Corona virus and Marijuana

  • Thread starter detroitjoe
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I think the best flu authority is likely Li Wenliang, the 34 year-old doctor in Wuhan that first tried to warn of its contagiousness and later died of it.

He recommends wearing what medical professionals call "droplet protection" - mask, eye cover, gloves around everyone. He caught it from a patient that wasn't showing any symptoms at the time.

The best thing we can do is look at how Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan have suppressed the numbers despite massive population density. Essentially everyone has been wearing masks, not touching things like handrails and elevator buttons, washing and sanitizing their hands, and HK still has under 100 cases without much spreading. They already knew what to do because SARS (related to flu, btw) came through and killed a bunch of people.

I've seen far too many people being arrogant, like bravado is going to keep their elderly loved ones from dying. Makes me sad, but the ego always wants to run from death.

Unfortunately, ego/bravado/cavalier attitudes won't protect us. Just last week, my co-worker I traveled with was trying to convince me that this was all fake news. Well guess who was asking for hand sanitizer on the flight home...

People, it's not fake news. It's real!


Unfortunately, ego/bravado/cavalier attitudes won't protect us. Just last week, my co-worker I traveled with was trying to convince me that this was all fake news. Well guess who was asking for hand sanitizer on the flight home...

People, it's not fake news. It's real!
You're speaking to a brick wall(s) unfortunately..There is simply no fixing stupidity or a basic understanding of what makes us tick.

I have a sister with a Masters degree and she still thinks it's a media hoax..I feel badly as she now has no supplies and lives across country so I can't even help.


Any word on North Korea?

I mean, would you trust North Korea to report their stats accurately? I'm pretty sure their newspapers for the last week have probably been different variations on "Dear Leader scaring away the flu with his boundless love for the people, largesse, and incredible manly power"


I mean, would you trust North Korea to report their stats accurately? I'm pretty sure their newspapers for the last week have probably been different variations on "Dear Leader scaring away the flu with his boundless love for the people, largesse, and incredible manly power"
I THINK he was taking a shot at where I live, after I posted an article about a city shutdown today in Reno, Nevada USA.


I mean, would you trust North Korea to report their stats accurately? I'm pretty sure their newspapers for the last week have probably been different variations on "Dear Leader scaring away the flu with his boundless love for the people, largesse, and incredible manly power"
Grande Cojones!


I THINK he was taking a shot at where I live, after I posted an article about a city shutdown today in Reno, Nevada USA.
No no no. I just remember that map you were posting so I started to wonder if N.K. Was on there with the threat they were making...and it’s just as bad here I’m pretty sure. Until the airports shut down they are not going to slow it down.


No no no. I just remember that map you were posting so I started to wonder if N.K. Was on there with the threat they were making...and it’s just as bad here I’m pretty sure. Until the airports shut down they are not going to slow it down.
Here ya go..and the hot link too!
NK looks a LITTLE sketchy! LOL

I guess it went over my head too.😷



According to my home state officials are not forcing schools to close due to hardship of daycare on parents & "teen pregnancy"

During the briefing with Kansas City leaders, experts said they will not be forcing schools to close at this time. Dr. Rex Archer, Director of Kansas City, Mo. Health Department said closing the schools would cause hardships for parents to find childcare and would increase teen pregnancy.



Well that's not good news.

South Korea is one of the only countries testing everyone for flu, and roughly 30% of the infected people there are between the ages of 20-29. They're catching these cases because unlike in Italy, they're testing before people show symptoms. The Korean cases are higher in every demographic until age 60, which means that younger people are more likely to carry the virus without symptoms.

But the cool part of that article is the stats of the elderly. In Italy, the rate of infection is more or less the same in people over 60. In the same demographics in Korea, with each decade there's a decline in infection rates, to only 3% of people 80+ have it, compared to Italy's 19.1%. Obviously the mortality rate goes up with age, so that's a lot of lives saved.

It's literal real time statistical proof that social distancing and other precautions save lives. South Korea, HK, and Taiwan are the models to follow.



"Dr. Helen Y. Chu, an infectious disease expert in Seattle, knew that the United States did not have much time.

In late January, the first confirmed American case of the coronavirus had landed in her area. Critical questions needed answers: Had the man infected anyone else? Was the deadly virus already lurking in other communities and spreading?

As luck would have it, Dr. Chu had a way to monitor the region. For months, as part of a research project into the flu, she and a team of researchers had been collecting nasal swabs from residents experiencing symptoms throughout the Puget Sound region.

To repurpose the tests for monitoring the flu, they would need the support of state and federal officials. But nearly everywhere Dr. Chu turned, officials repeatedly rejected the idea"

"Later that day, the investigators and Seattle health officials gathered with representatives of the C.D.C. and the F.D.A. to discuss what happened. The message from the federal government was blunt. “What they said on that phone call very clearly was cease and desist to Helen Chu,” Dr. Lindquist remembered. “Stop testing.”

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