Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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Sorry @Captspaulding you are barred from answering this.

350 points to ravenclaw(the potion nerds) and idk, maybe a free known lineage fem bean or two if you want it, if someone can tell me the Genus and Species name of this grass in this patch at moms, why i don't mow it until it seeds, and what it is you can use it for.

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100 bonus points if you can name the genus and species of this plant, what makes the white sap white, and what alkaloid is inside that sap.

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I think that's cat grass? But maybe someone should make the joke... That one guy's got a handful of cocksfoot...

Looks like florida lettuce... unless you found some opium lettuce...🤓


Why is weed porn so good? For me it's seeing what and really HOW everyone is growing. All the different ways. I was stuck in a rut growing in the garden fending off gophers and bugs for years and latched on to coco growing. It works for me. Like I've told many others through the years, if it works for you no matter what it might be then do it.

Keep the weed porn coming please🤗
Some Durban Poison about 3 weeks before harvest.

Pheno #1 (peach spice)


Agropyron cristatum, aka wheatgrass.
I don’t know what second plant is? Was thinking milkweed? But probably not.
lol, both incorrect.

A little hint on the grass: Ask the self-transforming machine elves of hyperspace. The answer isn't weirder then you currently suppose, the answer is weirder then you currently CAN suppose. Extra terrestrials could descend to the white house lawns asking for our leaders tomorrow. And i would still consider, without question or hesitation, the existence of this grass and what is within it, to be a more bizarre, and stranger occurrence. This grass contains the cosmic giggle, the ort cloud of souls, and it only takes 15 minutes to prove these words wrong too. Some of the greatest minds that have existed have attempted such, and all have failed. Language... conceptual understanding itself, beads up and rolls off what is in this grass, the same way water beads up and rolls off rubber. It feeds on life's intelligence and it's inaccurate perceptual observations like a hummingbird does nectar.

Sorry for double post. Ill spill the beans shortly if no one else tries to guess.

If someone's curious and wants to know before then just PM me and ill tell ya what it is lol.

Ill go ahead and spill on the second one. It's the eastern variant of Lactuca Serriola-opium lettuce indeed, latex makes the sap white, and the bled sap/substance is called lactacarium, i belive the alkaloid is called lactacarum, and it has sedative, pain relieving opiate like effects. It's not very strong, but it's kinda relaxing and goofy headed. I dont care much for it, but my brother loves it.

Theres two forms of it that grow here, a bluer more rubbery one, more easily recognizable, but very weak in potency, and this one, not as easily recognizable as serriola, but is, and is far, FAR stronger then the blue rubbery variant or the local virosa species. At least in my own personal experience you can consume this one, or smoke the sap, and actually be sure you;re not experiencing placebo xD. Still not the most interesting plant, but i like knowing about these things and spreading the info.

PSA: if you have a latex allergy, buying and trying lettuce opium extracts, or real opium either one, can kill you... In like 5 mins flat. Don't do it. Both substances are alkaloids suspended in an oxidized latex sap.
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one of my all time favorite tracks. its so f***ing good lol. Tuna be among the legitest.

Wait, are we on about 2 different rapping Tuna's rn? This rapping tuna is Israeli lol.

Edit::: Yea, def 2 different rapping Tunas. Thank you for the introduction.

One last grass hint lol... come oooooooon
Phaarudr 10x1800

Yea, it can get quite tall when grown by water. over 6 feet. The key to ID of this grass is the transparent sepal ;)
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one of my all time favorite tracks. its so f***ing good lol. Tuna be among the legitest.

Wait, are we on about 2 different rapping Tuna's rn? This rapping tuna is Israeli lol.

Edit::: Yea, def 2 different rapping Tunas. Thank you for the introduction.

One last grass hint lol... come oooooooon
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Yea, it can get quite tall when grown by water. over 6 feet. The key to ID of this grass is the transparent sepal ;)
I’m not fluent in Hebrew but it sounds like he can flow. Does this particular grass grow on the banks of the Nile? Was Moses found floating in a basket made from it? I’m spit balling at this point.


I’m not fluent in Hebrew but it sounds like he can flow. Does this particular grass grow on the banks of the Nile? Was Moses found floating in a basket made from it? I’m spit balling at this point.
No, this plant is just as happy growing in a hay field to 1 ft tall as it would be growing to heights on the nile.

However, it does grow on the banks of the nile, but it is not papyrus. That doesn't mean much, as the only continent this doesnt grow on currently is Antarctica. It is one of the single most common plants on the planet, actually. It grows on russian steppes. it grows in european poppy fields, it grows on the banks of the nile, its found all over south america, and anywhere in north America that earth gets turned over or moved around. Essentially, if people are there, this follows them, and always has. If you are outside, and the wind is blowing, this grass is near by waving at you, almost guaranteed. Ive never been anywhere i couldnt find it in under 10 minutes, even the Sonoran desert.

And it does contain the most powerful psychedlic compound known to man in extractable levels . The single most powerful, the single most natural, the single most harmless, and the fastest acting. And it waves at you everywhere you are. Good ole cosmic giggle.

When young children pick a grass flower and bring it to you, and say they found a flower, it is more then likely this grass lol. At least when its happened to me, it ALWAYS seems to be, and i consider this part of the cosmic giggle thing i mentioned. The flower i snapped the photo of hasnt fully matured yet btw.

It's Phalaris Arundinacea. Common name is the canary reed. It contains 5-meo-DMT as well as nnDMT. The two most powerful variants of that particular chemical group. And at extractable levels in one of the most common plants that exist. And that's also why @Captspaulding wasnt allowed to answer lmfao. I let it seed before i cut it so that it spreads. I cut it back with the mower because every time i do it grows back roughly twice as alkaloid rich according to my extractions. And come first frost, i cut and dry it, and preserve it in the deep freezer while it is at it's most stressed out, and alkaloid rich, ideally looking all pissed off and purple. Whatever cultivar i have here collected from a near by boat launch/river access, if you piss it off enough, can yield as much as a 1% return on dry weight with a solid extraction tek. 100grm dry grass = 1 gram DMT. And ill tell you right now, that 1 gram of DMT is PLENTY for a good while.... Probably a lifetime if not shared.
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This thread brings in more traffic than all the other forums combined.

Spaulding should get a royalty check
Yea he def should, for sure hahahaha

Go look at the "what are you listening to now" thread over on audio karma. It's past 50k pages, past 1mil posts, and a new page starts every 3-5 minutes usually. And it goes like that from about 6 am eastern to about 3 am eastern 😳


How long you all hang your plants to dry? I think I need to start working on them tonight. My work has me doing overtime and I don’t have time for shit. I think I can try and squeeze one per night this week.
depends on the plant. Bud density, sugar leaf density, and what the conditions im drying are.

I try to make it take around 10 days to dry, I have one super sugar leafy heavily indica dom genetic (biggs) that i fresh trim, and she still takes about 10 days to dry usually. The slower you dry, usually, the quicker your cure stinks back up, and the more pungency potential you'll end up with. But there are some heavy pine tasting oldschool genetics that would stay stinky and tasty even if you dried them in a food dehydrator, they just wouldnt burn for s**t

My peaceblasters have all been hung up as untrimmed individual branches. Only the water leaves removed. Takes about 10 days in the same conditions the already trimmed biggs will also dry in 10 days in.
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