Over watered or magnesium deficiency?

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Grandpa and Mosh are on the money in regards to the light😀 especially being LED. Did you do the foliar?? lol .. it really is the difference between them recovering in ~2 days, or 1 week. Don't be scared of the so called "water droplet magnification" thing..it's largely been debunked.. especially since you can lower and dim your light...foliar feed it atleast twice per day,. during lights on, generally the stomata close at night.

The lights need to be dimmed a bit to support recovery, but yes ... If the plants were mine, I would be using a folliar feed made from distilled water and epsom salts. However as @mysticepipedon pointed out (and I mentioned as well) ... this is caused by too high of a light intensity as much as its caused by not enough Mg.


Diluted 2 tablespoons of Epson salt in 2 gallons of water this morning and gave them a drink.... I'll back the lights off as well. Hope that shot of magnesium helps..... They were doing great then bam.... Turned quick!
Keep an eye on new growth it is likely more than just mag needed time will tell


As long as we are being critical- you should always weigh dry amendments a teaspoon is not necessary the same every time , fwiw after while ya just know I use a scoop now but ….


That will help, but a folliar feed of 1 teaspoon per gallon of distilled water and sprayed on the leaves under dimmed down lights will be the quickest way to get magnesium to the leaf.

Magnesium deficiencies and too much light go hand in hand. I'd dim the light about 10% to allow time to correct the deficiency.
Hoping prob solved... New growth seems green... Have to get sprayer for folliar though for future.


That's exactly how it happens. Your plants begin to stretch and boom, you begin to see the yellow zebra stripes.

Here's why ... LED lights seem to require the use of much more Mg and frequently Ca than HID and other forms of lighting. It's important to realize that Mg is the center most atom in the chlorophyll molecule so essentially that means its the foundation on which the chlorophyll molecule is built. If there's not enough Mg available, you see that tiger striping and eventually that leaf tissue dies. This is a light based reaction so dimming of the lights as well as supporting your plants with extra Mg is critical to its recovery.

It's also important to keep in mind that those leaves that show the tiger striping may never recover. Look at new growth to determine your progress. Mg also absorbs best (in soil based media) with a media pH of approximately 6.5 +/- .2

Edit: Above is the short answer ... a still short but more detailed answer can be found here:

Thank you


Keep an eye on new growth it is likely more than just mag needed time will tell
Tips are Browning but new growth is green. ? Jacked light up as high as it will go and turned down as low as it can. After effects of mag deficiency?


Keep an eye on new growth it is likely more than just mag needed time will tell
Tips are Browning now also but new growth green. Maybe top dress already with 444 and worm? That's be 2 weeks ahead of schedule though.... Could be heavy feeders? I'm def a newbie to inside


Tips are Browning now also but new growth green. Maybe top dress already with 444 and worm? That's be 2 weeks ahead of schedule though.... Could be heavy feeders? I'm def a newbie to inside
If new growth looks good just cruise - don’t change anything for about a week after a few days you can start cranking the light back up - post up some more pics brown tips usually nute burn but let’s see


Tips are Browning but new growth green?
The plant is taking Mg from other leaves and sending it to the growing points, so they show no symptoms.

There is a principle called Liebig's Law of the Minimum, where the theory is that plant growth is determined by the growth factor in the lowest abundance -- the most limiting factor. When many of us switched to LEDs, it turned out that the intensity of quality light was a limiting factor under HIDs. When the light quality and quantity increased, magnesium often became the limiting factor. The burn patterns often mimic the deficiency symptom of the nutrient that is lacking.

There's a famous "barrel diagram" that illustrates the concept fairly well.
Liebigs Law of Minimum 600x600 1


Yeah both calcium & mg I never had to use under hids, fluorescent & the like.

Caught me by surprise when I first started regrowing & switched to led as did the how easily it is to bleach aka light burn a plant under leds

I very rarely have my lights above 75% the lights just to intense

Epsom salts can up the ec and cause burn however it sounds like you’ve had some good advice

Good luck bud


I very rarely have my lights above 75% the lights just to intense
I'm running mine at less than 40% for plants in both early and late vegetation. I had it higher but saw symptoms of light stress. I'll separate the plants into different tents soon.

I've been learning about LED light intensity the hard way. It certainly seems not to be a matter of "more is better." So, I'm trying to get better at reading plant symptoms of too much light. It's also important to understand how much light is best for each stage of growth.


Tonight's pics. Started foillar spray with epsom salt. Watered with diluted epsom salt 2 tablespoons to 2 gallons. Seems to be recovering.
IMG 0201
IMG 0200
IMG 0199
IMG 0198


Yeah both calcium & mg I never had to use under hids, fluorescent & the like.

Caught me by surprise when I first started regrowing & switched to led as did the how easily it is to bleach aka light burn a plant under leds

I very rarely have my lights above 75% the lights just to intense

Epsom salts can up the ec and cause burn however it sounds like you’ve had some good advice

Good luck bud
Just bumped my budding tent up to 80..... Now I'm worried. I'll def keep close eye!


If new growth looks good just cruise - don’t change anything for about a week after a few days you can start cranking the light back up - post up some more pics brown tips usually nute burn but let’s see
Pics posted. Thank you
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