jj's garden

  • Thread starter jadins_journey
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Damn bro, you ain't playin with over 19G invested! You look like your kickin it though. Be proud.

Thanks for the advice with the H2O2 on the strengths. I believe I saw 35% at wally world last time I was in there. I'll grab some next time. I've already got the glasses and gloves.
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

JJ, nice harvest, and nice system. I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and you certainly deserve respect for putting together an efficient working system. It surely seems as though your money and time were well spent. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, although I am be sure you will.


JJ, nice harvest, and nice system. I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and you certainly deserve respect for putting together an efficient working system. It surely seems as though your money and time were well spent. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, although I am be sure you will.

Sincerely appreciate the kind words Smoking Gun, I am trying to make it efficient as possible but the money I have wasted getting here, geeze. More times than I care to count I would ask Ms. jj "were did I put the operators manual for this thing?"

Hey ProGrow, started a little project last night in the garden. Have to give you and doubleds credit for getting me thinking in this direction, not sure it will work but fun tinkering with it and maybe I can get a couple extra O's out of this system.

Trimmed up the buds from G12 last night. It's not an overly impressive grow but for what the girls went through getting here I am happy with their efforts.

Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Definitely some fine looking smoke you got there. And that should last you until next harvest, no?


Looks like a damn fine harvest to me JJ!

So your going vertical huh? hehehe I think you'll really like it once you get going with it. The lateral branching in insane with a vertical bulb configuration. It takes some head-scratching at first cuz you have to run fewer plants compared to a flat garden in a SoG or ScoG, but I think the yields are heavier. The only way that I know of to keep plant counts up with vertical lights is to run a stadium, or coliseum. But hell, I'm sure you knew all that...lol.

I'm excited to see what you've come up with, JJ. Snap us some eye-candy when ya get a minute.


Definitely some fine looking smoke you got there. And that should last you until next harvest, no?

Next Harvest is 26 days away, hope it lasts me that long :nod

Here ya go ProGrow a sample pic. Did a little thread over in the grow room design section if ya want to see more.



Awwww yeah!! Do you have them set up so that you can turn them everyday, or are ya just gonna let them lean toward the light?


ProGrow, this is a double pot system where any plant can be moved, turned or relocated at any time without touching the roots. For the first few weeks anyways, thinking I am going to just wrap this small frame in bird netting and just let them go after they get some training in the first few weeks.

G13 is at 35 days of 12/12 here in these pics. I have allways brought this girl down at 60 days, wish I could remember who it was that suggested it but I might let her go 65 days this round.

G14 is at 5 days of 12/12 here and will be cloned on day 7. This batch of clones got hit full force on nutes when they flipped and some leaf tips got burned.



Ya got em lookin good ma man! I'm gonna enjoy watching you rock those double pots.


nice plants jj . .

nice work you've done there jj, the pics are massive . .

Mr Green

truely a job well done.. just loved reading your tread.. well put together on so many levels..
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

JJ, I suggested going longer than 60 days. So you gonna go to 65 for G13? I would really like to see what happens if you do. I like the side project (literally). Those G13 buds are already looking real sexy.

From those pics it doesn't look like you did to much damage to G14, they seem to be bouncing back strong. I would just suggest keeping an eye on them though, but I am sure you already knew that. Thanks for the thread JJ, I am having a lot of fun watching this.


ProGrow - This entire system is double pots. 48 sets equals 96 pots total, that's alot of pots stacked up lol.

drpressure600 - appreciate you stopping by. I don't get many decent pics these days as I will not adjust the lights for picture quality. I did that a few times in the past and forgot to turn out the room light so the plants got 24 hours of light. Make that mistake once and it teaches you the importance of picture quality. I can't smoke the darn pictures but I can the weed.

Mr Green - Thanks for the kind words. I want to apologize now if any one reading this journal feels as though I come off as some know it all. I just type here what I am doing down there, what I am doing is based on my education, work experience and my love of gardening. I join these forums to learn and maybe help some one, I've built 2 systems in the past couple of months based solely on designs and ideas I found here on the Farm thanks to doubleds, Progrow and herissh (H-Man).

Smoking Gun - I had gone back and found who gave me that advice and was gonna give credit where credit is due, thanks buddy. 65 or 67 days I am thinking at this point might just be well worth the time. I can make up the time in the system by vegging a week longer, if G15 comes out of veg too big then I'll have to cut it back to a 60 day harvest on G14. G14 did get burned but hard to see in those pics, will be much easier to see on the clones when I cut them tonight.

Spent the night in veg getting ready to clone tonight. Ms. jj's seedlings were ready to be moved to the herb garden so it was an all night veg event. Here's a couple pics of the seedling system, it's ghetto at the best of the DIY scale but it works. One trick that I found to be really helpful is to cut some window screen and put in the bottom of the pot. Keeps all the rocks in the pots but more importantly it keeps the roots in the pots, they grow down to the screen then twist around it, other wise they grow out of the pots and dry out.


Mr Green

well i look forward to reading and seeing more of your grow in your thread..
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

JJ, trust me I wasn't worried about getting credit for that question, we all blank on who said what around these forums, just refreshing your memory, and mine (I had to go back and make sure I did ask it).

So you do your flowering times based on veg schedules. What if you did in the reverse, base veg schedules on flowering times? You could simply clone a week later to get that extra 10 days made up for. Maybe this idea wouldn't work given your system. Just a thought though. I am excited to see this generation go 65+ days, I do think we would all like the results.

As for being a know it all, don't worry about it. You have a very effective system, and why fix what isn't broken? There is no need to take suggestions you know wouldn't work, or simply isn't something you think would benefit the garden. None of us know everything, but there are plenty of people here who do have some idea of what they are talking about, and you have shown you are one of those people. Keep up the good work.


JJ I hope you know that YOU have inspired me on more than one level brother!

I'll just grab seat over here out of the way and watch you rock that system of yours.


Smoking Gun - Now your talking my language buddy, I am impressed with your line of thinking and the suggestion to adjust clone time sure is one that I had given a great deal of thought over the past year.

Like I said in the first post in this ournal this garden is genetic specific. Once I learn how to grow a plant I want to expand and get some of the killer genetics you guys grow but for now I am still learning. I just cloned G15 last night but let me asure you that is not the 15th set of clones I have taken.

I broke the life cycle of this plant down into 3 seperate areas; clone time, veg time and flower time. I experimented with each aspect but primarily the clone time and veg time. I found what I felt worked best for each then figured out how to make it all time together. Did a run with one veg and one flower, vegged plants got way to big. Cloned from veg plants, from 5 day flower, 7 day flower, 10 day flower, 14 day flower, etc. Day 7 of 12/12 is just about the limit day 10 is the limit. Anything cloned after day 10 of 12/12 takes at least twice as long to root.

Your insight is appreciated but extending the clone time has been tried and it just doesn't work here. I am going to take your advice and go to 65 days flower but the time has to be made up with an extended veg time.

Here's G15, say hello to the newest members of my garden.



Damn bro, did you buy your hydroton by the truckload? It looks like you have several hundred pounds of it going. I'd hate to see what you have in storage too....lol.


ProGroWannabe - hey buddy, last count I had was 850L of rocks on hand and I know I have to pick up 100L more before the next flip, one of those big bags is 50L each. First pic below is of the dirty hydrton and waste from G12, each grow in flower requires a minimum of 200L.

G14 got burned when it when into flower, I knew they would run fine at 600ppm so I bumped it up to 800ppm and it was a bit too much to quick, trick is to see it and fix it before the damage is significant. I look at the new growth tips for a true indication of what is happening now and the new gowth is fine, only the older leaves got burnt so there is no real damage.

The number of clones taken from G14 was way more than I needed, stopped counting at 100. The problem is that the size was not what I had wanted, the numbers were surely there but not the quality. Topping technique in veg has got to be tweaked some and the additional time in veg with a 65 day flower will definitely help.



Hey bro, thanks for another really informative update.

Question:....have you experimented with the different sizes of hydroton? What are your thoughts here?
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