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all she ever was and all she's ever gonna b... in trying for amber... c those live, pistals? i actually went in, earlier, than usual, when i goofed it.

potential, in a seed...
remember, the goal, is 1/4 lb. more, is a bonus...
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chop chop, today, will chill me out on samurai, instincts. the whatchamacallit code: boshido? never whack a gal, before its time.i will finish t2, better n start a couple few, in the bigtop, hopefully, tomorrow. takin my crosseyed, lady, to c good people and beer. and amanda's, cooking n diesel Matt's, ribz...
served by heroes


i thought to look leave t4, humming so nothing ewey gooeys up, that shouldn't, should i falter.


2 of 5. gth 160gr wet= 28 gr likely

I'll prolly split em up, tomorrow. too much low larf, to get good moving airwaves.

i labeled em, but it won't really matter: same cocktail... eventually. and u know how permanent markers, always, rub off...


tail gunner bill... i called to c if i could pick up my blind, acquaintance, to check a box, today... he just went into the hospital. please include him, on your lists. best storyteller, ever! amazing, life! he's a good one!


wallflowers, heroes... on the box. can't all b coincidence, people.


She showed me her, she put my hands in places on her. I didn’t understand what or why this was happening.
This affected me looking back in my younger days. I was shy around girls growing up. There was a trust thing I couldn’t get a hold of. Mom leaving at 5 years of age for drugs and another man didn’t help. I found my way through my teens and twenty’s destroying everything I touched with hard drugs, hoars and HEAVY METAL!!

My child was fucked up to and I did the best I could to raise my children accordingly! My parents were not bad parents! But you can still be fucked up, I just was wanna say I completely fall in line with your last statement ! Everything but a needle here ! I remember picking rocks off the carpet and seat in the car. Years ago before my wife and kids prolly saved me well no prolly they did !


She showed me her, she put my hands in places on her. I didn’t understand what or why this was happening.
This affected me looking back in my younger days. I was shy around girls growing up. There was a trust thing I couldn’t get a hold of. Mom leaving at 5 years of age for drugs and another man didn’t help. I found my way through my teens and twenty’s destroying everything I touched with hard drugs, hoars and HEAVY METAL!!

P.s. huge Metallica fan, hard narrow down a favorite song but that’s right in there with breadfan, and geez I think I gotta get some now


went out. Larry the roofer, paid for my time, the other day. he'd been warned, 3x and i don't... well, my peers, earn that money, but i don't. so...

a wife, lost her husband, last night. perhaps she'll come into some, but when someone dies, flowers... are temporary. people need money and services ain't cheap so... I'd informed, Larry the roofer, one way, or another, it'd go back to the bar... we started the collection, for this, unfortunate, lady. couldn't have done it, without Larry the roofer. perhaps, next time, he'll take me at my word.
i wrote another version of the William burke, rip off n hopefully, it'll mean more, than dead plants; hopefully... people need to understand that they r cared for and supported, by their community; whether they have met all of us, yet, or not. people, care.

YOU... are not alone, whoever u are... people you've never met, care about you, still.

a friend of hers "the old bitty club", showed me her picture. she has blue eyes and a huge, heart... i know this, because she is accepted, in her community and i care about the people, who care about her and it matters... i don't know his story, but as a community, we share in her losses and successes. all trickles down. perhaps, when i need a condolence letter, someone, will take the time, to write one, for me. small world. what comes around, goes around.

tailgunner, bill... it's his heart. thank you all... he lives, still and i have so much more to learn about the man, before i can share his soul, with y'all.

thank you, to everybody.


My child was fucked up to and I did the best I could to raise my children accordingly! My parents were not bad parents! But you can still be fucked up, I just was wanna say I completely fall in line with your last statement ! Everything but a needle here ! I remember picking rocks off the carpet and seat in the car. Years ago before my wife and kids prolly saved me well no prolly they did !
same. yeah, we're all, human. i couldn't count the mistakes, same as my garden... nor, could i recall them all, however, i know my one thing: i gave him the keys... the keys, to his independence and freedom. the less i hear, the better i know we did... unfortunately.
they, grow out of it, as did we all.

crack a cold one: here's to our children... may we all be lucky enough to say, "they never had to stand before a bullet, on our behalf/s.".


i just don't have time to ketchup, tonight. g was basically out on her feet, with her 1mg, capsule. she's tryin...
then, neighbor penny came by... in lieu of an attorney... we steered her to the va's umbudsman, who helps veterans... and sooo many, senior, vets... and the only contact, is via email. y'all know many 90yr olds, on Facebook, do ya?
sigh... sent the fellow retards, an email n hopefully, my friend will get better, care.

um... and i gotta trim and g is fukered so... no pro trim.

I'll try to catch up n help n triage, tomorrow.

mosh... don't sell yourself short. people can want u off the rail n spike... they can pressure n remove ummm... enablements..., but nobody, can MAKE a doper, quit. that's u. that's a choice. that's your suffering... give yourself a lil credit. and forgive yourself, for being human, as best u can. support, is awesome, but choices, are solitary.


204gr gth gal x .18= 36gr

gth, turns out, is the one that stanks, like toilet, mud.


member what i said about first purps, but so minimal, I'm not counting it as purp, experience? fuk, i thought i had rot n had to get the light n cam fired up. whew!
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gth 178g wet= @ 32gr dry.

Nice work! my mrs would prolly draw the line with hangin em from the ceiling fan.
please, hypocrite... i seen u muscle ur way into like 2 more grow spaces, since i got here. "it's just temporary, babydoll...". what's ur method? i mean, world n household, domination? remind me to tell u what happened, when i applied some "learned", technique, on the xxx's... ya know.
remember the rest of my diy, handiwork?... meh... same thing.


alright- lemme borrow some appendages... mosh's toes n fingers, plus... adding diesel's 13 fingers n 7 fingers... plus... well i might come up short... let's go with cat's opposable thumbs: 43+30... + (36+48+28)= 112? did i misplace a plant? i dunno... anyway, bout a q, with or w/o, another value so: ALL GOOD!


I'll stick a hygro in, tomorrow. I'm tired. i know my gear... more for "u", than me. most, go higher rh, than i risk.

really pleased with the um... ghost train haze. i would grow it, all day long. the structure, ummm... acceptance to manipulation and tolerance to the hell i put em through- 30%ish strain... novice attributes. not a light chaser, beautiful, orange, goat's beard. crystal'd up... all day long. wiped out a month of veg. done n 3mo ttl... got my N figured... it's a beautiful, strain. i won't know about the seeds, for at least 6wks, btw.

truthfully, i got alot of assistance, this go, with my trouble shooting so thank u to aqua, cat, sera, mosh, mimed, beach... the other beach, skol, 707, 710 & plenty, I'm sure i forgot to credit... diesel... more, for sure. thank u all! hey... broads, blow... just dial oh... (robocop?)
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