Looking for Pruning advice

  • Thread starter bostonrocks
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Hello everyone. I'm a home growing novice from Massachusetts. Admittedly, I bought these plants with the attitude of "I've been gardening for 15 years, I'll figure it out". Clearly a bad idea. As I
researched the web I realized that I was far too confident. I think these plants should have been pruned a lot more when they were young. They're about 6 weeks old (I got them a week ago) I feel like I should be making them much shorter and stockier by removing the fan leaves, but I don't want to kill them. I need to put them in a bigger pot, but I want to get them trimmed (if you all recommend it) before I make the change. I'm happy to share my bread making knowledge for free to anyone willing to help me with what I should do here. I actually do know what I'm doing in bread baking. :) Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Plants 1
Plants 2


Looks like they are stretching for the light.
What light are you using? How high above the plants and what is it dimmed to?

There's a debate on defoliating but I'm not going to get into that but what I will say is just let them grow and don't worry about defoliation.
Get a couple grows under your belt, get the hang of topping and training. Once you feel more confident then you can decide if you want to experiment with defoliation.

What are they growing in? Do you have nutrients you're giving them?

Other then being stretched, they don't look to bad from what I can see from the pictures.
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They arrived this way and I agree, they are reaching for the light. I just got the light today, it's from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B089CR9N5X/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
I had it at it's highest today (100). I really don't know what I'm doing, but I'm doing a ton of research and reading and so thankful to everyone sharing their knowledge. I am adding Myco Supreme and Mikro-Root to the soil when I transplant them. They came in coco coir, but I will be transplanting them into soil. The stuff on top is just cinnamon because I could see some fungus growth and a couple of fungus gnats and I was trying to combat that situation. Thank you for the advice. I might trim 1 and not the others as an experiment. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. :)
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u need to lettem grow a bit then i would top every top & let it fan out, there isnt much to trim leaf wise, transplant them into at least 3 to 5 gal pots, wait about 3 weeks then top every top IMO...


u need to lettem grow a bit then i would top every top & let it fan out, there isnt much to trim leaf wise, transplant them into at least 3 to 5 gal pots, wait about 3 weeks then top every top IMO...
Thank you!
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