Noobs npk question

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Hey everybody. I have a noob question for ya. Can anyone tell me how much npk marijuana needs at different stages of growth (early veg, late veg, etc.). Or at least point me in the right direction. Im having trouble finding this information. Also Im looking for a good list of organic ingredients npk values. Help is appreciated. peace.


Do you want to keep it simple or get really technical? Ive got an answer for both just tell me how u want it.


Sorry im working out as I post.

the proportions should be layed out and in organics we let the microbes do the npking, not us.

Get you a good soil mix and the only thing u will have to do is water and boost when its time. Look at my posts and I promise you will find a good recipe that fits you. I like to make my mix and then just feed with earthworm castings, and fish until I boost. NPK is important tho cuz u dont wanna burn your plants.

So how are we going to do this.... gimme a min...yes im cheating on my reps dont judge tho.

(Im referring to the threads i post in, mr bongs mix seems to be the best mix ive come across.)


EJ is on point with theres too. Look at there feed schedual.
Earth Juice
MAINTENANCE: Change solution once a week. Empty old solution and fill with clean water only. Run through the system for a minimum of 2 hours or up to 1 full day. Empty and fill with fresh solution.
Rates per 1 gallon of water
Grow 20 ml 28 ml
Bloom 10 ml 13 ml
Meta-K 3 ml 4 ml
Microblast 7.5 ml 10 ml
Catalyst 5 ml 10 ml
Assist 3 ml 3 ml
START-(N)105 (P)58 (K)132 (Ca)110 (Mg)20
FINISH -(N)149 (P)78 (K)178 (Ca)148 (Mg)26

That is a good chart to go buy if u want to use npk tho.


Hey everybody. I have a noob question for ya. Can anyone tell me how much npk marijuana needs at different stages of growth (early veg, late veg, etc.). Or at least point me in the right direction. Im having trouble finding this information. Also Im looking for a good list of organic ingredients npk values. Help is appreciated. peace.

Your noob question is kind of hard to answer in a neat quick answer, but I'll try. To the best of my knowledge mj in general, and there is a lot of varietal differences, seem to like high N, low P, high K. With a lot of mag needed and lots of cal in early flower. Some think you don't need much P, and some think several shots of P in early flower is important.

But since your in the organic forum. Keep in mind in our type of growing we want to feed the microbes a diverse diet, and they in turn will indiectly feed our plants. Actually the plants take what they want and can manipulate the microbes through secretions to do their bidding.

So do what you can to make your soil a good home for microbes. Helpful in this are ewc, compost, both bacterial and fungal foods.

All this can sound complicated, and it is, and i'm still a learner, but you can take a good peat based mix, add some perlite to keep it light and airy, and some dolomite lime for ph buffering as well as cal and mag, and charge your soil with a dry mix (espoma's bio tone starter plus is a good one) wet it, rest it a couple of weeks, a month is better, and it will do great things with only good water added. Then while you read and learn about organic growing you can step up your game with compost teas and such....hope you find this helpfull......good luck


Thanks everybody. I got a lot of good stuff here. I especially like the growery link. Thanks dextr0. ok, lets say I were to get a worm farm, use those casting in some sunshine natural and organic #4, and threw in some perlite and cal mag. would that be a good start? What is the organic approach to calmag? Is botanicares calmag organic? thanks for all the help. much love.


Cal-plex thats what you want. High mag just causes deficiencies from what Ive seen.


I don't know many organic soil growers that buy cal mag. Dolomite lime is calcium magnesium carbonate, a slow release cal mag if you will. Ewc has plenty of cal in them, most compost has cal and ewc and compost ups your humic content,a nd that is important on several levels. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, it is cheap and effective plus it has sulfur and that's good in small doses.

If your wanting to buy a mineral supplement you might as well get one with the minor minerals in it too like an earth juice micro blast.

And unless your sunshine mix has a nute charge, you will still need something. Google espoma's bio tone starter plus. It's cheap, is loaded with organic meals, and has michorizae fungus in it (mico's). Shredder


Just found something similar to what I was looking for. Ill post the link so if anyone wants to take a look. Its a pretty good article.

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