current season

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started at phil the copier's

they want for nothing

risking their lives

so our community thrives

phil showed up lil later

in his neighbor's gun shop

i was meeting its proprietor

no need for a criminal to have weapons

just makin acquaintances and friends

she knows a 40 acre grower...

by the pup rescue

yup... had a feelin, when i passed it n now
he'll know multistrain, too

one of her four rescue burros

just had a noob

wish she'd offered pics

to share with you ewe and u

her money's no good

but her names and credit references rock

married to an Italian

poor heart

stubborn as a stone
hi rock

so now she works solo

alone on her own

changes clothes and everything

anytime anything

vegas yamaka

can i get a handgun

right now

guess thou shall now kill

is definitely out

shoulda gone to the swapmeat

probably best for us all

safer like you me and we

she has blue eyes

just like her customer guy

who showed me likemindedness

and a view of a Sam's club

no big surprise


-had it already

not the virus

but like ewe and iii

he's sick of human nature

says he

oh my oh my

straight outta his mouth

just chattin me up

just what'll happen

if people continue on

just not today

just by and by

nice folks


she still has rounds

and shotguns n more guns

that might shock one

and most definitely

blow us away



back home


for more

only two bottles left

of a few cases

no less

no more

people can b retarded

as I'm human


will try for ethanol

as our minds

ain't so small

we get creative

and one really can have it all

people forget about what's in front of em

sometimes big

sometimes small

our pot suppliers

dropped selfish desires

and now have prices

to be admired

yes even lab supply vendors

can b just like shopping a mall

and raging alcoholics

can lick lick the bowl

but at 190 disinfectant

one shouldn't drink it

especially not full

too bad

prices went down

quality goes up

guess it's back to work

people neighbors strangers and friends

still hurt in my town

sometimes one must be creative

so back to work it shall be

I'm ready

I'm down



then, it was off to the market

bummed about the bum

never saw him again

i will miss my strange new friend

education education ignorance and education

battling and fighting

to make our children feel at ease

mind if i speak to your kids

by your leave and if you please

do not be afraid of this kids

survived it just fine

just look at me

first encounter, within

how is your family

my new and old friend

remember for anything

just wink, again

next- and unprotected slant eyed old man

over 60 for sure

dam YOU PEOPLE age well

smart as a whip

fears nothing

straight from his lips

chatted me up

super nice fella

if i had one n it was raining

it'd be his

my umbrella

next in line

mid aisle she waits

and pushes


ignorance and of eye

well if you've had it it's you i need to stay farfar away from

and her nose did thumb

another yellow ribbon and star of david

look as i mentioned before

had we read the book

fear and ignorance and opposing direction

she booked

probably the bread n milk

i didn't bilk

but i fingered fingered fingered

she was nowhere to look

i bet she brought bread n milk

good thing iso dripping riding gloves

it was iii whom took

two disinfected sections

if u don't believe we


take another look

i was likely the safest person in the store

ignorance a blockade

and a significant bore

just like trump's shaming interview

when people inquire about a doctor's health

only mr peepee pants

a man of innocuous wealth

shamed reporters for asking

hey, how's the doc's health

f u mr president

it's pertinent

just as exon Exxon Mobil

plow through moot tests

just look how close they erect

next to the rest

too bad we don't have enough

just for the best

who cares if we die

we're just the rest

mr produce guy

how are you nice to see you

how's your family

all well

off i went for stuff to buy

but prolly in the air i can smell

no more left

not so much to sell

and again, check stand broke my heart

i saw him do it

and if his lie were


nono not so smart

e hehehe coughs straight into his glove

his customer ignored me

even off for smalk cart

on her part

didn't look didn't see me

heard me, i know

wouldn't stand closer than 6

didn't have the heart to tell her that shelf she lazed on n buttons she pushed
I'm the least of her worries

not a look

not a shush

no... i coughed in my naked elbow

6' from your glove

no worries

not a handshake

let's bump that elbow

instead of


and love

blind leading the blind

don't sneeze up

don't hack to the side

that expensive plexi sneeze guard

ignorance will not hide

thanks for handing me

that virus and receipt

I'm going to need a cold one

stupidity exhausts me

as I'm only human


y'all must know i am beat

it's not the end

nono my friends

so far not

from your seats

lemme smoke n charge

n raise a Corona n lime

next to we


I'll try n catch up n return msgs, tonight, but i gotta work through the night, as well.

tards r great at toning out surround sound, patterns

it's the previous administration's fault

the med shelves are empty

will he say that in 2023, as well?
i guess 3 years wouldn't be enough to say


I'm human too

I'm optimistic


i was optimistic

previous admin

i hope

sorry boeing

i hoped

cheers to beers



is it more koolaid

or a taste of reality

sorry little red man

I'm nuts

i hope

I'm optimistic

the next administration

has integrity

lemme watch that Mexican

who did an awesome job

as did that swarthy fellow



how many envelopes

are we up to



the other intro

i will report

expos facto

back to reality

opps stepped in


gas station closed

gunshop n phil the copier


other service station

-sc to lacky-cones, out of service

u need tp

tell me a story

hopefully, 30min...

thank you for the insider intel
b safe!

return for fuel

biker gang!
thank you for your service
-18 bud light glass
female: one roll tp
portapotties and rest areas...
not likely

living with a human
can b a bytch
where's my bleach
this bleach white botte,is detergent

I'm a guy wtf do i know

-sc yelling with secksy voice, barely a whisper

what the fuck do you think is going on out there
in the lands of all things that kill

-lovely, human, g
i use it to clean

better (still yelling) get creative
not anymore
there's no fucking bleach on the shelves
how many people do we c in our house!!!
gunshop lady has people, our people, all day!!! let's be selfish! or creative
I'll get you apple cider vinegar!!

i don't like it

then some fucking pinesol!

i don't like it! stop making me hyde shyt!

stop being so selfish! she sees many and Italian huddy has bum ticker!
she has the bullets, burros n gunz!

i don't need a gun!
she has a huge heart and a 400' well...
just go b a hero

stop being such a human!
bitch hid my scissors, today and reclaimed the office desk... BITCH!

she showed me peekaboo...
bitch knows I'll forget; may as well b in china.

people... if all our friends n neighbors r sick... u think u won't get it, again? that it won't evolve, next go?
let's focus on more than a clean floor.
she said she ain't bleached in a bit...
really? bitch keeps a clean hizzy... you'd never know. a while to ocd cleaners, was around noon, yesterday... i bet.
told her- use less, start stomping on it, like this new argentinean, blow... not u.s.d.a. choice grade, puerto Rican, or
that other place...

got fuel... doemwn some gloves n iso... coulda been on the roadside, if it wasn't for my lacky, storyteller.


In order for me to get it I’ll have supply bank statements, prolly not gonna,fortunately I am still selling fence,
We have put some distancing practices in place . I’m not as busy as I should be this time of year but thankful! And blessed to be workin still!
thank god.
must be you, mosh. I'm certain at 20%, they made it oh so easy, to get... u know how generous our government is... next, since EVERYONE isn't goin anywhere... not one car to get on i40... but me... they'll drop the fuel tax. u know it's the previous admin's fault. u have 40yr old computers... wait... the previous 9, admins' fault... my bad. yup... must b your just lazy.

glad to hear ur workin and your peeps, too... there was not one day, i couldn't work, sick, takin breaks, to breathe.

g stayed horizontal and my lovely g, still is ill and tonight as momz would say, a bit of a human and alot of a "pill".


Our prez Donald Trump will be recognized as best leader ever( worldwide)
I predicted his greatness after I saw first season of Apprentice
Maybe not best president but best leader.#
Making America great #
history is written by the victor

civil war was about slavery

bayer to the rescue

Katrina was FEMA's fault

Vietnam was over communism, not french rubber

Africa is British empire

irish were not slaves

no global warming

and chinavirus is not our problem

I'm sure i couldn't do better

and after he steps down, some time after he dies of natural causes, or flu testvoverdose... without democracy in a police state, if there r still any books left, unburned... i have zero doubt, that is exactly what people will say.
a little red man, our hero.

if you're being serious, i appreciate the variance of opinions. the more we know, the better informed decisionswe can make, for our families. might look into an antibiotic, call in... zpack?... and conjunctivitis, curatives... and... imodium. shit... need to stock up, myself!
good to c u, rock. how's the family n friends?
I'm pro union. they're historically democrats, free handouts n all... can't say i think much of any of our reps, who afflict/effect my state... or the behaviors of my country, atm. so... u go, trumpers! u go. momz n ltr, r with ya!


history is written by the victor

civil war was about slavery

bayer to the rescue

Katrina was FEMA's fault

Vietnam was over communism, not french rubber

Africa is British empire

irish were not slaves

no global warming

and chinavirus is not our problem

I'm sure i couldn't do better

and after he steps down, some time after he dies of natural causes, or flu testvoverdose... without democracy in a police state, if there r still any books left, unburned... i have zero doubt, that is exactly what people will say.
a little red man, our hero.

if you're being serious, i appreciate the variance of opinions. the more we know, the better informed decisionswe can make, for our families. might look into an antibiotic, call in... zpack?... and conjunctivitis, curatives... and... imodium. shit... need to stock up, myself!
good to c u, rock. how's the family n friends?
I'm pro union. they're historically democrats, free handouts n all... can't say i think much of any of our reps, who afflict/effect my state... or the behaviors of my country, atm. so... u go, trumpers! u go. momz n ltr, r with ya!
cause i love empty shelves n passin the buck, in the arrears.


caught up... quiet day.
y'all r out workin, or buzy, goin in halves, on a baby, i can feel it n my bonez, but mostly, my boxerbriefs. omg... those might fit, again! my scoobydoos, the elastic was shot... shyt.



i don't even know u anymore
u care about EVERYBODY else
just not me

i suppose u won't have to regret fucking me, tonight, then... b like cheatin secks.
i take it u didn't read the listerine bottle...

i just don't know who u r anymore

for those who dunno...
the human bite, is extremely, deadly
watch 1000 ways to die, viking episode
if u ditched human sexuality and health, biology, n science classes.

ever have ur housekeeper, use mint air freshener

u could've poured some in a jar... not taken it all...

i use jars for pot stuffs
i looked at what i had in the car
likely, it would eat through a plastic water bottle
i didn't have beer bottles, empty, with me
i didn't give it all away
the bottle was half full.

i would feel remiss, if i didn't mention to her, when i started goin crazy- she doesn't hear me, she doesn't see me, she doesn't know me.
i did request, she follow the bouncing ball, when diesel said essentially, I'd b safe, safely fucked away, in here.
she's not read, a single entry.

now that her uncle has passed... i know, should she choose to leave... she'll have a bright future.

what would b the point of saying anything further


she doesn't hear me
she doesn't see me
she doesn't know me


from your lips, to my ears, my deepest love

-my lovely ginger

if a human can inadvertently, consume it
have no doubt
it's been tested on free for adoption
lab puppies


i also have mentioned to her, previously

you don't hear me
you don't know me
you don't see me

no doubt she felt it an epiphany


speaking from experience

when a FEMA says to one

i don't even know who you are

translation: i would like an extremely enriching experience

a divorce

perhaps it was something i said

did one mention

one breaks everything one touches



it's the gift which keeps on givin & fun for the whole family.

so when the first arrives...

it could truly b said to you

-mrs diesel
hey, man... nice box!
-mrs double December, 2020

grocery store... 2 deep, of all dog foods.
usually, 4 deep...

eukanuba pup, bulks fastest...

iams maintains, slow n go..

neutro max... most palatable

science diet light drops weight quickest

avocado baked/l.a. pet's, or breeder's choice, avoderm, for skin problems, or stank, waterpups, sometimes get, from oily skin...

congratulations! #4?
(bashful smile) evenin, mrs. D...


pac NW

coffee grinder

sweep into carpets


no mas fleas til next summer...
vacuum up
i forget how long.
read fleabuster instructions, likely found, online/or youtube.


i know a guy who took distributor courses

worked in a handful of pet stores
back n the day



not for human consumption

pet stores sell otc
n some other shit
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