Justiceman's grow: The quest for Resin

  • Thread starter justiceman
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Thanks mike! Ya dude I will definitely let you know what the trichs look like on day 59 just for you man! I have been meaning to buy this Veho USB Microscope that takes 2mp pictures in 200x or 400x magnification! It would be really cool to examine the trichs that closely and literally take pictures of it to show everyone and to know when the perfect harvest time will be. I'll get it sometime in the future. It even takes small videos too!

yeah i wanna get one too i just want the40-100x one thou i hella wanna get some trich shots

btw i posted some pics of my buds falling over in journal swing by when you get a chance


soil new grow room and super buds the quest is gettin better week by week!


nice tent

yo i got that tent to make sure stuff that bitch like a thanksgivin turky hahaa.


Chillin' in the Shade...
Beautiful buds, sweet veg station, and gettin' dirty with the super soil... Looks like you are about to be real busy real soon brah! Excellent work and your Picts get better with every post... Very soon you're gonna have a hard time deciding which strain or strains make it into your next Quest. :thinking How about taking one plant down early, one down late, and the rest in the middle?


The Veg station is Legit
Thanks man. Took a while to get it up and running, but its basically ready for mobilization. Can't wait to mess around with it!

yeah i wanna get one too i just want the40-100x one thou i hella wanna get some trich shots

btw i posted some pics of my buds falling over in journal swing by when you get a chance
Ya man those microscopes are sick! Trich shots would be awesome especially in a journal. I checked out those buds a little bit ago. Looks like those walls are certainly helping out man! Last night one of my was starting to lean a bit to I had to tier her up haha.

soil new grow room and super buds the quest is gettin better week by week!
Hell ya man thank you! That is what I'm going for. I want my quest to improve all the time:mad0233:

yo i got that tent to make sure stuff that bitch like a thanksgivin turky hahaa.
Oh she will be stuffed my man. Very stuffed indeed. And it won't be that cheap stuffing either!

Beautiful buds, sweet veg station, and gettin' dirty with the super soil... Looks like you are about to be real busy real soon brah! Excellent work and your Picts get better with every post... Very soon you're gonna have a hard time deciding which strain or strains make it into your next Quest. :thinking How about taking one plant down early, one down late, and the rest in the middle?
Right on man! Man your right about having a hard time deciding which strain/strains make it into the next Quest. That is the BIG question for all right? It's like choosing your own fate haha.

As for your idea about figuring out the best time to take the plant down. That is very interesting. I never thought about doing it like that. In a sense that would be the best way to figure out the best time to cut a certain strain. I like your thinking. Gonna remember that one.


Fuck me for discovering this so late. Got damn bro, you are killin it. Amazing grow you got buddy.

I am definitely gonna have to go back and read to do some learning about organics.


Fuck me for discovering this so late. Got damn bro, you are killin it. Amazing grow you got buddy.

I am definitely gonna have to go back and read to do some learning about organics.

Thanks HT! you certainly have a fine grow going on as well!

As for this current grow. It is based on a 50/50 mineral/organic fert schedule as I wanted to see what minerals were all about, but the last quest ends on page 12 I believe and it is based completely off of organic addatives(EWC, Guano, Kelp, molasses, etc) accept for cal mag plus(calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate).


Day 56(Week 8)

Harvest is surely coming around the corner my fellows! I am thinking about taking them down at day 63(week9) but I may push them a few days longer then that. I will definitely cut the runt down at day 63 possibly even sooner, because she is looks finished compared to the rest not to mention I am 100% convinced she is a different cut from the other Hindu Skunk's. She is some type of purple variety. I know that when I picked up the cuts I also saw Querkle and Purple Kush as well so maybe 1 got mixed into the Hindu cuts? No doubt she is different though. All her hairs are died back unlike the rest. She is shorter then the rest. She produces less then the rest. She is turning purple and she smells completely different. I basically think she's done, but I want her to be a little more flushed out.

Last time that I went from Full strength nutes to pure water for the flush I started to see cal/mag deficiencies and such turn up quite fast(to be expected) so this time I went from 2.2EC and bumped it down to 1.2EC to kind of get them ready. Then I did a watering with Clearex and a bit of molasses, and now I am just watering with pure R/O. Here is the Bloom feeding schedule of late.

Justiceman's Bloom Feeding
note all doses are per 3 gal
3 heaping tsp molasses(measures to about 130ppm)
45ml HPK(Roots Organics bat guano)
27ml cannazym
60ml Humega
PPM=480(almost 1.2 EC)
Temp:18 Celsius

all doses per 3 gal
1 tsp molasses
45ml Clearex
Temp:23 Celsius

Feeding (5/30/10)
R/O water

So I finally got a few extra cuts to mess around with. Picked them up yesterday and they are looking nice and healthy. I transplanted them in to small 4" pots in order to allow their root system to get a little more established before they go into something a bit bigger:sun2: I already have a plan set in mind for them but who knows plans change. We shall see. I am going to veg them in the station for 3-4 weeks. I won't leave them in the 4" pots for the that long though. I'll put them in something bigger soon. But after the 3-4 week veg I plan to transplant them into some 5gal smart pots and throw them outside for a little bit of fun! The cuts I got are 2 Casey Jones, 2 Chem Dawg's, and 2 Head Band's. Here is what I fed them after the transplant. I know it might seem high to some, but last time I fed some cuts(.9EC) They became severely malnourished so I figured I'd bit the bullet and see what happens with this dose. I figure it should work out fine as the Roots Soil-less doesn't have much in it, but it has a perfect consistency for starter clones and seedlings as in has a generous amount of perlite for adequate oxygenation of the root zone.

Justiceman's Veg Feeding
Doses per 1 gallon
200ppm cal mag
3ml grow
5ml infinity
1/2 tsp Soluble Seaweed Powder 1-0-4
Roots Oregonism XL
PH 5.85

Alright so first up are the babies! Left side:Chem Dawg. Front side: Head Band. Right side: Casey Jones. Let me know what you guys think!

Day Shots



Resination my friends


And Here is one shot of a runt nugget(nice and purple)

Night Shots


Behold Resination fellow brethren



Look at this runt nug. She is certainly of different a stock.

Nice prime top nugget.


Your plants live up to the name of this thread, I know the quest for resin will never stop but got damn, this lady looks fantabulous. I haven't seen any purple hindu skunk but now that you mentioned the other names, the purple region looks like querkle but the nono purple area does look like Hindu Skunk, weird.



Chillin' in the Shade...
Beautiful bud shots bro! I'm looking forward to your next quest... Nice selection on the strains too. I'm very interested in watching you resinate that Headband and hope to hear some details on which Chemdog you scored... :cool


Your plants live up to the name of this thread, I know the quest for resin will never stop but got damn, this lady looks fantabulous. I haven't seen any purple hindu skunk but now that you mentioned the other names, the purple region looks like querkle but the nono purple area does look like Hindu Skunk, weird.

Right on HT! The quest has only just begun!

Ya man that "purple hindu skunk" is not Hindu Skunk at all. Or at least that is what I think and you as well. When I went to get cuts there was wire rack much like my veg unit skeleton, and it had a few different levels of cuttings available. Probably about 4 types on each rack. I remember seeing Querkle and Purple Kush although I don't remember if they were on the same rack. I am thinking that when I asked for 9 Hindu Skunk's I probably got 8 Hindu Skunk's and 1 Querkle by accident. It's not hard to imagine one cut getting misplaced among tons of others. I agree that it looks like Querkle as well. It obviously yields lower witch I beleive is also a Querkle characteristic.

I'll take a side by side picture of a Hindu Skunk VS Querkle later on.

Beautiful bud shots bro! I'm looking forward to your next quest... Nice selection on the strains too. I'm very interested in watching you resinate that Headband and hope to hear some details on which Chemdog you scored... :cool

Thanks man. As always a pleasure to have ya stop by. I've been wanting to try those strains for a while now. I'm pretty happy I was able to get them for sure. I also cannot wait to see the resin profile! To be honest when I was looking at the rack all it said was "Chem dawg" so for all i know it could be anything related to Chem dawg, or not Chem dawg at all. For now Only time will tell but I hope It's Legitimate or else:brokenheart :worried.


Super Soil Update!

So I my Super Soil plan also includes a weekly mix up and watering. Some of you might wonder why I water soil when there are no plants in it. It is because microbial life needs water to survive, and to move around in order to help break nutrients up. Without water soil becomes barren and dry and inhabitable for many plants. Microbes end up either dieing or going dormant for the most part. Now don't get me wrong. Soil does not have to have a ton of moisture for microbes to live and thrive. Even when you think soil is dry to the touch it still usually has some microscopic water attached to the particles(unless its been dry for a long time. The water is in such tight places that even roots cannot use it.

So I mixed up the soil and I have some pictures to show you and talk about before I mixed it up. The top layer of the super soil developed a mycelium network of fungi witch is a wonderful sign! the mix is teaming with life and the raw ingredients are slowly being broken down. In 3 weeks the soil should be ready to use. 3 more mixes and 3 more watering. This time around I decided to water it with a slight kelp and molasses solution in order to help jump start the microbes as they love both of those ingredients.

Look at all that fungi helping to break everything down! Of course I mixed it up after but I am sure another layer will soon come back to the top.


Another role of fungi/bacteria is to help bind soil particles together. They help to keep the soil from compacting and they also help with water retention. I have a mycelium network on top of the soil as well as the soil particles sticking together. IMHO those are good signs witch point to increased microbial life:jam:




how are them trichs lookin should be bout time lemme know you didnt forget right ?


how are them trichs lookin should be bout time lemme know you didnt forget right ?

They are looking quite milky now. Maybe a few ambers here and there but not to many. I actually did forget haha, but its still a few days before 59 so I'll be sure to let you know. And If i forget you gotta remind me haha.


They are looking quite milky now. Maybe a few ambers here and there but not to many. I actually did forget haha, but its still a few days before 59 so I'll be sure to let you know. And If i forget you gotta remind me haha.

ha ha ha ha good look bro i think i might be spot on negrodomus


Sounds good bro, looking forward to some more pics. I couldn't see your last batch of pic from photobucket, hehe you exceeded their bandwidth limit, nice.


SHIT!!! bandwidth exceeded....fail. lol just kidding, but really.



ha ha ha ha good look bro i think i might be spot on negrodomus
I think you may be spot on with the runt, but I have been checking them with my 420 scope. I could have definitely pulled the runt on 59 but I wanted one more pure watering for her so I'll pull her on 63. I think I may take the Hindu's to 70 though:fighting0084:

Sounds good bro, looking forward to some more pics. I couldn't see your last batch of pic from photobucket, hehe you exceeded their bandwidth limit, nice.
Man damn bandwidth limit haha. Well I created a dummy account for the new pictures. I beleive my old pictures should come back when my bandwidth limit expires.

SHIT!!! bandwidth exceeded....fail. lol just kidding, but really.

haha I know man. Don't worry I got a fresh account for the time being.


Sup guys! So I am deciding If I should cut down my plants at week 9(in about 2 days) or I may possibly let them go until week 10(70 days). I know that I am going to pull the runt plant on Tuesday no doubt. She is done, and her trichs are surely milky. As for the Hindu's like I said earlier I might let them go longer. They keep on popping out new calyxes, and they have some milky with a decent amount of clear trichs left. Oh ya and you may have noticed that you cannot view my photos from the past. I exceeded my bandwidth unfortunately and hopefully they should be back up within a few weeks or sooner, but for now I created a dummy account so that you guys can view these new pictures right away.

As of late I have been having bud support problems. One of my plants basically leans on one of her sisters just so she doesn't topple over. Funny enough the plant in question is the one that suffered injury earlier in her life. I went down to look at her scar and it seems one of the support issues is because the stem is cracking more and more from the original split. The nugs are getting to heavy for the amount of stem present. Most of the other plants are supporting themselves just fine except for a few branches here and there. I am thinking the disadvantage of my LST without a SCROG net is that too much weight is concentrated on one side of the pot instead of being equally distributed over the pot and medium. Ah well these kind of problems aren't as bad as most.

So I have a side by side picture of a perfectly normal Hindu Skunk next to the "runt plant" They are most definitely of different stock. The runt plant even has purple buds, where as none of the hindu's exhibit those traits in the least.
Hindu Skunk VS Runt

Hindu Skunk nug shots


Runt nug shots


Teaser Canopy shot

R. Face

Fuck ya Justice, those look sweet bro! Beautiful colors on those ladies...and they are looking SUPER frosty as well man! No criticisms here, just praise!! Looking to be a very nice pull huh?

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