confused about rusty spots?

  • Thread starter feildofdreams
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Good day farmers,..
This is my second year growing indoors and running into some problems I can’t seem to figure out. I have read many threads on what I think may be the prob but not making much headway.
I have been battling a problem since about the second week of veg with 2 plants. One of the ladies started getting rusty spots in the middle of the leaves (older and somewhat young leaves,.. not the young ones around the buds persay) and slowly started spreading until the leaf is engulfed with this rusty stuff? It then curls at the tip; yellows, and dies within a few days.?
Note: I started both with BC techna flora nutes in soil/soilless mix. Thought this was the prob so I flushed for 3 days; cut all the infected areas out of the plant,.. then Started to feed a mild npk and and some compost teas. She was doing awesome and even starting to out grow her partner but a few days ago (now into flower) I see these spots again? Now they are everywhere on both plants? Had the prob under control, even eliminated it seemed before the 12x12?
I have read til my eyes have just shut down. I am still a confused? The teas work awesome as all my other plants are healthy? Very healthy. Even the ones effected are still chugging right along but can tell this is spreading fast. Here is a pic when I cut it back; a couple pics of the leaves and a pic of the comeback it made right before going into flower.. I will get some updated pics in the AM first light.

-Plants are in second week of flower and started from clone. Roughly month and a half old.
-Plants are roughly 3’ tall
-Both are in 5 gallon buckets. Drain holes in bottom x4
-I have not foliar feed anything.
-I am only running a 4’ 6 bulb T-5 bank (3500spec for flower) with a couple 60watt cfl’s.. Had a 600hps die and a borrowed 400 take a dump one week into op.
-Temps during the day don't exceed 75 ,..temps at night drop down to 60 65, Cooled by A/C,. Humidity is in the 40's Room is cleaned every other day.
-Water every other day. Evaped tap with a ph of 7. All my plants love the water?
-My soil is a 50/50 mix of Happy Frog and LA4 pro mix. Clay pellets.
-No bug prob that I can see? Have looked at the leaves under a x400 bio scope and am finding nothing but this rusty looking...? well rust lol
It turns a white-ish color when dry.
-My flower room is 8x8 with a 4x veg room attached.
-Lights are about 6 inches away from the top of the plants.
-Started with and only feed once, BC boost BC grow. awesome blossoms,.. sugar daddy,.. thrive alive b1-red ,.Stopped after all went south and started to feed this tea.
1 gal R/O water, bat guano, worm castings and molasses--brewed for 22 hrs. I dilute this to 4 gal.
Bought some bone meal 3-15-0 that I am going to add top soil tomorrow.
Also bought some Neem oil but have never used it and am unsure what the hell is going on? Sorry for the sprawled out babble but trying to make since of it has been really hard for this noob.
That’s all I can think of for right now
Thanks everyone,. Any help on this would be very much appreciated.
Confused about rusty spots
Confused about rusty spots 2


here yuh go, subscribe to this thread.

Tnx for the reply man,
Been reading that for some time. Great information but I am a noob of all noobs bro and still uncertain. After reading many different threads about root aphids, bug problems, deficiencies, It just got even more confusing.
I have taken slow mild steps to alleviate anything I thought I may have done to cuase it, Flushed for three days with a good amount of water, , added mild npk, looked for pest and molds. Clean regularly, I used the less is more theory, made sure I am not over watering. Things of that nature.
My conclusion after many weeks of reading and trying different things is "I honestly don't know what I am looking at and far from making any accurate diagnosis" Kind of rolling the dice right now to make it thru...
Going to add the Bone meal this morning and see how they look in a couple days. Going to study up on fungus and spider mites.?
Thanks for the link. Much appreciated

2 min update:
Shit,. I am slow this morning man,.. I thought I read it? ha I gotta not be so lazy and read past the first few pages in that I am finding some good stuff there:)


If you have spider mites you'll see white dots on the tops of leaves no reading up necessary. When they get worse you'll see webs. That looks like a fungus or mold maybe.


have you had this problem through out 2 years are did it start with the feed of technoflora


Living dead girl
That looks and sounds like a disease. Random patterns on the leaves where I was expecting to see something with a very regular appearance, and what you're showing isn't it. While it doesn't look like what Green Mopho was battling, your description sounds very close. Have you searched on ag extension and university sites?

I will Google (Scholar) the symptoms I observe, then start looking for anything that matches both symptoms and progression. This is how I've resolved my issues 9 out of 10 times.

I would also take a look at Green Mopho's thread, the title of which I now cannot remember, he's been dealing with some kind of crap that was pretty persistent, someone on another forum has already dealt with it and had an answer that worked.

Again, to my eye this looks like nothing to do with feeding or schedules, appears to be a disease.


also ph ing at 7 is risky any time i had a bounce in ph it bounced up so ph ing at a lower rang such as 6.3 alows for a little clime


Thank you all for the replies.

If you have spider mites you'll see white dots on the tops of leaves no reading up necessary. When they get worse you'll see webs. That looks like a fungus or mold maybe

I am posting up some pics I took this morning. I see white spots but under the scope they look like resign balls? They are whitish translucent but no mites? not a one? I looked under and on top w/ a 400x-- Do they hide somewhere else on the planrt?
I did however pull a little leaf aphid off one of my clones first thing this morn First one I have seen to date. After tearing the entire grow shed apart I can't find anymore or mites??

have you had this problem through out 2 years are did it start with the feed of technoflora

Best to my memory it started with the Techna? Not every time but it seems when I start some organic soils and add the techna they go south with the rust. I stopped using it all together. Never used it on my younger clones and they are looking great. Wonder what that could be? Does not seem to be an anomaly?

That looks and sounds like a disease. Random patterns on the leaves where I was expecting to see something with a very regular appearance, and what you're showing isn't it. While it doesn't look like what Green Mopho was battling, your description sounds very close. Have you searched on ag extension and university sites?

I will Google (Scholar) the symptoms I observe, then start looking for anything that matches both symptoms and progression. This is how I've resolved my issues 9 out of 10 times.

I would also take a look at Green Mopho's thread, the title of which I now cannot remember, he's been dealing with some kind of crap that was pretty persistent, someone on another forum has already dealt with it and had an answer that worked.

Again, to my eye this looks like nothing to do with feeding or schedules, appears to be a disease

Thank you seamadein,..No I haven't looked up anything on other sites other then info on this site and some gardening stuff. I am not familiar with plant diseases or fungis,. .Any site recommendations?
After going thru a ton of scenarios I might tend to agree it is a disease of some kind. I hope to find out.
I will def look up green morphos thread and check out what he came up with. Thanks again for your thoughts on this.

also ph ing at 7 is risky any time i had a bounce in ph it bounced up so ph ing at a lower rang such as 6.3 alows for a little clime

Thank you,..Def keeping a closer eye on this.


Not sure but I have had spots like this and cal/mag did the trick. Read through this quickly and didn't see any mention of it. You might look into that. Also Great White, Phc biopak and Quantum really helps prevent problems like this.


Living dead girl
Don't use a specific site except Google (or something similar, that can search on, for instance, ag extensions, published papers, etc) and use the significant symptoms you observe in your search query.

I'll give you an example: Lower leaf necrosis defoliate yellowing
Plug that in and see what kinds of hits you get. Ignore the cannabis hits, look for .edu and the like in the urls.


Not sure but I have had spots like this and cal/mag did the trick. Read through this quickly and didn't see any mention of it. You might look into that. Also Great White, Phc biopak and Quantum really helps prevent problems like this.

Right on, thanks for that tip. I will check into it for sure.

Don't use a specific site except Google (or something similar, that can search on, for instance, ag extensions, published papers, etc) and use the significant symptoms you observe in your search query.

I'll give you an example: Lower leaf necrosis defoliate yellowing
Plug that in and see what kinds of hits you get. Ignore the cannabis hits, look for .edu and the like in the urls.

Thanks for that point in the right direction. Will do some researching on that this eve.
Our 1/4 acre lot is one big garden. One of our cherry trees has cherry aphids out the wazoo. A few other trees have leaf aphids. Tons of lilac, roses veg gardens ect.. Keeping all the critters off body and out of the shed has been nothing short of a miracle,. lol Not to awful surprised I found the one, Very amazed I have not found anymore. Ha give it time right?
The outdoor girls are going crazy and loving life. I am taking some measures to make sure I don't get a mad migration to them. Neem oil, for now but researching other methods as well.
Appreciate your wisdom Seamaiden



Thanks for the tip sea. USMass and a couple other sites have been real helpful.
I am not certain if this applies to Marijuana but I have found some very interesting things on "Rust" at this site and a couple other sites.
I can't pretend to understand most of it, but what I am reading is exactly what seems to be effecting my plants? Alot of the symptoms match up as well as the overall description of the of the diseases caused by the fungus,?.. I think that’s right? Probably way off base but can't help to be intrigued by the similarities.
Continuing to read more on this in my area thru New Mexico State University Ag department. We'll see what I come up with. Peace


Good day farmers,..
This is my second year growing indoors and running into some problems I can’t seem to figure out. I have read many threads on what I think may be the prob but not making much headway.
I have been battling a problem since about the second week of veg with 2 plants. One of the ladies started getting rusty spots in the middle of the leaves (older and somewhat young leaves,.. not the young ones around the buds persay) and slowly started spreading until the leaf is engulfed with this rusty stuff? It then curls at the tip; yellows, and dies within a few days.?
Note: I started both with BC techna flora nutes in soil/soilless mix. Thought this was the prob so I flushed for 3 days; cut all the infected areas out of the plant,.. then Started to feed a mild npk and and some compost teas. She was doing awesome and even starting to out grow her partner but a few days ago (now into flower) I see these spots again? Now they are everywhere on both plants? Had the prob under control, even eliminated it seemed before the 12x12?
I have read til my eyes have just shut down. I am still a confused? The teas work awesome as all my other plants are healthy? Very healthy. Even the ones effected are still chugging right along but can tell this is spreading fast. Here is a pic when I cut it back; a couple pics of the leaves and a pic of the comeback it made right before going into flower.. I will get some updated pics in the AM first light.

-Plants are in second week of flower and started from clone. Roughly month and a half old.
-Plants are roughly 3’ tall
-Both are in 5 gallon buckets. Drain holes in bottom x4
-I have not foliar feed anything.
-I am only running a 4’ 6 bulb T-5 bank (3500spec for flower) with a couple 60watt cfl’s.. Had a 600hps die and a borrowed 400 take a dump one week into op.
-Temps during the day don't exceed 75 ,..temps at night drop down to 60 65, Cooled by A/C,. Humidity is in the 40's Room is cleaned every other day.
-Water every other day. Evaped tap with a ph of 7. All my plants love the water?
-My soil is a 50/50 mix of Happy Frog and LA4 pro mix. Clay pellets.
-No bug prob that I can see? Have looked at the leaves under a x400 bio scope and am finding nothing but this rusty looking...? well rust lol
It turns a white-ish color when dry.
-My flower room is 8x8 with a 4x veg room attached.
-Lights are about 6 inches away from the top of the plants.
-Started with and only feed once, BC boost BC grow. awesome blossoms,.. sugar daddy,.. thrive alive b1-red ,.Stopped after all went south and started to feed this tea.
1 gal R/O water, bat guano, worm castings and molasses--brewed for 22 hrs. I dilute this to 4 gal.
Bought some bone meal 3-15-0 that I am going to add top soil tomorrow.
Also bought some Neem oil but have never used it and am unsure what the hell is going on? Sorry for the sprawled out babble but trying to make since of it has been really hard for this noob.
That’s all I can think of for right now
Thanks everyone,. Any help on this would be very much appreciated.

Spider mites. Or rusting funghi.



I let the soil dry down about 3 inches and then water with about 32 to 64oz of tea every other day or so.

Tobbaco tea ????????

Have you looked in to using FLORAMITE or washing your plants. I did mine lastnight and they look great now. Try and do this once a week.




I just noticed it was a fairly old thread. LOL.
Maybe the mites have taken over.

Naw... still alive but bairly man. :worried Have not found any mites but some of this distruction looks like em. More of a rust issue I think? Not sure. Trying different things to see what exactly I have on my hands but it do seem like a rust fungi....? I'll either figure it out soon or have a mary Jane memorial.:harvest:
Question to any and all: Can you spray a Neem oil treatment on the ladies while they are in flower?


Tobbaco tea ????????

Have you looked in to using FLORAMITE or washing your plants. I did mine lastnight and they look great now. Try and do this once a week.



A Bat guano and worm casting tea. Tabacoo tea sounds interesting though?
FLORAMITE...? will def look into that one. Have you heard of anything that helps battle "rust"?


Naw... still alive but bairly man. :worried Have not found any mites but some of this distruction looks like em. More of a rust issue I think? Not sure. Trying different things to see what exactly I have on my hands but it do seem like a rust fungi....? I'll either figure it out soon or have a mary Jane memorial.:harvest:
Question to any and all: Can you spray a Neem oil treatment on the ladies while they are in flower?

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