Plumber's Pipe

  • Thread starter PlumberSoCal2
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I love how small are the pots and how huge are the plants!!!! 🔥 🔥🔥
With coco you don't need all that much. They grow bigger and faster then in soil since they're fertigated several times a day and never have to search for nutes.😉


"Soil grow

I really don't know why I bother"

They're killing me. They get tea 2-3 x's a week as needed and 10-5-5 fish emulsion 1st and 15th. Couldn't grow any slower. I'd be hard pressed to try again when I can grow big fast growing plants in coco so easily. Even tomatoes are a month or more ahead of soil growing. They have until October to get it in gear and produce but they won't compare to coco grown plants.


Soil grown Gophers
20200622 161351

Started with 5 seedlings, 1 didn't make it and just found 2 boys
20200622 161259

20200622 161319

They're in the compost bin
20200623 072110

These are the same age but in coco
20200623 071956

Already topped 3 x's for 8 colas and in a few weeks will be ready to be flipped. Those in soil only topped twice so far. Granted these are different strains but I've done the Gophers in both and coco has always performed way better.


Friday Update

Digging holes in the garden for pots of coco & tomatoes and look what I found
20200626 165643

Looks like King snake eggs. I'll build a screened box and hope to see what they are and release them after hatching.

Found this one last year crossing a road
20190611 184018

and brought it home and released in the yard.
20190611 190204

Found one in our hallway about 5 years ago and released it in the yard. They're here, plenty of mice, lizards and small insects to eat but we don't see them often which sucks as they are beautiful snakes.

Found this huge one at a clients home
20190520 141844 1558391385891

One big ass King snake. 5 of 6 kids felt a snake for the first time in their lives. We paid them a visit a few weeks ago. Great family.

Anyway, this isn't snakefarmer last I checked.

20200626 201728

Male I believe. 10" x 12" leaves and all signs point to boy. This guy is amazing looking
20200626 202142

The pollen will be saved and cherished. I'll use it to make several crosses as well as pollinating the very best GDP females. This is huge for my future seed production.

2 GDP clones who will be harvested before that male above can pollinate
20200626 201358

IMG 20200626 202239

I had built up a tolerance to the their mom so pulled out the purple winter Gopher last week. Dumped a quarter of GDP on my tray this evening and was quickly reminded of that grape taste. Missed it! And I'm toasted.

Speaking of Gophers
20200626 201543

IMG 20200626 202342

Still 6-8 weeks away.

Ground Pounders
20200626 201323

20200626 201338

IMG 20200626 202210

Holy smokes, Batman! I never pollinated these girls. Don't care. Got 3 more younger. May not pollinate them either. WOW!

GDP winter grow
20200626 200455

But that's for a different post.

Happy Growing!


Those snake eggs are a find. Will be cool to watch and I hope they hatch. Your plants are really flourishing! I had 100 degree weather today and had to drag my plants to shade for the rest of the day. I need to find a screen or something to shield them, yet get them enough sun to grow.


Those snake eggs are a find. Will be cool to watch and I hope they hatch. Your plants are really flourishing! I had 100 degree weather today and had to drag my plants to shade for the rest of the day. I need to find a screen or something to shield them, yet get them enough sun to grow.
Yes. My neighbor uses them, works great. I had several plants last year who started to curl up due to sun burn & heat. One never recovered. Nasty.

There's enough trees around to give my garden some filtered shade but south side of the house can get bad. Not growing anything there this year.

I love snakes. Learned about rattlers at an early age by their sound. Taken camping, fishing and hunting at an early age. Had an awesome upbringing. I've kept and bread several snake species in the past. These eggs should be a breeze. They're very soft so laid recently. These take 5-6 weeks to hatch. I'll put them in a cool Northern corner of the garage covered in soil and I'll spray it a couple times a week. Can't wait!


That's not
Yes. My neighbor uses them, works great. I had several plants last year who started to curl up due to sun burn & heat. One never recovered. Nasty.

There's enough trees around to give my garden some filtered shade but south side of the house can get bad. Not growing anything there this year.

I love snakes. Learned about rattlers at an early age by their sound. Taken camping, fishing and hunting at an early age. Had an awesome upbringing. I've kept and bread several snake species in the past. These eggs should be a breeze. They're very soft so laid recently. These take 5-6 weeks to hatch. I'll put them in a cool Northern corner of the garage covered in soil and I'll spray it a couple times a week. Can't wait!
That's not something we see much of up here. We have a few small garden snakes around but I've seen 2 in 25 years. It's just too cold for them through the winter I guess, we could use more because its not too cold for mice & other small rodents that thrive.


The snake eggs are beautiful! I have often found them hatched, but never whole. I remember when I was a little kid and I saw two snakes mating in a huge soil pile. I thought that they were fighting at first, but my father was nice enough to explain the circumstances of their dual to me haha. I hope that the eggs hatch for you. Positive vibes...



The snake eggs are beautiful! I have often found them hatched, but never whole. I remember when I was a little kid and I saw two snakes mating in a huge soil pile. I thought that they were fighting at first, but my father was nice enough to explain the circumstances of their dual to me haha. I hope that the eggs hatch for you. Positive vibes...

Yeah, the male holds the female down with his mouth. Looks like fighting. I understand these are cannibalistic after hatching. Seen it before with Green Snakes 30 years ago. Several were dead with another dead snake hanging out of their mouths. I'll pick up a dozen plastic food containers, add some moist vermiculite, air holes, one each egg and keep in a cool spot.

I looked up availability of Kings and the cheapest was $100. Hummm...

If I had the time I might keep a few to breed. I don't know, huge commitment. I'll think about though. Something special about feeding mice to snakes. I hate mice and rats.


Cloning for seeds
20200627 212038

That should be the name of a game show on the Pot Network😎

I may attempt to reveg a few of these Ground Pounders but the idea here is to root and pollinate and give them 3-4 weeks for the seeds to mature. Not many seeds but the same flowers I would have pollinated on the plant. This way I can keep these going in Kratky with extra light and harvest their mom
20200628 180207

in a couple weeks.

Mouth watering
IMG 20200627 191457

4 months old.

These 2 GDP clones
20200628 180217

IMG 20200628 180429

look to be about 3-4 weeks away.

Unwanted guest
20200627 203048

Set up camp behind my toaster oven in the garage.

Cute guest
20200627 163702

About 1 1/2" long. Tail was 2". Can't be more than a couple days old. Gave him a couple extra small mealworms.

I'll be harvesting tomatoes soon
20200625 181633

Cherry tomato seedlings
20200628 180142

20200627 191617

Pests are currently under control. DE and sulfur dusting and Bt spray is keeping the majority safe. Grasshoppers are still taking nips here and there but nothing to worry about.

I've been looking at in line nute mixers
51CCb0d2y0L AC SY400

for a drip system. Too many plants to manually water much longer. I have water and hose bibs next to both greenhouses and one next to the garden. More research is needed but I've got to do something soon.

After a couple grows now in coco it seems to me that plants would do even better if I could water 4 x's a day and have that water slowly given for 30-60 minutes. I miss too many mid day waterings due to work and that problem would also be solved.

I'm beat. Gonna take a few hits and hit the hay.

Happy Growing!


That Black Widow is wickedly beautiful. When I was a kid, I thought that I had pests in my grow room. I randomly found a couple of oothecae when I was out exploring in the woods. I put them on a couple of branches of my ladies. One morning right at lights on, I was lucky enough to witness one hatching. It was magical how all of the praying mantises just floated out on the breeze from the oscillating fans. I quickly realized that I didn't have a pest problem when the mantises couldn't find a food source and they started just battling each other to the death haha. Mother Nature's beautiful miracles. Positive vibes...



All 3 GDP's
20200630 105212

IMG 20200630 105303

20200630 105333

IMG 20200630 105353

20200630 105440

IMG 20200630 105431

are male. I'll keep the one outside and chop the other two. At least I got one killer male to replace my pollen store. May even chop a few branches off the two clones, root and pollinate.

Look who said "Hi" today
20200630 105830

Love having these on my girls. No more DE dusting and haven't seen a baby grasshopper in a week. Sure wish I could breed these babies.

Cucumbers getting attacked by leaf boarer's.
20200630 105505

Not sure which species but I'll try some Bt and remove any infected leaves.

I really have a lot of pests to fight growing outside but there's also a lot of natural predators. Keeping the balance is difficult when there are massive blooms of bugs certain times a year and it takes the predators time to catch up. Learning when a species is about to go critical and invade your plants is important info to have but if you overreact with poisons you can kill the predators. Fine line to dance on.

Another friend just stopped to say "Hi"
20200630 114515

My neighbor can't believe how tame they are here. He's seen me feed them mealworms by hand. The sparrows won't do it with someone else on the patio but the lizards don't give a rats ass.

Time to mix nutes and fertigate. I'm leaning toward purchasing this unit for auto fert
Chapin hose sprayers 4720 64 1000

2 gal of nute water injected at 1 oz per gal. That should last even me a few days.

Happy Growing!


Another night time stroll in the garden. Got a joint and a margarita
20200630 221028

so let's go.

Darth Vader male
20200630 221733
20200630 221800

With a couple Kratky GDP females
20200630 221811

I bet you don't see that every day.

Same with the Ground Pounder male
20200630 225255
20200630 225316

Got a Gopher female in there too but she's not producing flowers yet.

Found this pic from a month ago of the Ground Pounders, May 28
20200529 090055

And here they are tonight
20200630 222255

I've got 3 more 2 months younger
20200630 204614

Topped 3 x's for 8 colas and ready to flip at 2 months old.

Once I cut down the 2 males in here
20200630 222759

I'll move them in.

Tomatoes everywhere
20200630 221951

Big strong plants.

I really enjoy checking everything out after lights out a couple times a week.


Ground Pounder
20200702 093301

Some clear trichs some amber and mostly cloudy. Noticed many of the hairs have turned orange so figured I better check. I'm going to give her at least another week. I want couch lock!

Still haven't built supports or even buried all the tomato pots
20200702 083611

Life keeps getting in the way, not to mention how blazed I get after work most days😜

This GDP male is loving life in the garden with the tomatoes
20200702 083617

Amazing color on this guy
20200702 083625

The young Ground Pounders were moved last night
20200702 083650

Hard to see the two behind that flowering Gopher in the middle but the other (smaller of the 3) on the right is my fav. Really don't need any more males this year. Fingers crossed.

Citrol Sledgehammer
20200702 083523

Has the area almost to itself except for this monster sunflower
20200702 083515

that took root all on it's own. I can't transplant it as the ground is covered in rock and I can't get a shovel in there with the pallets. I grew these last year next to the greenhouse and they got to 8+ feet tall with dozens of flowers. We'll see how it does here.

Clones in bubble cloner are doing well
20200702 083418

The 2 in Kratky not so much. I did knock them over twice the night I put them in the bottles. Had them in tall thin 1 liter bottles so moved them into the smaller bottles that are more stable. Don't matter, I can and will take more and if that big one dries out I'll smoke it! Been wanting to try it anyway.

Time for work. Gotta finish a garage bathroom addition. Hopefully take tomorrow off and have 3 whole days to work on a honey do list and maybe, just maybe get those tomatoes some support.

Happy Growing!


You do beautiful work brother! I absolutely love seeing males in full bloom. Positive vibes...

Ya know it's funny when I see others post about a male, usually they're filling a curse jar. Not me, I want the nice males for breading and saving pollen, and they are beautiful.

Back in the day we'd smoke 'em as soon as we noticed they were boys. A branch in the oven at 200F is ready in 20-30 minutes.

Someone here told me to smoke the pollen balls about a year ago. Hadn't smoked a male plant in 40 years but thought what the hell. YUCK! Won't ever do that again. I don't care how much THC they produce.

With the recent revelations on the limit of how high one can get I'm growing for taste and trichromes from here on out. Good tasting I'll roll it up or put it in a bong or pipe. Trichs for hash (this too should be a name of a show on the Pot Network).

I've got 2 GDP males still in pots laying on their sides next to the composter. Thinking of making a non activated THC tincture.😉
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