1Diesel1’s attempt at 2023 summer grow

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86BA0586 9598 4A40 A0A4 552A713BD0DC


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Doing great, my friend! Ughh I'm kind of jealous and antsy, just sitting here on the sidelines this year. Unfortunately as some of you may know, I had to take this year off from doing hemp to tend to my health, if I want to live to do it next year 😉

I'm taking the opportunity to stock up on equipment for a more successful grow next year, though. For instance I have about 40 shade cloths to put up over the field for hail protection next year. We get killer hailstorms here. Crop destroyers. So hopefully these will help mitigate the losses from that.

Other than that just trying to get my ranch and my health in order. I can testify, as a fellow "One Man Army" hemp farmer like Diesel, this shit is a TON of work EVERY SINGLE DAY. And I go one step further, I have to hand water each and every plant because my field is in the back 40 acres of my ranch, far from electricity and pressurized water. We have to store water in big 400 gallon tanks and until I get a generator and pump system working back there, we have to literally carry buckets of water and a pitcher around the field pretty much every day.

A watering system is definitely on the list of things to get, this year, though, so I'm working on it.

Anyway all I'm growing this year is my legal limit for personal weed plants in Colorado. Luckily we have 2 separate properties so I can have up to 24 plants, so I'm not totally out of growing at the moment. Gotta keep my proprietary strains going.

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We started from seed, struggled with germination rate, approximately 67% success rate (supplier says he’s 80% in general, I beg to differ).
Spring sprung at 90+F,
Mites took off like wildfire,
Successfuly fought and only lost several dozen seedlings from mite intoxication!
Now we take Mother Nature on head first!!
CCA83508 DCC2 459C 9C66 1CD5E0DDD95A
9A7B742F D7A6 4C8A BD35 6B745CD6D282
76FB40B3 0F8A 44A7 B8BC 6C231FC8AD0C
5733C96D B002 4209 BF20 21F45C5BC2BF


Must be so much happier with them in the ground though, work and issues aside, it’s mother natures time to shine!


This has got to be alot of work my goodness 😳 I am not sure if I would have the energy 😳


You know, spider mites that make it into your pants are called crabs......

If I smoked a joint while mowing I'd end up right in the pond. I'm interested in seeing how the Maui Wowie turns out. I guess we'll see in late Novemberish.... ;)

One of those guys emailed me......

I got spider mites


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Fuck em ghetto birds!!!
Legal hemp farm!
I have all my legal papers for representation to the gestapo when they invade my property!

Here in CO the DEA flies around in little single-prop airplanes like Santa Claus. Making a list, checkin' it twice, figurin' out who's naughty or nice...

At least they do their homework before they come a knockin'...

I still keep my grow site low key as f***.. I don't move plants out of my grow house during the day. Or any grow equipment, for that matter. My fields are way way in the back of my property, with a giant dirt wall surrounding it, invisible from any road that goes near or around our property; the only folks who know we have a grow back there are the DEA and sheriffs that fly around the area on the regular. I'm cool with that, nothin' illegal going on here!

And on top of that, we live on a private road with only 2 ways in or out, and every "neighbor" has security cameras, dogs and guns. If SHTF, we would have this "neighborhood" on lockdown. Actually myself and several of my neighbors have contingency plans if that ever happens, so that's a thing.

People have gotten robbed out here in the past, as quite a few of us have medical licenses and grow up to 75 plants, but in the past 4 years or so, it's been very quiet. I think word got out. Don't fuck around in that neighborhood!!
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