy wanted to seal up his bedroom with the plants in it because he exhaled a lot of CO2 and he was going to grow redwoods with it. I tried to explain that the CO2 concentration coming out of your breath might be high, but there isn't much of it, especially in a larger room. I was told that it sustained at 2000PPM or more despite having outside air circulation. I gave up after trying to explain a few basics. Sometimes when folks have their minds made up, nothing can change them.
Therefore the old sayn " there are just some men you cannot reach" :D


I put an exhale bag in a 10x20 dome overnight with a meter. I don't think it brought it up even 200 ppm. Bag was in test. When I told the rep or whatever about the test, he said "they produce a different isomer of Co2 that a meter won't read."
Soooooo yeah, i don't put much store in them.
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

I put an exhale bag in a 10x20 dome overnight with a meter. I don't think it brought it up even 200 ppm. Bag was in test. When I told the rep or whatever about the test, he said "they produce a different isomer of Co2 that a meter won't read."
Soooooo yeah, i don't put much store in them.
Bahaha that's awesome.
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