Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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I ♥ fat colas
How long you all hang your plants to dry? I think I need to start working on them tonight. My work has me doing overtime and I don’t have time for shit. I think I can try and squeeze one per night this week.
Depends on a lot of stuff, don't water them right before chop thoug, or it will take forever. I fucked up once and watered the day before chop ....took Over 2 weeks to dry enough to jar, even then it was a little early. Probably should have been a 3 week dry easy.
I fought with them in the jars for a bit before they stabilized ✌️


depends on the plant. Bud density, sugar leaf density, and what the conditions im drying are.

I try to make it take around 10 days to dry, I have one super sugar leafy heavily indica dom genetic (biggs) that i fresh trim, and she still takes about 10 days to dry usually. The slower you dry, usually, the quicker your cure stinks back up, and the more pungency potential you'll end up with. But there are some heavy pine tasting oldschool genetics that would stay stinky and tasty even if you dried them in a food dehydrator, they just wouldnt burn for s**t

My peaceblasters have all been hung up as untrimmed individual branches. Only the water leaves removed. Takes about 10 days in the same conditions the already trimmed biggs will also dry in 10 days in.
I been pulling off and smoking them


ever get a new bud or dab, and get the munchies so furious you find yourself looking at an entire pan of homemade chocolate drizzled peanut butter brownies about an hour later?

It's been a minute since i've had a munchy nug like this. Also thank you chef google, couldn't have done this without ya.

They're not just good, theyre holy f***ing s**t good.

Im not gonna be smoking a lot of this batch, strain is "im not sure i didnt ask". It's just cheap dark work-bud stuff, nothing worth a photo. Probably unhealthy to be consuming. Much like this pan of love-handles right here.
439378787 1360866107913303 7312434181317288031 n 1


No, this plant is just as happy growing in a hay field to 1 ft tall as it would be growing to heights on the nile.

However, it does grow on the banks of the nile, but it is not papyrus. That doesn't mean much, as the only continent this doesnt grow on currently is Antarctica. It is one of the single most common plants on the planet, actually. It grows on russian steppes. it grows in european poppy fields, it grows on the banks of the nile, its found all over south america, and anywhere in north America that earth gets turned over or moved around. Essentially, if people are there, this follows them, and always has. If you are outside, and the wind is blowing, this grass is near by waving at you, almost guaranteed. Ive never been anywhere i couldnt find it in under 10 minutes, even the Sonoran desert.

And it does contain the most powerful psychedlic compound known to man in extractable levels . The single most powerful, the single most natural, the single most harmless, and the fastest acting. And it waves at you everywhere you are. Good ole cosmic giggle.

When young children pick a grass flower and bring it to you, and say they found a flower, it is more then likely this grass lol. At least when its happened to me, it ALWAYS seems to be, and i consider this part of the cosmic giggle thing i mentioned. The flower i snapped the photo of hasnt fully matured yet btw.

It's Phalaris Arundinacea. Common name is the canary reed. It contains 5-meo-DMT as well as nnDMT. The two most powerful variants of that particular chemical group. And at extractable levels in one of the most common plants that exist. And that's also why @Captspaulding wasnt allowed to answer lmfao. I let it seed before i cut it so that it spreads. I cut it back with the mower because every time i do it grows back roughly twice as alkaloid rich according to my extractions. And come first frost, i cut and dry it, and preserve it in the deep freezer while it is at it's most stressed out, and alkaloid rich, ideally looking all pissed off and purple. Whatever cultivar i have here collected from a near by boat launch/river access, if you piss it off enough, can yield as much as a 1% return on dry weight with a solid extraction tek. 100grm dry grass = 1 gram DMT. And ill tell you right now, that 1 gram of DMT is PLENTY for a good while.... Probably a lifetime if not shared.
I’ve never done dmt, I have some interest in it but am fairly ignorant about the subject and process of extraction. Although now feel a little less ignorant than I was before. Actually I’m slightly intrigued.
Thanks for the challenge, can’t wait to start looking for this grass everywhere I go now. 😳


I’ve never done dmt, I have some interest in it but am fairly ignorant about the subject and process of extraction. Although now feel a little less ignorant than I was before. Actually I’m slightly intrigued.
Thanks for the challenge, can’t wait to start looking for this grass everywhere I go now. 😳
once you confirm an ID once, you will see it everywhere you go.

Heads up it took me about a dozen localized examples to find one that pulled any alkaloids as sampled. When i did i moved it to my moms place, and i keep all her local ones mowed back and dont let them flower, then let these go to seed before cutting. I left the unmowed orignal patch this weekend. But i did that for years when i still lived there. I'd imagine this is probably the predominant genotype on our little section of the ridge. Id be happy to send out some root rhyzome clusters of this genotype to anyone interested. Just dont grow them for the purposes of extraction, then it would be illegal and stuff. Generally, to get reliable volume of this particular source material, it's several years of work just to make sure you have a genotype worth extracting. Practice also makes perfect with the extractions themselves. There is a learning curve. You want to have a lot of viable source material at your disposal.

I have a good cultivar of Phragmites Australis in that yard as well that starts to come along more into summer/fall. Has a brilliant red flower toward harvest season, another grass that spreads with rhyzomes. It's in the rhyzome runners themselves in this one, not the leaf blades like the canary reed. nnDMT rich no 5 meo dmt in that one. It produces a more visually stunning DMT filled with color and dramatic visual beauty, but not as much of the extract volume wise.. More like .3-.8%. The canary grass on the other hand produces a "white oneness, ort cloud of souls, merge with the infinite continuum, prehistoric god-head" kind of experience. Both very Jarring but eye-opening and often completely paradigm-shattering and often instantaneously life-changing.. Even if you have done it 100 times before.

Both experiences could not possibly be more different from the other, while also simultaneously being indistinguishable and identical. Welcome to DMT land y'all, where the drugs do you, not the other way around.

I recommend Terence McKenna's many lectures on this matter. It takes a lot of practice to even be able to honestly say much about the experience at all. And when you speak honestly it doesn't make sense unless you've been there, and notice i said "been there" not "done that", because DMT is other, and here is not other, here is serotonin. (serotonin is known chemically 4-hydroxy-nnDMT or something very similar iirc.) Here is just as unspeakable when there, as there is when here. When the river boatman is all of a sudden asking for your fare to the afterlife (metaphor), it can take you by surprise, and be kind of hard to describe. Being able to do so actually takes a lot of practice if you want to be honest about it, you are dealing with two fundamentally different forms of consciousness inhabiting the receptor sites and the serotonin you, is fundamentally a completely different being all together then the DMT you, and as hard as it may seem to believe it, this you is actually the secondary, that one is the primary.

blah blah gibber gibber life becomes death becomes life becomes death becomes life.
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I fkn love the overly descriptive lyrics and guitar shreds, one my favorite episodes is when they’re interdemensional channel surfing, and there’s a preview for a movie called two brothers, the entire commercial is a giant run on sentence. Probably written that way on purpose as a big middle finger to an old English teacher or something. So good! Here’s the clip………
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