How much h202?

  • Thread starter Disco Duck
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Disco Duck

I am switching to a sterile res to try and solve a brown slimy root problem. I can find a lot of posts about using H202 but none that tell me how much? How many ml per gallon of H202 do you use for a sterile res?

I am using GH nutes with the addatives ("Expert" schedule) in RO water with GH CalMag+. I am removing Subculture B & M and Hygrozyme, and adding DM Zone and H202. How many ml of H202 per gal do I use?

Also, just to make sure, the only H202 I could find was "3%". I had thought I saw that you wanted 29% but then assumed that meant .29%. So "3%" Hydrogen Peroxide is the right stuff, right?


Disco~ Kinda went through some of your thread posts... I'm not really big into digging, but got a general feel...

I went through a phase where all I wanted to do was run a clean & sterile system... I went to extreme measures... tried true aero... tried to even atomize my solutions to the root chambers I specialty built, just for the cause. Spent thousands of dollars & hundreds of hours.

Point is, never could I beat the micro-world that we share. They are in the water we drink, the air we breath... inside & upon our very bodies. They will long survive our dead & wasted existence as a species. In fact, they will consume & decompose the very last vestiges of our brief span on this planet. They are smarter than us, they are better than us & they will win.

That being said, get back to the basics... imvho. Get out of the 'systems' and into a bucket & some sort of medium. Ditch the rez, ditch the pumps, ditch the headaches. Go back to simple abc farming. Just some perspective, hopefully taken well.

Wishing you the best. Peace bro

Disco Duck

Disco~ Kinda went through some of your thread posts... I'm not really big into digging, but got a general feel...

I went through a phase where all I wanted to do was run a clean & sterile system... I went to extreme measures... tried true aero... tried to even atomize my solutions to the root chambers I specialty built, just for the cause. Spent thousands of dollars & hundreds of hours.

Point is, never could I beat the micro-world that we share. They are in the water we drink, the air we breath... inside & upon our very bodies. They will long survive our dead & wasted existence as a species. In fact, they will consume & decompose the very last vestiges of our brief span on this planet. They are smarter than us, they are better than us & they will win.

That being said, get back to the basics... imvho. Get out of the 'systems' and into a bucket & some sort of medium. Ditch the rez, ditch the pumps, ditch the headaches. Go back to simple abc farming. Just some perspective, hopefully taken well.

Wishing you the best. Peace bro

My problem is I am in such a small area. If I had a whole room to work with I would definately switch to a simple Waterfarm setup, or maybe even soil. But in the tent... the Rainforest is pretty perfect for a tent. Exactly the number of plants I can legally grow, and designed to grow smaller plants... like in a tent. By "designed for it" I really just mean the size of the system and and spacing between plants is just right for gowing smaller (24-28") plants in a 4x4 tent.

All I am trying to achieve is white, or at least whitish, roots. It's the last thing for me to solve for me to have all the basic things going well. I want to finally have all the basics going well and run with that for a while before experimenting with anything.

Does anyone know how much H202 per gallon I should use, and if "3%" is the correct strength of H202 I should be using?


If you can find the 30% use it. Just don't get it on your hands. i remember seeing 5ml/gal with 30%.
When I tried hydro I also had some brown gunk and I figured it was from light leaks in the res.
DM zone was working good once I got the light leaks cured.
I got sick of messing with the hydro and switched to organic soil. Like it much better.



unless your problem is the water temps in your system zone alone should take care of it - not sure youd want to run them both - you might do more harm then good

what is the temp of the water?

if they are 72 or above you will always be at risk for pythium

Disco Duck

If you can find the 30% use it. Just don't get it on your hands. i remember seeing 5ml/gal with 30%.
When I tried hydro I also had some brown gunk and I figured it was from light leaks in the res.
DM zone was working good once I got the light leaks cured.
I got sick of messing with the hydro and switched to organic soil. Like it much better.


By 30 do you mean .30? I thought I had seen 29%, but now am thinking it was .29% because the pharmacist just shook his head and said "Hydrogen Peroxide is 3%". So do you mean .30%? There is a big difference between .3 and 3, so I want to be sure before I use this stuff:-)

I am beginning to see things your way as well, if I had the room I'd probably switch to soil. People say the flavor is better, but I am gradually coming to believe it would also be a lot easier than Hydro on top of better flavor. I am hoping to move somewhere that I will have a room I can devote to growing, I will probably switch to soil when I do.


I have the Mad Farmer brand and it is actually 35%. You won't find it at a drug store. I got it at a local hydro store.

Disco Duck

unless your problem is the water temps in your system zone alone should take care of it - not sure youd want to run them both - you might do more harm then good

what is the temp of the water?

if they are 72 or above you will always be at risk for pythium

I have a chiller, water is usually 65-67 sometimes slightly colder. I had read somewhere that you should use both to create a sterile res. But since you said this, I see no reason not to leave the H202 out for now and just see if the Zone works on it's own. I am dunking them in Evergreen for the last time tonight, and that cleans the roots and makes them white again. So they will go into the new DM Zone solution after they are dunked tonight. If they still look good after 3 days I'll just skip the H202, that's a much better idea.

Still want to know how many ml per gal of 3% Walgreens h202 you normally use though, in case I need it, or should I not use that kind of H202 at all and I need stuff that is 10 times stronger?


man I know the h202 thing has been covered here - I want to say its one tsp/gal of the 30% stuff - which you can sometimes find at grow stores - the 3% stuff is what is normal at a pharmacy

Disco Duck

man I know the h202 thing has been covered here - I want to say its one tsp/gal of the 30% stuff - which you can sometimes find at grow stores - the 3% stuff is what is normal at a pharmacy

Ok, so should I not even use 3%? Not a big deal, it only cost me like $1.50:-)

I'll just forget the Walgreens stuff and get 30% if I still have brown slimy roots with the zone 3 days after dunking them.

Thanks, Motherlode, I think I have a plan now.

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