Fellow Farmers update.

  • Thread starter FarmerJess
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First day of transplant..When I pulled her out of the pot, which was surprisingly difficult, her roots were massive and bunched up n a ball. 😑 I switched her soil to organic soil. She stared with Miracle Grow 😕that's an unpopular choice by many but I never seen an issue with it . I do realize she is over watered. I also believe she will recover, I will NOT make that mistake again either. Hopefully 🙃
Fellow farmers update 2
Fellow farmers update


First day of transplant..When I pulled her out of the pot, which was surprisingly difficult, her roots were massive and bunched up n a ball. 😑 I switched her soil to organic soil. She stared with Miracle Grow 😕that's an unpopular choice by many but I never seen an issue with it . I do realize she is over watered. I also believe she will recover, I will NOT make that mistake again either. Hopefully 🙃View attachment 2072126
transplant shock..
they’ll be fine


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
First day of transplant..When I pulled her out of the pot, which was surprisingly difficult, her roots were massive and bunched up n a ball. 😑 I switched her soil to organic soil. She stared with Miracle Grow 😕that's an unpopular choice by many but I never seen an issue with it . I do realize she is over watered. I also believe she will recover, I will NOT make that mistake again either. Hopefully 🙃View attachment 2072126
Howdy, and welcome to the Farm! 🤠

Next time you transplant I highly recommend "watering in" the plant. This means you need to fully saturate the soil in the new pot with water, after transplanting. This will greatly reduce transplant shock, which I almost never get if done properly.

Either way, it will be ok, just needs a day or two to recover.

For future reference here's a brief "watering guide" I wrote up and try to teach all newer growers -

Here is what I try to teach newer growers for proper watering techniques. When you go to water/feed your plants, make sure you saturate the entire pot. Generally folks look for about 10% runoff. This means you want 10% of what you put in, to come out the bottom. This means you've successfully saturated the soil in the pot and evenly and completely soaked it.

The important part, is making sure it dries out fairly well. This will happen a little faster in fabric pots as opposed to hard plastic pots, for example.

How do I know when it's dry enough or time to water again?

After watering and completely saturating your soil as mentioned above, pick up the pot. Heft it in your hands a few times. Get an idea of how heavy it feels. Use a scale if you really want to get technical. Do this once every day. Each day you will notice it gets a little lighter. When you go to pick up the pot and it feels super light (like 1/3rd or less of the weight when fully watered) you know it's time, or almost time, to water again.

Another tip is to stick your fingers down into the soil. Stick them in a few inches, down to the middle knuckle on your fingers or 2 or 3 inches deep, and feel for moisture. If you pull your fingers out and they're damp, give it a little more time. If you don't feel any moisture in there, it's time to water again.

The reason being for all of this is because these plants are highly susceptible to root rot and other pathogens in the soil. Stagnant water in the soil is a breeding ground for pathogens and bad bacteria. These plants really like a lot of oxygen in their root zone, and regular cycles of wet and dry help keep your roots healthy and happy.

In my years of experience and giving advice to people on how to grow, this is easily the most common thing people get wrong. So, don't worry so much about how much you're watering at one time. Worry about how often you are watering. Good luck! 🤠


transplant shock..
they’ll be fine
Is it over watered or under watered? The lower leaves are turning. This is her story..I clearly put her n an undersized pot and she was looking really heavy. Droopy and sad. I put her in a much larger container but forgot to water the soil first. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Now her lower leaves are turning and she STILL looks sad. Soo I'm getting confused. Will the transplant shock cause her lower leaves to turn? Or the forgetting to water the soil I transplanted her in causing more problems?
transplant shock..
they’ll be fine
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IMG 20231111 203715165


I'm obsessed with her and so disappointed I let her get like this. Literally going to need a grief counselor if she doesn't make it.
I'm going to wait and watch and then we'll see. I'll post updates n a few days ✌️
Give her a hug and kiss, wait till the pot is really dried out, then hit her with double strength Tribus.


Give her a hug and kiss, wait till the pot is really dried out, then hit her with double strength Tribus.
always transplant when it’s dry and time to water, than water after transplant as mentioned above..
Post in thread 'Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….'


First day of transplant..When I pulled her out of the pot, which was surprisingly difficult, her roots were massive and bunched up n a ball. 😑 I switched her soil to organic soil. She stared with Miracle Grow 😕that's an unpopular choice by many but I never seen an issue with it . I do realize she is over watered. I also believe she will recover, I will NOT make that mistake again either. Hopefully 🙃View attachment 2072126
That soil looks really dry.

Did you water after transplant?


Was the plants soil dry too?
No .I actually thought watering her would help get her outta the small pot and ... eventually she gave but that's all .. watered her right before transplant. Just a tiny bit more though tonight cause I freaked out and didn't know what to do 🙃 (after seeing the turning leaves)


No .I actually thought watering her would help get her outta the small pot and ... eventually she gave but that's all .. watered her right before transplant. Just a tiny bit more though tonight cause I freaked out and didn't know what to do 🙃 (after seeing the turning leaves)
So i guess youll just have to wait until it starts drooping from being dry, and then water the entire medium until FULLY saturated.


Very little.
I spray down the soil in the new pot before I transplant into the pot to make sure the roots have moisture to grow into. After that I trasplant and saturate the rest of the pot and make sure roots can grow outwards not just downwards. Salt Bae some mycorrhizae and BAM! (Emeril lagasse) happy plants

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