Price of a Pound in Colorado?

  • Thread starter Green Mopho
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If I got 3+ pounds of some of the dankest well grown semi organic flushed nugs around, and I want to just clear all 3 pounds at once, I'm taking a hit on the price for getting it all out the door in one swoop, no matter how good it is.

Oh, I get it now. Finally got that personal grow setup. Needed to figure out where the market was.


We have 10 - 15% of the dispensaries figuring it out and doing it right. I see tons of people that are satisfied to grow B and C grade product and sell it all for $2000/lb. I know quality in Cali dispensaries is often due to lots of small growers versus big commercial grows (Not always but usually). The dispensaries are in for a big shock when the DOR gets licenses issued and shuts everyone else down. I feel like prices on dank will be back to where they were after all the johnny come lately folks are faced with the reality of compliance. I avoid 90% of dispensaries because I have seen their boring strains. Uncured mite ridden eagle 20 PM SH*T. There are some folks doing it very well though and that is a blessing for those that can use the system. We are all in a phase of adjustment. Easy money people will be the first to get frustrated and leave. I am shocked every time I meet a dispensary owner that does not smoke. Thats like Gandhi joining the marines. Many CG's and some Dispensaries focus on quality medicine. Do that and the market will work itself out. I don't care if the mass population eats Burger King cause I don't. $2800 - $3400 seems to be the range for quality goods per LB. $1800 - $2200 for the OK stuff. But what do I know.
sky high

sky high

So where are the cameras and the overall enforcement of 1284? The CG's/patients took an >>instantaneous< hit in the loss of sales across the board when that Bill passed... yet here we are...10 months later....and all that really exists is a monopoly on sales for the Centers and the State continuing to hammer on CG's?

we had a disagreement in another thread, GreenThumbBill....but I totallly agree with what you said above. As long as patients PLAY INTO THE CENTERS THEY ARE GOING TO BE >>>FURTHER<<< PLAYED BY THE STATE.

Buying meds @ Centers keeps the STATE coffer full and gives them lotsa ammo to use AGAINST THE PATIENTS.

Remember... CENTERS= DOR/1284
PATIENTS = CDPHE/Amendment 20


So where are the cameras and the overall enforcement of 1284? The CG's/patients took an >>instantaneous< hit in the loss of sales across the board when that Bill passed... yet here we are...10 months later....and all that really exists is a monopoly on sales for the Centers and the State continuing to hammer on CG's?

we had a disagreement in another thread, GreenThumbBill....but I totallly agree with what you said above. As long as patients PLAY INTO THE CENTERS THEY ARE GOING TO BE >>>FURTHER<<< PLAYED BY THE STATE.

Buying meds @ Centers keeps the STATE coffer full and gives them lotsa ammo to use AGAINST THE PATIENTS.

Remember... CENTERS= DOR/1284
PATIENTS = CDPHE/Amendment 20
The only time I remember disagreeing with you was over in the cali forum yesterday about MMJ passing in all 50 states where you suggested only certain people were sick enough to legally grow and further implied that anyone who profits from mary is exploiting her. That pissed me off pretty good.

But what you wrote above seems to contradict the post that pissed me off and put us back on the same page. So, I basically don't know where you stand on these issues.


At the expense of quality. Colorado smokers want low price, low price and low price. What they don't acknowledge is that you can't have low price AND high quality. At least not consistently. For some weird reason outdoor and b grade indoor competes with fire in CO.

Not the case in Cali. Stoners there are reportedly willing to spend 65 an 1/8th on fire and wouldn't bother with b grade at any price unless they were planning to cook with it. My long time bro in orange county has been hooked up with a club in costa mesa for the last year and says he has been getting 3600/lb every time he goes in, no haggling, no bullshit. I guess they can't keep fire on the shelves and beg him to grow more each visit.

Maybe somebody smarter than myself can tell me why the markets are so different in the two places and how cali has managed to keep prices stable.


I think that are a whole lot of reasons for this price difference, I have lived a lot of my life in Cali, have had my card for almost ten years and now have been back home in Montana (as fire is much cheaper here in MT, as low as 2000) for quite a while and have found myself pondering the same question and here is what I came up with: first, the cost of indoor growing is much more expensive in Cali and most just take the easy way and go with the sun, therefore plenty of outdoor while very little indoor. Second, just like MT I assume in CO many people went balls to the walls with indoor, now while these places are obviously in Cali too it seems that wharehouse growing is much more common in CO and MT because of cost and therefore much more indoor for us, and then lastly I agree that the other reason is simply lack of education when dealing with these top notch strains, and hopefully time and the market will fix that.


I just wanted to give some perspective and mention that folks I know on the east coast are seeing prices drop just like they are in CO. A buddy I know said that b grade is down to $2800 where it used to be $3600-3800. Top shelf on the east coast goes for about $3800 from what I understand. Anyone going back east is foolish and It is not worth the $ imo. I was quoted earlier about pound prices and I usually just give each of my patients a lb at around $2800 and my Sour D is A grade for sure. I just dont want the risk of having a bunch of weight in the same place Im growing out of.


I am shocked every time I meet a dispensary owner that does not smoke. Thats like Gandhi joining the marines.

'Next week on U-62. He's Back! And this time he's mad.'

P.S. I liken it to a bunch of people who have never worked in a Restaurant (BOH, FOH, Mgmt, Ownership, ect) but who have EATEN at many different restaurants, all of a sudden deciding to pump in their life savings and open a restaurant. They think "I'll hit it big and retire no problem!" "I've been in plenty of restaurants and can tell what is going on."

Problem is, they are competing against a bunch of people who have been running a restaurant for years.

Hence the crutch of legalization is needed, 'Regulations'.

I like Sky High's "Musical chairs, where everybody gets a chair".

Seed Buyer

With prices plummeting, the few peeps I know who moved to CO to grow are either driving it back east to get $5,000 a lb or those buyers are driving out to CO to get it for $4000 ish.


3200 in mi. you can try to get more, but it is a pain in the ass and you will probably be compromised in some way. and to be honest is it really worth more than that? according to my rent and electrical bill, hell no!

i think the guys who are getting 4k are actually the ones who aren't harvesting very much.... 4 qp's at 1000 or something. but 4k for a lb wtf.


With prices plummeting, the few peeps I know who moved to CO to grow are either driving it back east to get $5,000 a lb or those buyers are driving out to CO to get it for $4000 ish.

yea that sounds worthwhile... drive my legal medical marijuana out of state where it is now completely illegal to get that extra 800. fuck that.

i know it's people you know, not you. fuck that.


I just wanted to give some perspective and mention that folks I know on the east coast are seeing prices drop just like they are in CO. A buddy I know said that b grade is down to $2800 where it used to be $3600-3800. Top shelf on the east coast goes for about $3800 from what I understand. Anyone going back east is foolish and It is not worth the $ imo. I was quoted earlier about pound prices and I usually just give each of my patients a lb at around $2800 and my Sour D is A grade for sure. I just dont want the risk of having a bunch of weight in the same place Im growing out of.

Even shit going back to florida is still $4k. Where do you think all these 150k grows are going!


I just wanted to give some perspective and mention that folks I know on the east coast are seeing prices drop just like they are in CO. A buddy I know said that b grade is down to $2800 where it used to be $3600-3800. Top shelf on the east coast goes for about $3800 from what I understand.

You need better connections bro...

u'r buddy~ noooooo... duuuuude, it's bottomed out over here... can't move it at all anymore... only way to compete is to drop it down, I mean super dank is movin for 2800... duuuude...

dank in MI is still at 44~5000, let alone FL or NY...??? and that ain't 'my buddy'

For some weird reason outdoor and b grade indoor competes with fire in CO.

Stoners there are reportedly willing to spend 65 an 1/8th on fire and wouldn't bother with b grade at any price unless they were planning to cook with it.

I guess they can't keep fire on the shelves and beg him to grow more each visit.

why the markets are so different in the two places and how cali has managed to keep prices stable.


Depends on who you know, as always... some stories of riches & fame, some of dire & despair.

If you'r circle is of dank, dank flows & prices hold. If you'r circle is of fools...??? That's patients/customers, owners & growers... just have to be the right cat in the right spot with the right dope... or not.


Buying meds @ Centers keeps the STATE coffer full and gives them lotsa ammo to use AGAINST THE PATIENTS.

Remember... CENTERS= DOR/1284
PATIENTS = CDPHE/Amendment 20

Have you not been on top of what CDPHE is rolling out for caregivers?
The board rejected the definition of significant care that included the text "or provision of medical marijuana."

Grower registration is bubbling up as well. You guys need to get some activists moving or it will soon be all over. It will not have been the dispensaries hating on you, it will have been CDPHE.
sky high

sky high

Have you not been on top of what folks here are saying about dropping off the registry altogether and not really giving a FUCK what the State has to say about providing marijuana?

in the end, I'd sure rather deal with the State than the the ultimate definition of "it being all over" for those who are taking this where it shouldn't go (as directed by the State/1284..who will offer you no protection when it alll falls down)

be safe, all
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

Oh, I get it now. Finally got that personal grow setup. Needed to figure out where the market was.

Something like that, but my personal grow is all accounted for. I just wanted to know where the market was swinging, and it seems that everyone around me was complaining about prices, both on and offline! Lets keep the discussion going...


Have you not been on top of what CDPHE is rolling out for caregivers?
The board rejected the definition of significant care that included the text "or provision of medical marijuana."
I think I see this as a much bigger problem for Dispensaries than Caregivers. Soon you will see yet another revision of your HBs and there shall be increased requirements on you too.
The State will say "it's up to us to interpret the State Constitution and Amendments (as they repeatedly have), and now that the Department of Health has revised it's view on the matter, we must adjust our rules governing these 'Health Centers'."

For caregivers. One brownie pan in the oven is w/o pot, the other is.

Grower registration is bubbling up as well. You guys need to get some activists moving or it will soon be all over. It will not have been the dispensaries hating on you, it will have been CDPHE.

What he is saying, I think, is that without the MONEY flowing into the coffers of the State, from dispensaries [who also signed over many of their rights], there would not be the possibility of FUNDING an enforcement agency, or NEW GOVERNMENT entities.

And yeah, the CDPHE made their MORAL stance on the issue VERY CLEAR. That or they are pissed we are making them do that much more work.


Something like that, but my personal grow is all accounted for. I just wanted to know where the market was swinging, and it seems that everyone around me was complaining about prices, both on and offline! Lets keep the discussion going...

You know I was just kidding :evilgrin0040:
From an Economic standpoint these are interesting threads, b/c not only do you see the hedging of bets by 'our economists' (read: growers), but also you realize there is a huge disparity in the commodity system for MJ.
And the occasional Restauranteur stops by to vent his frustration, "This wasn't in my Pro Forma!"
sky high

sky high

What he is saying, I think, is that without the MONEY flowing into the coffers of the State, from dispensaries [who also signed over many of their rights], there would not be the possibility of FUNDING an enforcement agency, or NEW GOVERNMENT entities.

Exactly, Dooby. The patients who buy at Centers are fueling the DOR with plenty of money to use against the original intent/model placed forth by A20. ( Tax $$ for the State from sales)

The bastards won't be happy until they clamp it down to the point that THE ONLY place to "legally" buy meds will be the Centers. Guaranteed.

wot a mess...

s h
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