MITES in the medium?

  • Thread starter BUBBAKUSHKID
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hey guys. i was wondering if n e 1 else has had these guys in there rockwool?in a few hours i will take some pics when the lights come on..

its so wierd.. ive grown for a while & ive had all kinds of pests.. i use neem oil in the rezy. & i spray with some shultz expert spray(crysanthimum based) when they all come out of the grow cubes..

fungas gnat larves in the medium were my biggest problem, but now i see these mite like things... the good thing is that no bugs are in the actuall plant foliage/buds.

pics in a few hours..


ok.. ive been online lookin up all kinds of mites & i really am confused w/ how many different kinds there r.. maybe theyre ''preditor'' mites?? any way .. i got the cyber shot ready .. gimmie an hour or commin


heres what i could get..
i couldnt really focus that well..
but they look like red mites but they live in the rockwoll, not the leaves.


You had better keep the number of those soil mites down, if they get out of control your plants will be toast.
In addition, they secrete some shit in their saliva that causes the roots to never heal. Plus they will cause root rot. I had them they destroyed my crop.
I'm very curious to hear the status of your plants since your last post.
Please give us an update.
Where did you get those clones?
Do you suspect your clones had them when you picked them up?
devious d

devious d

vitality + is a mite spray for foliage, but says to spray the substrate to kill eggs is 100% organic and can be used up to harvest. ive had great results half way through flower last time saved me. P.S its one that stops the mite breathing:character0110:


root mites suck ... kill them now ...

ortho max lawn and garden 1/10 strength ... drench and watch them die ..

the plants like it as well .. lord knows why but everything bumps up after i spike them with it...

this remedy is from the most in the know hydro store owner i have ever met ...

thanks dawn!


I will pass that information on. There seem to be a growing number of farmers who are having this problem with soil mites. It seems to be a fairly new pest in this crop. Most people have never heard of it nor know what to do about it. I have no idea how I got the fucker. I have suspicions that it may have hitched a ride home with me after a trip to the woods on my mountain bike. I have since given up that hobby for now to eliminate the chance of that happening again.
These things are evil. You don't see them til it's too late.


dude you better hurry or its gonna be bad news for the ladys


Cant tell from the pic but i would look into ROOT NATS aka FUNGUS NATS

Trim Reaper

Act now

I would use Azatrol, it is the extract from Neem oil. It is 100% organic and doesn't smell nearly as bad as regular neem oil. You can add this to your resv and foliar spray with Dutch Master Saturator (aka: penetrator). that will suck it right into the plants cells for future resistance, as well as killing pest. It is very important to spray every 3 days for at least 2 weeks to get rid of them.



Does this look like a fungus gnat? To suggest such a stupid thing is just retarded.
This evil mite seems to be a growing problem for cannabis farmers. They inhabit just the medium. They do not make webs and I have not found any eggs, they may give birth to live young.
I had them. I don't know what product will kill them, I never battled them, my plants were so fucked up from them I just chopped em without a fight. They will cause your plants to develop root rot that never heals.


thanx 4 the replies.
cheeseus, i battle fungnas nats all the time & there larve are my worst enemy so far..but now with these new mites ??? wtf man
crippled.. i have had some luck so far. the reason i had the outbreak was cuz i was so broke icoulnt afford any neem oil/...witch is wat i use mostly or gonats.cuz i only have fungas nat probs.. but as i watched the larve die i noticed so thrips & the mites comin out of the was my fault cuz i waited about 2 weeks 2 long to treat cuz i had no money.. i also got some black algea on rhe tables & all the roots were covered in the algea instead of all white & growing into chanels and drinking food nice... it was a nite mare i should have thrown away everything & started over.
but i needed to keep them, so i was just gona keep them in a sepeate 4x8 & i would take care of the table when it was done. cuz it was now in the bloom room.
anyway, i got the veg all cleaned & the pic was taken after the infestation. the only plant wass my mother with any bugs & i since made her into a few cuttings.
the plants are 4 weekks in to bloom & the og is really bad & the buba is just about fine.
i use so many treatments for bugs on those guys its a miricle threre stilll alive.
i have lost 5 plants total due to wilt. i go in the room when the lights come on & i see 1 thats all droppy, so i kill her fast. inspect the roots & dont see any bugs all the roots are dead except 4 some new white ones here and there. even the few white roots are a little reassureing.. i wish i had some nutriboostby nutrilfe cuz that made roots just explode. i use superthrive 4 now.

zerorerer .. wats in ortho m,ax? cuz ive probly used it?but im gona go look it up rite now & maybe go to homedepot, cuz i need someother shit.

all my clonenes are from local dispenserys and the revegged bannana i call jseus og is a seed start.the bugs are in my yard outside si suspect it was brauught in somehow acidental..

gota eat, pics comin..thanx 4 the replies

Trim Reaper

With all the root zone problems you have been experiencing, I would invest in your roots brother. First get Hygozyme (or your favorite brand), this will keep the root zone clean. Unhealthy roots are the #1 cause of root borne insect problems.
Next, buy some good microbes for your roots. Mycrorhiza and fungi (Great White, Voodo, etc.). When these guys attach to your roots they form a protective barrier as well as increase root mass. I also got H&G Roots Excellerator ($77 for 8 oz.!!!) 1ml/gal and they say it will save any plant no matter how f'ed up it is. I just started using it on cuttings and it is amazing.
A few bucks early on makes all the difference in the world. Start em healthy, keep em healthy.


soo, hopefully we will get azatrol, and some nutriboost soon ! just wrote em down to be ordered Kid ;)

BoCo Buds

bene's will only feed the soil mites... a shit ton of variety as to which you could have and most eat that shit up.

where'd they come from originally?

mite (hehe) want to try Bayer Tree & Shrub... at 1/2 rate from the bottle. Easy drench product & works on root aphids... an outside possibility vs soil mites. peace


So, after the mites effed up my last crop I have since replanted. I thought I was rid of the soil mites but they are back. My plants were starting to look distressed and at about day 14 is when I found the mites in the medium again.
I was using predator nematodes as a preventative but clearly they will not attack soil mites.
I freaked out and the next day dunked each pot in a 5 gallon bucket with a homemade tobacco tea.
The following day I ordered some hypoaspis miles predator mite.
They arrived on tuesday, it is now friday am.
My plants were already starting to recover after the predators had been on the ground for less than 2 days.
The tobacco dunk was to kill off as many as possible.
I then bombed that room with 25,000 hypoaspis which for 24 pots is about 1000 each. The overwhelming numbers must have seriously reduced the bad guys.
I see mites once in awhile but my plants are looking much happier. I HIGHLY recommend these bad boys.
I have now found the product I will be using as a preventative in the future.


mite (hehe) want to try Bayer Tree & Shrub... at 1/2 rate from the bottle. Easy drench product & works on root aphids... an outside possibility vs soil mites. peace

I use Bayer "Complete" - a slightly different product than the Tree and Shrub at 3ml/gal then top flush and flood the medium and that seems to knock them back.

Problem is that I have a perpetual room, and these bitches have been a problem going on 4 months now, and I think they have developed a resistance to the Complete (I've used up to 10ml/gal without damage to my plants)

I'm definitely looking for a new product to knock them back down if anyone has any suggestions.....



root mites suck ... kill them now ...

ortho max lawn and garden 1/10 strength ... drench and watch them die ..

Just pick this up at Depot? What is 1/10th strength - ML/GAL (if you know)


Fucken Root Mites!



I have told you how to handle this. No more spending ANY time even thinking about the remaining mites that might be in my medium. Their main target pest is fungus gnats so that's an added benefit.
Order 25000 like I did, divide them on all your plants and let them do the work. DONE. Problem solved.
My plants have never looked happier and I have alot more free time.

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