Let's See Your Frostiest Flowers

  • Thread starter hammerhead
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My tortured plant is the frostiest so far but producing the littlest buds. I forgot it outside for 4 hours when it was -2°C, over watered it, moved it so it was touching the light then forgot to move it back until halfway through dinner and had to cut the too if it off, leaves have been curled up since March didn't think it would even live last couple pics are the ones that didn't get tortured
PXL 20210428 041846811
PXL 20210428 041523788
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PXL 20210428 041610689
PXL 20210428 041856973
PXL 20210428 041849936


I've been working out 3-4 days a week since last Sept. every second day my wife and I hit the gym...until yesterday they shut down our Province due to the bug. I also do a 1500 - 1800 cal a day diet, 3 meals of 500-600 per day. Cereal & fruit breakfast, 1 Sandwich at lunch & either salad or steak/chicken 1 - 2 x a week, fruit only for snacks but I've recently added nuts & raisins for 100 cal handful snacks. & coffee now too mega amounts...keeps me active and regular.
What province you in only took us one year and counting of 2 weeks to flatten the curve in BC. They said we can't travel to other cities or go and eat inside a restaurant or camping then the MOFOs tried to Open Playland our Amusement park?!?!?!?!


Ohh I feel you. I’m a 55 MPH motorcycle accident survivor with MANY issues and am truly in 7-10 pain levels every second of my life. My usage is about an Oz a week. The doctors here will only recommend 2.5 Oz per month which means we can only legally grow 4 plants and inside growing only. If you do the math and I follow the law I’m screwed. So believe me I understand.
Scrog them then and pull 1-3.5lbs a plant or scrog 2 and grow two to hold you over then when you harvest your 2 scrogs you then do 4 and pull 1-3.5lbs a plant and that'll cover you for a while .


I’ve actually smoked since I was 13 and in my 20’s went through the equivalent of being treated like a “prospect” by a bunch of bikers that grew. You’d have thought I was in “school”. I’m a group home/street kid that was thrown out of the system at 16 and into the streets. A little over a year before my accident I had a chance to become a Juvenile Corrections officer and help kids who were like I was. So for the first time in my life I quit weed and did the job. Then my accident happened.

When I say this is my meds i truly mean it. I have a crushed left rib cage(67+ breaks/fractures front and back), shattered sternum with three separated ribs, My S-1 is blown, my L4/L5 stabilizers are fractured, over 6 compressed discs, My C7-C9 are micro fractured, and I have a pacemaker (my heart is healthy as a horses) in my heart because the nerve damage is so bad, when I lay down my heart stops for 40+ seconds which causes a hypoxia seizure. My left arm is permanently “pins and needles”. I have nerve pain all over my body at odd times. I’ve never had any surgery and am always in 7-10 pain levels.

I laid a bike skidding sideways at about 65 MPH down about 10-15 feet from a unmoving car. The bike stopped..... I didn’t. I shot off the bike like a bullet never hitting pavement and slamming into the car with my left side at what they estimate was 55+ MPH.

To illustrate how bad it was . You would have to jump off a 10 story building for your body to reach 55 MPH.

For 6 years I was on 60mg of oxy 3 times a day, 8 mg of dilaudid 4 times a day and a .25 mcg fentynl patch. We went to Jamaica and I smoked for the first time in 4 years (I have lung issues now as well) as I didn’t think smoke would be good on them. Not only could I smoke, but I literally went into withdrawals from forgetting to take my meds on time. When we got back I went to my doctor explained what I wanted and we weened me off the narcotics. Over 9 years my doctor has learned a few things. Before I started smoking again, because I’m on true horrific pain all the time my blood pressure was always high. Me on a active day to see stroke level BP’s of 160/120 was common. Since Cannabis is a natural blood pressure reducer. Now we’ve add simple BP meds and my BP is now like a normal persons when before the cannabis BP meds didn’t touch it. Also inhaling cannabis stops/hinders bronchial spasms. It was actually used to treat asthma until 1920’s when it was demonized. Before using cannabis I used to have reactive asthma attacks 2-3 times a day. Since 2012 I haven’t had one. My pulmonologist still fights with me about it but he has a hard time arguing with the results. I actually almost have a normal life. Because of cannabis.
All the best in recovery bro I ride a bike to a fireblade 929 RR it's a one fast bike had power commander put in and dyno tune and had it up to 265 kms and still had more but that was enough for me i have had my fair share of crashes when I had my first bike so I am aware how things can turn on you just like that all my best wishes to u and hope your pain goes away with God's gift to man cannabis 💯




im not so happy with crop king seeds , its like they are a knock off brand of the real deal . i grew la confidential from them and it never came close to what i got from DNA genetics let me know how yours turns out
Well, the White Widow knocked my socks off last night ! 9.1 oz. curing.

Tonight is the Black Indica's turn 😎 8.3 oz. curing.

Black Indica on the right, White Widow on the left. About a week before harvest.

Both two C1 13  Apr 2021 web

My last grow was an Early Miss Auto from Crop Kings, 369g. Just over thirteen ounces ! I have to go easy or I'm spending the first half hour on the couch, he, he..

And I keep losing my beer !

Betty one 16 Jan 2021 web

Sorry to hear of your experience.

Next up is a CBD Shiskaberry x Candida from Crop Kings, a friend has a couple of clones for me...

After that is Green Crack, also Crop Kings...




Toofless alien comeing up on day 70, ph was low brought up to 6.4 useing bakeing soda, a ripleys pheno much larger than toof decay, not to bad for an f2 strain, still needs time.
20210429 090201

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