Adding an air pump to the res?

  • Thread starter badhalf
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does any one add an air pump to their res when growing in coco? i have an air pump from my MPB set up that is no longer in use. will it make a difference if i add it to my res for my coco run?:thinking


I have had good and bad results with aerating my res

its gonna ultimately depend on what you put in there

I found with hygrozyme I made beer


i use the multizen i never bought the hygrozyme i didnt have enough cash on me at the time and when i do have the cash i always forget to get it.


a list of nutes( House & Garden)

A&B coco
roots excel
super thrive
cal mag
drip clean
bud xl
top booster
shooting powder and i have moab going to do a side by side (one friend says moab the other says shooting pow)

i read bout moab and hammerhead. can anyone explain in detail how to use?
Thanks again Farmers!!
Bud Spleefman

Bud Spleefman

Premium Member
Ditch the Algen Extract in flower..
Stop Roots Excel after 14 days....
Use Top Booster for one week, week 5....
Then switch from Top Booster to Shooting Powder

Dump anything not H&G... their lineup has all the Cal/Mag you need, or it should, same for Hammerhead, the Top Booster and Shooting Powder have that shit in it... I think the Multizen has the stuff in Superthrive in it....

You get the picture, you've got the whole H&G lineup, you don't need anything else... or why bother to use the H&G at all?

Yes, an airstone is fine, as long as you don't put organic stuff in the res... if you do, you'll be making microbe tea before you know it, and you might not like the microbes you're making!


bud is pretty right on about that schedule and using just their boosters - which in my experience are very hot

when using top booster and shooting pwoder be careful if your lights are close - cut your base nutes ppms in half and try those boosters 1/2 dose the first time to make sure they are not gonna burn

I would not want to use hammer head and moab if you use top booster and shooting powder

either or IMO


when you say stop roots excel after 14 days. In veg? cause im still in veg. or do i stop 14 days after i start my flower cycle?
i've been using roots excel since day one. should I stop now since i plan to flower soon? The H&G schedule says to use it the whole way thru.

Ok im cutting out the superthrive. and no algen during flower, got it!

Question bout the cal mag (Nutri plus - CMplus) is what im using.
my leaves were curling up from the sides since i've added this, the problem went away. also im using R/o water.
another thing this product has a complete range of micro nutrients that are not listed on the h&g labels. even tho they dont list them do you think they still have them.

@motherload "I would not want to use hammer head and moab if you use top booster and shooting powder

either or IMO "

I dont plan to use them together in the same feed. i wanted to do a side by side comparison since one friend says this one's better and the other friend says the other one's better. we all have the same strain pre 98 bubba

Thanks farmers i appreciate all help.


i use house and gardens full line at agressive feeding strength. I also use AN b 52 in veg and silica blast from botanicare the whole way through. IN flower, in addition to the h/g I add big bud, bud candy, budswell, humic acid, b52 and nirvana and overdrive from AN. I use the top booster for week 5/6 instead of just week 5. also i use FLavor from atami for weeks 6-8. I know my nute list is expensive but I do have some of the finest medicine in the state( as I have been told by a many growers. ALso as mentioned previously this mix is a bit hot so i run pure water, carboload, hum tea, and great white micros as a flush once a week.

as far as the algen I think that guy thought you were in flower. I dont know why he would go through the trouble to write all that out instead of just linking the h/g nute schedule (or assuming you wouldnt buy the line without the schedule) but then again this is a forum for I mean medical marijuana patients :). GOod luck!


when you say stop roots excel after 14 days. In veg? cause im still in veg. or do i stop 14 days after i start my flower cycle?
i've been using roots excel since day one. should I stop now since i plan to flower soon? The H&G schedule says to use it the whole way thru.

Ok im cutting out the superthrive. and no algen during flower, got it!

Question bout the cal mag (Nutri plus - CMplus) is what im using.
my leaves were curling up from the sides since i've added this, the problem went away. also im using R/o water.
another thing this product has a complete range of micro nutrients that are not listed on the h&g labels. even tho they dont list them do you think they still have them.

@motherload "I would not want to use hammer head and moab if you use top booster and shooting powder

either or IMO "

I dont plan to use them together in the same feed. i wanted to do a side by side comparison since one friend says this one's better and the other friend says the other one's better. we all have the same strain pre 98 bubba

Thanks farmers i appreciate all help.

when it comes to the root excelerator its more about budget and root space
i run it during week one of flower only because i have limited root space and the stuff is expensive
in coco your probally safe to run it the whole time if you can afford it but i would cut it week 4 at the absoulte latest. Any longer than that and its really questionable weither it is doing any good for u

and the cal mag question
h+g does have cal mag added into their nutes already
if your running any nute whores (alot of kushes and ogs) the an extra 3-5 ml/g might be a good idea
if you do decide to add extra calmag then cut it back in the last couple weeks of flower, i dont wanna be smoking calcium


Thanks for the info guys.
Mastacheese so u say cut out Cal mag 2 weeks before I pull
Cool will do that. Thanks a lot


does any one add an air pump to their res when growing in coco? i have an air pump from my MPB set up that is no longer in use. will it make a difference if i add it to my res for my coco run?:thinking

Never tried without one.


Thanks for the info guys.
Mastacheese so u say cut out Cal mag 2 weeks before I pull
Cool will do that. Thanks a lot
i dont cut it out, i just cut it back
i usually run 10 ml/g weeks 1-6 and then 5 on week 7, 2.5 on week 8


when you say stop roots excel after 14 days. In veg? cause im still in veg. or do i stop 14 days after i start my flower cycle?
i've been using roots excel since day one. should I stop now since i plan to flower soon? The H&G schedule says to use it the whole way thru.

Ok im cutting out the superthrive. and no algen during flower, got it!

Question bout the cal mag (Nutri plus - CMplus) is what im using.
my leaves were curling up from the sides since i've added this, the problem went away. also im using R/o water.
another thing this product has a complete range of micro nutrients that are not listed on the h&g labels. even tho they dont list them do you think they still have them.

@motherload "I would not want to use hammer head and moab if you use top booster and shooting powder

either or IMO "

I dont plan to use them together in the same feed. i wanted to do a side by side comparison since one friend says this one's better and the other friend says the other one's better. we all have the same strain pre 98 bubba

Thanks farmers i appreciate all help.

You can use Roots Excel up until 3 weeks of flower...The roots don't grow very much during the last 5 weeks so can save yourself some money and just top water with great white for that time near the end. When you add any Cal -Mag type of supplement your PPMs go through the have to let up on your base nutes a little and make sure your PPMs are where they should be..... or you will burn your plants. This could be the reason for the curling up of your leaves.....and you are correct ....Hammerhead and MOAB are the same combo as top booster and shooting powder....A trigger for late flower and then a ripener....good essential combos....Peace and good luck


Hey Badhalf,
I am a new user & I guess I can't send private messages yet. Here is a response to your question:
As far as I know the mighty wash is just for spider mites. The PM wash works awesome but you have to almost saturate the plant to cover evrything. If the spray does not cover the PM it will still be there the next day. It is an ongoing battle with temps fluxuating. The key is to get a handle on it & then you should just have to do some spot sprays daily after that. It is expensive & you will def be a repeat customer. I've been buying it in 5 gal jugs, you save a lot more $ depending on how many plants you have. I have had way less PM since putting a thermostat on my exhaust & a hepa filter on the intake. Good luck & let me know if you have any other questions...

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