Some type of burn on a few of my plants

  • Thread starter Louz
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over the past few days my plants are developing some browning on the leaves.

I’m currently week 5 flower, growing in a peat/ perlite mix.

Using GH flora trio with low amounts of liquid kool bloom.

I’ve dialed back the kool bloom thinking it was nutrient burn, also turned the lights back to 75%.

Any suggestions on why this happened and how to prevent this from getting worse.

The first 3 photos are the worst 3 of the 8 I have. The rest just have some light pale/ browning at the tips. The 3 biggest plants are the worse.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
Some type of burn on a few of my plants
Some type of burn on a few of my plants 2
Some type of burn on a few of my plants 3
Some type of burn on a few of my plants 4
Some type of burn on a few of my plants 5
Some type of burn on a few of my plants 6
Some type of burn on a few of my plants 7
Some type of burn on a few of my plants 8


Just eyeballing it and without knowing any particulars about how you're growing, it looks like over-watering (based on the speedbumps on the leaves), over-feeding (based on the burned tips and edges), and too much light (based on the edge curl). You've just turned down the light, so watch to see if the leaves flatten out. I'd take a runoff ppm/EC reading to see how much nutrient is in the pots. I'd back off the water frequency a few more days.


Ive been watering during weekdays with GH flora trio and liquid kool bloom solution I follow their medium lvl feed charts. I usually skip watering over the weekend for a day or two. Wednesdays I water with plain ph’d water.

I’ll hold off watering for today annd tomorrow and water with plain water subdah until run off to see what my ppm/ec is.


Later in flower to the end of flower, most strains require less and less light. Think about it like in the wild. The sun gets lower and lower in the sky as the plant finishes up flower. This gives the plant less and less light.

Are you reducing the light intensity as you get further into flower?

The plant will also need less and less water the further you get into flower. So start reducing the volume of water/feed when you water. This will make your dry time faster.

Most people when thinking about the proper way to water think, fully saturated and then let dry out completely. That's kinda the definition of proper watering in the cannabis community. Sadly this usually results in people over watering. If your dry cycle is longer then 5ish days when you water with less volume of water it will speed this dry cycle up. I would suggest a 3-4 day dry cycle.

Both of these issues can cause what your plant is showing. BOth are easy to correct.

Reduce light
Reduce the amount of water you water with, speeding up your dry time.

I think if you do both of those the issue will slow over the next two weeks and eventually stop.


I started flower with my lights at 100% and just turned down to 75% two days ago. I’ll back off on watering as well.

I’m currently week 5 when, should I turn my light down to 50% eventually? It only goes in increments of 25%.

The grow you see is a 5x5 with 620w leds.


Each strain and each setup is different, you need to be able to read the plant. Look for things like you are seeing now, tops leaves starting to taco, tips getting burned ( that can happen for multiple reasons tho) top of plant lighter color then lower part of the plant. There is no schedule I could.possibily give you as multiple things effect how much light your plant can handle. Amount of nutes, feeding schedule, medium, type of light, type of strain, how much light was given during veg, and the list goes on and on. You need to learn to read the plant. It's really the only option.


Too much light can slow bud growth. During the flower cycle Le you have many stages, initial fast growth, then stretch, then pistols, then, then swell, then pistols change color, then calyx start to fill and finally the buds mature. Once you learn all the stages in flower the easiest way to read the plant is if any of these stages stall out, it's a good possibility that something is off. This takes many full grows to completely understand this ( or at least for me it did) but bud growth will always imo show you an issue before the leaves do. For now focus on the leaves they will tell you a lot.


over the past few days my plants are developing some browning on the leaves.

I’m currently week 5 flower, growing in a peat/ perlite mix.

Using GH flora trio with low amounts of liquid kool bloom.

I’ve dialed back the kool bloom thinking it was nutrient burn, also turned the lights back to 75%.

Any suggestions on why this happened and how to prevent this from getting worse.

The first 3 photos are the worst 3 of the 8 I have. The rest just have some light pale/ browning at the tips. The 3 biggest plants are the worse.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
Where did all your foliage go? Plants suffer like that when they cant photosynthesize properly.
I never understood why people who are NOT crop steering, strip their plants like this


No roots equals shitty fruits. Looks like you underwatered volume wise during veg and failed to build a proper root system. 32 ml of water is not enough to properly moisten what looks to be 3 gallon pots there, you'd need 3 to 4 liters to properly saturate that size. In addendum, I agree with the over lighted diagnosis.


I started flower with my lights at 100% and just turned down to 75% two days ago. I’ll back off on watering as well.

I’m currently week 5 when, should I turn my light down to 50% eventually? It only goes in increments of 25%.

The grow you see is a 5x5 with 620w leds
over the past few days my plants are developing some browning on the leaves.

I’m currently week 5 flower, growing in a peat/ perlite mix.

Using GH flora trio with low amounts of liquid kool bloom.

I’ve dialed back the kool bloom thinking it was nutrient burn, also turned the lights back to 75%.

Any suggestions on why this happened and how to prevent this from getting worse.

The first 3 photos are the worst 3 of the 8 I have. The rest just have some light pale/ browning at the tips. The 3 biggest plants are the worse.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
I’m no pro at this, I’m just sharing a little of what I have experienced…
What medium are you growing in? What is the EC of your feed? I had something similar in flower. I fed with calcium/mag for two feeds and then slowly introduced nutrients back, increasing the strength weekly until I got it to stabilise. When the water of your feed is salty, the plant must produce more sugars in its roots in order to draw the water in. Plants can do this up to a point, but if their water is really to salty then osmosis will actually reverse, and water can be pulled out of the plant. My grow tent was also getting quite hot (32’C) with 45-50% humidity so I believe my medium was drying out too quickly causing salts to build up in the pots. The increased salinity that occurs as the coco dries is a cause of the wilting and burned tips that are often known as “nutrient burn” or “nute burn”. The plant has a harder time getting water through osmosis. In addition, the concentration of salts in the media can lead to a high concentration of ions in the leaves which can cause the common “tip burn”. I found that by increasing watering frequency and keeping the coco saturated helped my plants a lot and I have adopted that strategy since with much better outcomes. If you’re growing in soil ignore what I just said 😆.

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