THE BREAK ROOM lose ur mynd ¿

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bout 16gr dry aj's lemon glue
diesel descendant
shez a virgin
we'll c
thus far not impressed with my first diesel experience
no offense
prolly cause the previous was knocked up
couple unincluded grz of larf oopzed that'll hit the whatever tray
20200910 115755


semi annual cloner douching
it's rare it'd b so empty
temporary hud houzing n shot glasses and a root snip for the male something r other
i just been lazy about it
just a matter of time til i cause myself bigger problems
g sayz pool season is over
too cold my ash
next time it hitz triples
I'm n
its still az and not global warming...
i notice cali is havin powa issues
y not build a dam
y not use their coastal currents
and az they're right next door
and itz hotter hear
y haven't we been warned to conserve
so much for United
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i noticed harbor freight sellz cheap pumps diy guys
they look very similar and alot cheaper
to me


I'm thinking to entirely clone n a few parts
the happy hr as i believe i already have others in hc flower
will attempt to verify
add nutes n guard to t4
make sure t1 collarz r umm
not oopz swapped from slotz 1&6
check pic history


g sayz
she held a spider under the net for
and he was still alive
so rather than crushing a 6" spider
she let em go deserved to live
i think I'd prefer a quick death
vs 3hrz of waterboarding
I'm not even sure thatz legal
shez cruler than me


😊She loves me she loves me not. I was only speaking the truth and mushrooms will set you free with the right crowd. I also know a man who enjoys blowing his wad all over people who are tripping. I seen him make a grown man want to go see his mommy as he’s peaking😳
I love mrs T and she knows it, she like to talk about my problems with her friends because they don’t like talking about naps..

i would have u email such.
i tell stories
i used to say personal things about my money grubbing whore publicity.
it was a road to a very expensive decade in court of my life.
i feel the thingz we say publicly about our loverz in jest vs the sarcasm that carries lil truthz
reverberates sublimely subliminally until we feel the anger behind conversations amongst friends and it absolutely did damage the way i would look at er... the lil jabz i would take
until i got everything i thought i wanted
and she took it all
easy come
easy go
if u feel a need to b serious n vent this way
i would have u email it
and not shame who we could not do our lives without
i mean it in the best possible way
my lovely g can do no wrong
they're mostly true
i find her idiosyncrasies endearing and i would miss her if these funny lil interactions exchanges never happened
she is my everything and in my limited experience
there is none other like my lovely g
the whirled over

personal emergency
gotta jam
before u arrived
there's a storage unit in Tucson
with 2 rv's and the only legacy of my lovely g's uncle
who passed on dec 23rd 20!9 with EVERYONE here watching
told er
ya gotta get in there inventory it
she aunt wont go shez grieving
how long do u believe she'll subsidize
150$ a month on shyt that isn't real to her

she never seen nor touched

a different wifey in hiz life at that time
and she's already said goodbye to hiz thingz
that day has come
storage feez unpaid
pictures whatever stories he never told
she only got to know him
same as me
last yr
besides her sis
and children
her last of her line
he was the last a veteran uncle billy
of her mother's generation

every day
life's lil emergencies/challenges
[email protected]
anytime tfall


y do eye always get stuck with the hardest trim jobz
You need donkey butter then. I trimmed 6 lbs in like 12 hours lol. As I’m trimming I keep telling my self how bad the yueld will be because it wa all bud.


this is cheeselights
17gr dry will b the nally
bout 40gr dry n a few to the whatever tray
if it were all 6 slotz... it would not achieve goal... the others left in t3 they grew with... easily will achieve it
just bonus bud
i forget which if any have seedz. suspect none do, but didn't look very hard
took two happy hour clonez
i forget what the small wuz
but now i have male and female clonez of my oopz version of fpog
c1s of f1s so i can backcross, lock up the genz n have plenty of fuckin seedz to pressure wolverine to play johnny appleseed across the nation with, on hiz way home.
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😊She loves me she loves me not. I was only speaking the truth and mushrooms will set you free with the right crowd. I also know a man who enjoys blowing his wad all over people who are tripping. I seen him make a grown man want to go see his mommy as he’s peaking😳
I love mrs T and she knows it, she like to talk about my problems with her friends because they don’t like talking about naps..
glad to hear it
it just made me resent my money grubbing whore more
and i always regretted that whatever our ummm disagreements... i wish i could blame her as it was her refusals to my invitations... i should've tried harder so we could bbq and b in the same Christmas together so my boy could learn u can b at oddz n still come together for family
thanx to parental alienation syndrome
he learned
u can love someone forever today
and walk away without a word

fukn courtz today
xxx's were left so destitute through the babyboom gen
subjectively speaking
they now bend over backwards to make sure breastz r paid for
and hubbyz take it n the shortz
we have zero sense of balance n fairplay
we pay for the sinz of our fathers
sound familiar
affirmative action
all livez don't matter
so best individual for the gig
ain't necessarily the best individual for the gig
got snotgobblerz?
wish mine would befriend botany n chemistry majorz
selfish bastage
where's he think the money comez from
if i had found a way to work, sooner...
he'd b on hiz own nickel
rathar than u all slavin away for the poverty lvl gvt subsidies
i noted he never listed hiz montherz income or at all... on grant applications
shez got it all and... it ain't required
such a lovely loophole...


I want to see the outdoor buds and I’m still not understanding when you got s pool?


i need a beer
i didn't
o o! i have guest beer!
I'm drinking the guest beer
i worked hard today
i fuking earned this
letz get high
tfall join us or die


I want to see the outdoor buds and I’m still not understanding when you got s pool?
it was an investment
when i list my dump
it's currently at an all time high
it'd b the only pool for sale in at least a 50mi radius n definitely n my entire valley
i bought from out of state
it didn't occur the mighty Colorado was 20mi away and rentalz are alot less pain n the ass than registration insurance n maintenance
y anyone would live in 2000° hell of the lands of all things that kill
and not have a pool two daze a yr... is beyond me
itz not common n most of my community lives at the poverty level cause thatz how we treat our wounded warriors
i figured a 25% annual was good enough for me tax free until my lovely g grew rootz n i lost the ability to deal with the stress of the paperwork, selling the joint n then... it hit me with the grow room... with ummm some virus goin around... if u had to sell a home without dismantling a grow room... what better time than when people r stayin in what better excuse than only the inspector I'd pay for silence
seez til final walk through
plus... i probably know the inspector...
i got my last 3 places based on first internet impressions. seeing em wuz a waste of my time
well... it ain't cheap to grow pot n give it away
people needed alot more than 1200$
and n my life, long before the virus. it's gone
itz all gone
i invested n people
we'll c how it payz off
listed for a week
i freaked
my lovely g was n tearz
no problemo
I'll find a gig
it ain't easy right now
but if my money grubbing whore taught me anything
i can recover from financial devastation
and this ain't shyt
my phone ain't even ringin
i got beer i got smokez and meh maybe 3lbs of pot
not a cloud n the sky
i regret nothing
i have good friends
a family i love
does life ever get any better


I can’t find where you quoted me on the Pp but I don’t think it will be that leafy once the calx swell up. First time growing it so we will see but I expect to tenon them like a buzz cut where you don’t have to go in between the buds. Me hopes anyway. After that last batch of donkey butter I am going to just load the rooms with 3/4 trays, getting three lbs a light is what makes me happy now. This wedding cake is not going to make me happy.


g's in touch with an old friend

know what one thing i love about my lovely g is

she knowz she don't need to ask

he stays in our home if he comez out

n whether r not they ever fooled around

will never b asked

if he did

he made er the phenom lover she is today

for me

i love when she getz the opportunity to exercise her freedom

most foolz don't do

like I'd ever know if she didn't want me to


i just know she's mine

because the door was never closed behind er

between sc and the xxx gf whose bed he resided under from 15-18

at least two abortions at my behest
helpin her with pain high bp and she is going untreated for breast cancer
her choice one capsule a day
two was too much
multistrain topical
hubby iz a real nice guy
back pain cannot random positive
hiz response to topical
what back

know that our efforts to get high together
are helping good people
a couple and a family in las Vegas


I can’t find where you quoted me on the Pp but I don’t think it will be that leafy once the calx swell up. First time growing it so we will see but I expect to tenon them like a buzz cut where you don’t have to go in between the buds. Me hopes anyway. After that last batch of donkey butter I am going to just load the rooms with 3/4 trays, getting three lbs a light is what makes me happy now. This wedding cake is not going to make me happy.
i had chongs Choice wedding cake wax r something
felt nothing
itz a year old gonna toss it n next oil run
i feel ur pain man... buzz cut bud... loveee that u still hand trim
i figure
fuk it
only g and folkz who don't pay for bud r smokin it
i dare em to whatz that c word we love
i dare em to say boo
I'm just meltin it down regardless
what diff does it meke
im too old to b wasting life doin more than a buzzcut
i told g today
every time a cupwinner goez out
thatz 20 copiez of copiez ur smokin
no wonder lifesaver n blue dream are no longer top shelf
seemz it ain't the grower necessarily
itz the shitty twentieth gen seedz the breeeder is fucking the growerz with
whatcha think about that
can't wait to hear about watermelon shugga!!!high!!!


batteey charge
busch light never n my home again
pray for me
happy hour and chem protect me from something no carb untra


g'z talkin bout the richest man i know

money wize

the man travels the whirled and is never home wives don't like that shez envying the fact they're in oc right- now

told er
the wife livez on fb because she wantz u to envy her
it tellz her she should b happy when all the fake boobz n the whirled do not by unknocking up a new Mexican stripper
she needz to feel accepted
as do we all
she haz wanted her man u c me every day he has wanted to b home retired this entire time i have been he knowz
we have never taken from him
excluding a protopipe at 16
and i have done for him at every opportunity
mig welder
paying my own housewarming
his.... mmmm... neighbor...
hahaha... hiz bachelor party
all that cocaine and that threetiming single input blow up dollie alllll that absinthe... believe me baby
the grass iz always greener
they have envied your life since they met u
b content
plus i just gave away 1.5 lbz of hiz favorite strain and he will never b home long enough... to grow it successfully... hiz popz has Alzheimer's and he supportz hiz sister
do not envy until u walk in their shooz
b content


and he got the protopie he machined better than my schematic of the original brass i had seen in multiple colors with a chamber for bud chamber for resinating bud n all kindz of syk kolorz n funky shyt
when the friend i still have cadi man who i introduced him tooo smoked him out with hiz own liberated protopipe
yeah man
he iz that talented that creative n hez in salez can u fucking believe it
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