the regulate, control, and tax cannabis law of 2010

  • Thread starter danko
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radical farmer

Wow, and if you don't think that collectives are going to start buying their weed from large agribusinesses for dirt cheap prices than you are crazy.


please show me what they are taking away. all the bill says is that you will have to be licensed and fallow zoning laws set fourth by local govt if your growing herb for retail. just as i said in my last post, the bill wants to regulate (retail) mj like alcohol (that is to say, not your own personal medical stash). im not getting back in to this point you can read it above.

yeah you can buy oaksterdam clones. so what? whats stopping you from accomplishing that? if youve paid attention to the recent court cases. they have already proven that they cannot limit how much herb you can grow for a collective, because patients can virtually smoke as much as they want for there illnesses and that herb needs to be provided. just cause these guys have opened there own collectives and have a bunch of members because they worked there asses off and are selling clones everywhere doesnt mean you or anyone else cant do it.

These guys aren't working their asses off, its the minimum wage or volunteer workers they have that are doing all the hard work.

also yes there are several cannabis schools/colleges and career institutes. and more opening all the time. something you guys could also do if you were so inclined!
"For what purpose? To teach people how to trim corporate weed? O thats right they automated that process and fired all the min wage trimmers"

"These 2 guys have done a great job at limiting their competition, expanding their markets and profiting from the medical marijuana industry, by strategically influencing local governments" kushpheen

please give me an example.

Example #1 Oakland, CA. You think its a coincidence that Oakland closed down nearly all of its dispensaries and allowed the cannabusinesses owned by rich lee to stay open and flourish? He owns or rents more property in Oakland than you can imagine. There are what 3 dispensaries in all of Oakland? you think no one else wants to a open a collective? or perhaps the city is just too busy to approve these applications?
Example #2, LA, CA. You might not know this but there is a weekly meeting of dispensary owners in LA that has worked very hard to eliminate the hundreds of new dispensaries operating under the hardship clause. This meeting is organized by jeff jones and is an invitation only affair. The dispensary owners who attend this meeting happen to the same dispensary owners that managed to keep their licenses, what a coincidence, I wonder how they managed that?

only everbody 21 and older my friend. dont you get that? now adults will not need shit to smoke or even grow a little. no dr's, no state id cards. just gotta be 21. tell me this dizzle, how will this bill effect your quality of life bro? if it passes. you will still have your rights as a medical mmj patient dude. that means you can still open or keep your collectives, coops or what have you. keep growing for them if you want. there is nothing that says you cant. if you want to grow to sell for retail, then you will have to get the license and follow zoning and all that shit. but if your growing for your own collective and not for retail, your not effected. your rights as a 215 patient and those given to medical users thru sb 420 are still going to be there. medical marijuana is totally different then recreational marijuana. has no one managed to make that separation?

You must think its easy to open a collective. Just walk down to city hall pay the $25 fee and they hand you a license right? LOL get a clue. You havent managed to make the connection that medical dispensaries will no longer just be medical dispensaries, they will become recreational dispensaries, which means there will be no requirements to be supplied from the members of their collectives anymore. The few that choose to stay open as purely medical dispensaries will watch the majority of their clientele walk down the street where they can purchase lower cost, lower quality agricorp weed and will soon be out of business. So, for the small time growers supplying their collectives, they will lose the ability to recoup the costs of the gardens and will be forced to either stop growing or they will have try to sell their cannabis on the black market, which will all but vanish. Unless you can afford to spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars to grow in an 'approved' facility, you will be out of the game. If you look at Ammiano's bill you can see how they want to regulate cultivators, the fees for licensing, requirements for infrastructure etc. This is more than likely how the gov't will choose to regulate it, by making it prohibitively expensive to legally enter the market in the first place.

Answer these questions for me danko, if you can find the answers in this bill or answer why they choose to leave this information out of the bill...

What will the fine/sentence be for possession over an ounce 1st offense, 2nd offense, so on?
What will the fine/sentence be for an unlicensed individual selling cannabis to an adult?
What will the fine/sentence be for cultivating in an area over 25sq ft?
What will the requirements and licensing fees be for cultivators, distributors, retailers, etc?
Who will be in control of regulating and enforcing these new laws? Local governments? The same people who have been arresting and prosecuting people?
How much money and resources will it cost our state to implement the regulatory framework necessary to police these new marijuana laws?
What benefits would this law provide over the current medical marijuana laws?


What will the fine/sentence be for possession over an ounce 1st offense said:
Exactly Kushpeen. This is bill is poorly written and is really a wolf in sheep's clothing. Do your homework people, Richard Lee's only hard-on is his pocket book, and his only friend is the mainstream media that look at him like a circus act, at the same time falsely aligns him with MMJ, making him out to be a freedom fighter, instead of the greedy little demon he is.



Danko!!!! Dude come on....

Have you ever tried to obtain an Alcohol license??? Dude it's almost (in fact I think it currently is) impossible to get. And they are so over priced that the average person cannot afford to even consider it.
And with the ability for any uninformed TOOL who is over 21 to purchase, you can all but kiss the quality dank scene good bye. Why? Because why pay quality prices for quality product when he can just go down the street to his local liquor store and buy a "single" (joint) of poorly grown, over/under fertilized commercial crap for a couple of bucks.

Don't be so short sighted my friend. California and our community MAY need a bill- but this isn't the one.



i bet fines wouldnt exceed $250. i dont know. why do you think its gonna be all these ridiculous $2000, $5000+ fines and shit? or more huh? shit 25k for having 26 sqft! lol

as far as who regulates. i bet its the same people who do building and business inspections now. what a shock!

costs would be similar to alcohol production and retail licensing. that is how the bill is written, to be regulated like alcohol.

"How much money and resources will it cost our state to implement the regulatory framework necessary to police these new marijuana laws?"
all that shits already there bro. what do you think they need a whole new agency to inspect a building? or what you think the weed police are gonna be going door to door measuring your grow? right, thats exactly what will happen..give me a break. if that bill passes there will be a huge void for growers like us to fill.

"Who will be in control of regulating and enforcing these new laws? Local governments? The same people who have been arresting and prosecuting people?"

what? so now the DA will be inspecting businesses? cops deal with crimes. fines for people selling to adults?? seriously? have you ever picked up a six pack for your bro? exactly. if its your weed youve grown, it will be the same as now, you cant sell it! whats the penalty now? thats hardly enforceable after this bill passes. just as it is now.


i bet fines wouldnt exceed $250. i dont know. why do you think its gonna be all these ridiculous $2000, $5000+ fines and shit? or more huh? shit 25k for having 26 sqft! lol

Exactly you don't know because its not written in the bill.

as far as who regulates. i bet its the same people who do building and business inspections now. what a shock!

It is a shock for people who have no clue about marijuana cultivation to be inspecting and regulating how its grown

costs would be similar to alcohol production and retail licensing. that is how the bill is written, to be regulated like alcohol.
Which is nearly impossible for the average person to become involved in without investing hundreds of thousands if not millions to open a bar, distillery, or brewery.

"How much money and resources will it cost our state to implement the regulatory framework necessary to police these new marijuana laws?"
all that shits already there bro. what do you think they need a whole new agency to inspect a building? or what you think the weed police are gonna be going door to door measuring your grow? right, thats exactly what will happen..give me a break. if that bill passes there will be a huge void for growers like us to fill.

"3. Implement a legal regulatory framework to give California more control over the cultivation, processing, transportation, distribution, and sales of cannabis.
4. Implement a legal regulatory framework to better police and prevent access to and consumption of cannabis by minors in California."
Read the bill danko, does this sound like they are going to use California's already under budgeted and over worked resources? Squeeze all your mom's, clones and flowering plants in 25sqft feet harvest less than an ounce and let me know how thats working out for you. The only void growers like us will be filling is in the unemployment line. Unless you for some reason think you'll somehow be able to compete with the deep pockets of the alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical companies. And yes if you file for a cultivation license you will be inspected and you will have to conform with whatever laws or regulations this 'new regulatory framework' decides upon. WAKE UP!

what? so now the DA will be inspecting businesses? cops deal with crimes. fines for people selling to adults?? seriously? have you ever picked up a six pack for your bro? exactly. if its your weed youve grown, it will be the same as now, you cant sell it! whats the penalty now? thats hardly enforceable after this bill passes. just as it is now.

No the DA will prosecuting people in possession of over an ounce or growing in spaces over 25sqft. And cops will be the ones arresting them, great use of our police resources. The reason they only want you in possession of an ounce or growing in 25sqft is so you can't be legally self sufficient to provide your own cannabis. Its the reason many other states are moving to make home cultivation illegal, to allow captive markets reliant on corporate grown weed.

You can be reimbursed for your the expenses you incur cultivating for fellow members of your collective, legally, without having your garden inspected and without subjecting yourself to a licensing process. If your just one of those people who wants the government involving itself in more aspects of your life, and your currently not satisfied with the amount of taxes your paying, then this bill is for you....


"I have a feeling they will try to make it so only major corporations can succeed in this business, eventually!!!

We must already be starting movements promoting buying local marijuana! im scared of corporate budgets and there ability to take over any industry through government interventions!!!!" originally posted by danko here SB390

Hmmm sound familiar danko?


yeah then i read the bill closer and saw that local governments will be deciding how to regulate it, not state or federal. and that the bill implicitly states that it will not interfere with medical marijuana laws!

"You can be reimbursed for your the expenses you incur cultivating for fellow members of your collective, legally, without having your garden inspected and without subjecting yourself to a licensing process."
guess what? you can still do that! you can still have a collective! you just cant make a profit, just like the law says now! you cant sell retail!!! why cant you make the seperation of medical and recreational pot????. this is the whole argument. they are not fucking with medical weed!your rights under 215 and 420 still exist!!! its about the retail shit for non medi users!! that is sold for retail profits!!!


What you fail or refuse to understand is medical dispensaries will turn into retail sales outlets. Every single medical dispensary will either capitalize on the retail sales market or go out of business. They won't be bound by the laws of 215 or 420 which requires them to acquire their medicine from fellow collective members. Remove this restriction, add a retail sales license and you can eliminate the grower from the grower+dispensary=happy patient equation and replace it with agri-corp weed+retail outlet=happy consumer. Since you won't be able to compete with agri-corp weed or be politically or financially capable of getting a retail license you will either become a happy consumer or an ex-grower.


hell on earth ................ the final days are upon us ....


ah name calling, the final refuge of the defeated. I realized a while ago a rational debate would be lost on you... sorry indeed. No surprise you've been easily persuaded to believe this bill would actually benefit you or our state.

radical farmer

you sound like glenn beck dude. sorry.

haha, wow glenn beck? I'm only speaking for myself but I am pretty far on the other spectrum to be considered glenn beck. Maybe just our distrust of the government is the same, besides that, completely different message and ideology. I am an anarchist, unlike beck who is a staunch conservative who believes in traditional family values. I believe in complete and total FREEDOM (or as Aleister Crowley put it "True Will"), just so long as your true will doesn't interfer with the true will of others (killing people, stealing, exploitation, harm). I am also not a pacisfist liberal who doesn't believe in "non-violence". I do not think that senseless violence solves anything, and I am a strong critic of war, but I do believe that some wars were necessary. WWII for one, the American Civil War for another. No matter what the war mongers TRUE reasons for getting involved in these wars, I still generally believe that they were needed to stop nazism and "stop" slavery. Glenn beck is a shithead.


decriminalized pot in cali will now be legal, it will be grreat,. I cant wait to hand over tax dollars to the SAME FUCKS THAT WAGED WAR AGAINST THIS GREEN PLANT FOR THE LAST 60 PLUS YEARS. I seriously cant wait

By the way this bill isnt going to pass so this whole thread it moot, I think danko needs to go back to starting threads asking how much people yeild or how much money people are getting for a lb

radical farmer

decriminalized pot in cali will now be legal, it will be grreat,. I cant wait to hand over tax dollars to the SAME FUCKS THAT WAGED WAR AGAINST THIS GREEN PLANT FOR THE LAST 60 PLUS YEARS. I seriously cant wait

NICE! Couldn't have said it better myself bro!


By the way this bill isnt going to pass so this whole thread it moot, I think danko needs to go back to starting threads asking how much people yeild or how much money people are getting for a lb

Clearly someone who has a firm grasp of the complexities associated with being a cannabis grower in California.

'finally made it to cali and am now growing for a collective! couldnt be more stoked!'-danko (a month ago)

keep saying hella you'll blend right in.....


right a rational debate was lost on me. because im the only one that supported my beliefs with any facts, or with literature to back my pionts.
by the way im not new to cali, im back to cali! i grew up here! second my posts on what and how others grow are because i dont tell people or show people my grows. therefore i have no one to compare with. i just like to check my bassline against other growers. and asking what a lb goes for in ca? so what? i was on the east coast doing research.
anyway, untill one of you shows me something that you can reference to make your point, i just cant believe you.

i want to know what kind or regs u think they will put on medical growers (protected by 215 and 420) and for retail growers.

how do you think they will do licensing?

and then tell me why you think that.

is that cool?


the only major problem i can see with this bill, since i actually researched it, would be the federal govt still classifying it as sched 1 narcotic. and the breaking of federal law. which is even the case today. but according to some, the fed will only get involved in interstate or intercontinental transport.


i want to know what kind or regs u think they will put on medical growers (protected by 215 and 420) and for retail growers.

how do you think they will do licensing?

and then tell me why you think that.

is that cool?

"3. Implement a legal regulatory framework to give California more control over the cultivation, processing, transportation, distribution, and sales of cannabis."

The fact is none of us know how California will choose to regulate the industry. That's the whole fucking point, you want to vote yes on a bill that has left out major details concerning how it will be regulated, how much it will be taxed, who, when and where it can be licensed to and how much it will cost to obtain those licenses. Thats not up to the California voters to decide, its being left to the new 'legal regulatory framework' Which will be appointed by who? and why?

As far as regulating medical cannabis, if you've just come back to California maybe you've noticed this shifting pattern in local communities who would rather not have 1000 dispensaries in their town. Giving the power to regulate legal cannabis to the same people who have been fighting to limit access to it, doesn't sound like a good idea to me. Sounds like your 'hella' California dreaming 'dude' :character0180:

"since i actually researched it" btw, congrats on finally doing some research.


"3. Implement a legal regulatory framework to give California more control over the cultivation, processing, transportation, distribution, and sales of cannabis."

The fact is none of us know how California will choose to regulate the industry. That's the whole fucking point, you want to vote yes on a bill that has left out major details concerning how it will be regulated, how much it will be taxed, who, when and where it can be licensed to and how much it will cost to obtain those licenses. Thats not up to the California voters to decide, its being left to the new 'legal regulatory framework' Which will be appointed by who? and why?

Hold this bill up to the light and see that it looks like swiss cheese, extremely poor execution on the part of the lawyer(s) who wrote it if not Richard Lee himself. If this was your Will or other important document you would be a nervous wreck. We are not saying nay to legalization Mr.Danko, we are saying nay to one of the most poorly written pieces of legislation to hit the docket since the inception of Medical Marijuana.
This bill does nothing but insult my intelligence. People who support this bill in good faith are just pawns in sociopolitical gameplay, led astray by your naivety.
Your whole philosophy on this bill, Mr.Danko, is self defeating. I know this cause as a hobby grower you will be out of business. Faced with breaking lot's of new criminal laws, NOT CIVIL ONES. So essentially you just want to introduce new law so you yourself can break them.

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