First time grower- I don't know what's happening.

  • Thread starter HeyliaBK
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Hey! I'm a first time in-door grower, and my plant was doing fantastic! Now for the past week, it's decaying and i'm not sure what to do next. Please look at the images attached. At first there was a small bug problem which was combatted with neem oil. Now the edges look like this: She's was planted from seed 5/25 & she's a gelato strain. Any help would be appreciated! I want to (hopefully) have a successful harvest.

I feed her the tiger bloom trio nutes, shes in a 5 gallon fabric pot, she gets 16/8 LED light w/a fan. Also noticed the roots aren't drinking the water like they used to
First time grower  i dont know whats happening
First time grower  i dont know whats happening 2
First time grower  i dont know whats happening 3
First time grower  i dont know whats happening 4
First time grower  i dont know whats happening 5
First time grower  i dont know whats happening 6


Possible they are saying "Hey give me Epsom Salts now" ---- 1 teaspoon in 3 gallons and only feed your girls that once every 3 weeks. They will start to perk up. Also water with tonic water next time instead of straight water...quinine really helps them. Foliar feed with aloe vera 10 minutes before lights out...Lots of youtube videos on blending up with soap....I'm in the same bed with a bunch of bugs at week 26 -- Sunday was ugly. Tonight I am feeling so much better. I read all the posts I could about bugs and got some good solution that I could implement. Do you have hydroton balls and could put them on the top o the plant -- classier look and way better for the ladies....

Hey! I'm a first time in-door grower, and my plant was doing fantastic! Now for the past week, it's decaying and i'm not sure what to do next. Please look at the images attached. At first there was a small bug problem which was combatted with neem oil. Now the edges look like this: She's was planted from seed 5/25 & she's a gelato strain. Any help would be appreciated! I want to (hopefully) have a successful harvest.

I feed her the tiger bloom trio nutes, shes in a 5 gallon fabric pot, she gets 16/8 LED light w/a fan. Also noticed the roots aren't drinking the water li


I covered all of my plant tops with cloth after spraying with chili and a bunch of other smelly oils....Again right before bedtime...and looking better now.
Possible they are saying "Hey give me Epsom Salts now" ---- 1 teaspoon in 3 gallons and only feed your girls that once every 3 weeks. They will start to perk up. Also water with tonic water next time instead of straight water...quinine really helps them. Foliar feed with aloe vera 10 minutes before lights out...Lots of youtube videos on blending up with soap....I'm in the same bed with a bunch of bugs at week 26 -- Sunday was ugly. Tonight I am feeling so much better. I read all the posts I could about bugs and got some good solution that I could implement. Do you have hydroton balls and could put them on the top o the plant -- classier look and way better for the ladies....


Given no other information it very well could be a burn from the neem oil

Did you spray it with the lights on? Did you use the recommended ratio? did you add anything else to the mix?

mixed it with water. it said to mix a tblspn in a gallon of water. I did that first, then transferred to a spray bottle. Yes, I sprayed with lights on. I didn't know that made a difference, saw nothing about lights when I googled neem oil. the bottle i have doesn't say anything about it. it's the monterey brand.


mixed it with water. it said to mix a tblspn in a gallon of water. I did that first, then transferred to a spray bottle. Yes, I sprayed with lights on. I didn't know that made a difference, saw nothing about lights when I googled neem oil. the bottle i have doesn't say anything about it. it's the monterey brand.
that could well be your issue, have seen it quite often; always spray just before or at lights off


Okay! how do i recover from neem oil burn? All of my leaves are dying, but there's new growth
New Growth is all you can count on right now it's too late to reverse what's already happened. Some will disagree but I believe there's much & safer products than neem oil to deal with that mite issue, good luck going forward


Hey! I'm a first time in-door grower, and my plant was doing fantastic! Now for the past week, it's decaying and i'm not sure what to do next. Please look at the images attached. At first there was a small bug problem which was combatted with neem oil. Now the edges look like this: She's was planted from seed 5/25 & she's a gelato strain. Any help would be appreciated! I want to (hopefully) have a successful harvest.

I feed her the tiger bloom trio nutes, shes in a 5 gallon fabric pot, she gets 16/8 LED light w/a fan. Also noticed the roots aren't drinking the water like they used to
If roots aren’t drinking it could possibly be a root problem? I use Neem oil on mine straight out the bottle with nothing to dilute it. Possibly nutrients burn as well ? Taking a guess


You still have bugs as well. Take a look at your picture #3. You can see them on the leaves. Seems like there is more than one issue with the plant.
First of all, yes you burned the plant by spraying with lights on. Never spray the leaves with the lights on.
Secondly, what is the PPM of the nutrient solution you are feeding?
Third, I would get some sticky traps and get a few of those bugs on the stick trap so you can identify.
If you have noticed they are not up taking water like they use to, something is wrong in addition to the burn.
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