Growing in Ireland

  • Thread starter Jedsdead
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Hi everyone Brendan here from Ireland I’m about to grow my first plants in my new polytunnel (domed polythene greenhouse) and honestly I haven’t a clue. So a few quick questions if anyone can help I’d appreciate the advice.
Best strain?
Best time to germinate?
I’m only growing 1 or 2 but success would be so nice.
Any help gratefully appreciated.


Best strain well that answer can only be found once you come across it or grow it, there's so many everyday a " best " strain get created.
Best time to germinate depends what part of the earth and season your at but for the most part you can pop seeds all year long inside 😉. Send me message ill help ya out much as I can 🤙🏽💨💨💨


Sweet, thanks very much. Should I get long and latitudes?
We’re just entering spring at the moment and 🤞we get a nice summer which is always a long shot here but that’s why polytunnels invented


It’s the humidity you need to be careful with

Are you planning on doing autos or photos? If you do autos you could germinate any time, I’d leave them in your house on the window ledge till mid April then put out in the poly tunnel

Autos are shorter time to grow and less work involved and you don’t need to worry to much about light, you just get smaller yield

Northern light auto
Critical auto
Royal Jack auto
Gorilla glue auto

They are my recommendations. Buy from royal queen seeds, they have 50 percent sale on autos for another 50 minutes and free delivery


That’s good stuff thanks very much, I am planning on going auto so you just confirmed that one for me. Regarding the humidity should it be high or low or is there a happy medium?
Again thank you


I’d green in April may June and July, the humidity in these months are 78, 77, 76 and 80 percent. Ideally needs to be about 60 percent so it’s high humidity. Them months are the lowest. Make sure your poly has ventilation and get a couple rechargeable fans off Amazon to keep air flowing inside and you should be ok. You could put a couple of aloe Vera plants in too, they soak up some humidity

What size pots are you growing in, are you using soil or coco. I’d recommend soil. What nutrients, remember less is more. Mega crop do a bag of all in one feed for about 20 euros on their website and currently it’s on offer 10 euros

Only water every 3 days, you want to let the soil dry out a bit to avoid over watering, especially with high humidity


This is all golden information exactly what I was hoping for.
When you say green in April-July what do you mean?
I was hoping I could use soil, I thought to sift it and mix compost and vermiculite in what do you think?
Interesting about the aloe Vera plants I never knew that about them and thanks for the fertiliser tip I’ll order that now.
Again thanks for the help it’s spot on the money for the assistance I was looking for.


It’s meant to say grow in them months lol, ignore the word green

I’m a similar climate to you and I’ve never done an outdoor grow, it’s hard in our climate but doable

I’m going to germinate the seeds end of this month and keep the seedlings in the house till the first week of May and then put out in the polytunel and then during June I’m going to put out in the garden in the day and in the polytunel at night

I’m using 40 or 50 litre pots, the fabric pots are better for roots and I’m going with biobizz light mix and using the mega crop fertiliser. I’m going to add worm castings and bat guano to the soil but these are just to add a little extra organic stuff


Sounds good we might compare notes as we go cos I’m literally gonna copy you. Had no joy with that fertiliser as they don’t deliver to Ireland and Amazon are out of stock but I’ll keep trying


We will succeed lol it’s just the humidity and it causing rot that concerns me, but with ventilation and keeping the air moving in the polytunel I think we will do good

We have the same climate as Washington state, namely Oregon and they grow weed outdoors no problem and it’s high humidity there

There was another fertiliser feed I was going to get, dr forest 4-4-4 and it’s perfect they are in equal parts the NTK so ph be good and they do a bloom that’s 0-9-6 I think it is for when it’s flowering


I've grown Autos outside every year for the past 5 years. Love them, but they stay rather small compared to photos.
I'm with @FatFarm and use 10 gallon fabric pots, I think that's about 40L for you.
Most people say you don't need one that big but I'm not the most consistant waterer and the bigger pot is more forgiving if I mess up.

I'm in southern Michigan, 42 degree latitude and changable weather.
The Autos finish early for me which is good because I've lost at least 2/3-3/4 of my photos every year to rot. :(
Season gets wet and cold before the trichomes turn amber.
Here's my Afghan Auto from the first year I grew (legal).

Your poly tunnel is a good idea, there are a few on here that have similar setups to combat the wet/cold. But you need fans.

Afghan 2019


Lovely pic thanks for sharing, all tips and advice very welcome. What are your thoughts on moving the plant in at night and outside in day/good weather?


Lovely pic thanks for sharing, all tips and advice very welcome. What are your thoughts on moving the plant in at night and outside in day/good weather?
Might work, others have done it. If you're going to use an unheated building, like a garage, like the poly tunnel, you'll need fans.
Keeping the air moving at all times will discourage powdery mildew and bud rot.
But the bugs are not impressed with fans. ;)


OK peeps it’s getting close to germination time (end of this month) and the fear for this first timer is real.
I’ve accumulated a list of stuff so here’s what I have have so far.
Seeds (very important)
Fabric pots X 3
Bio mix light X 3
Fans X 3

Plants are going into a polytunnel so natural light is what’s being provided.
When do I need to begin feeding seedlings? And with what?
I presume I will grow them up in small pots of the same soil they will be going into in the big pots.
Now just letting you know I’m a big gardener, outdoors, I’m hugely in growing native trees so I’m not a complete beginner but I never had the opportunity to grow my own weed inside until now (and outdoors in this country not really an option)
I have to say this forum has so much info that it can swamp you so, if I may, can you keep it simple stupid please for my sake.
Looking forward to all the gems 💎 of knowledge from you guys and many thanks in advance for your help it is very much appreciated.
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