Odd rusty mottling - help sedate identify this!

  • Thread starter sedate
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motherlode said:
I wouldnt risk spreading them to moms and or main flower area another minute if I were you

clear cut that closet - bag and tag em and nuke the shit out of the area

Yea I'm nervous as fuck - I had eight buckets in storage in the infected room that got moved into the main flowering room two days ago - :sweating

The rest of the room is clean and buckets by themselves hopefully won't attract bugs but jeeze - I'm thinking I'll add a preventative (the liquid pyrethrum mentioned in the other thread looks promising) just-in-case - maybe pop a bifenthrin bomb for good measure.

Main plant rooms are definitely at risk at the moment.

But I think I can chemically isolate these plants - and I betcha they'd be good for a baseline-quality 12 - 16 zips or so if I could swing 'em three more weeks . . .

tell me what you think of the following plan motherlode:

seamaiden said:
I absolutely would not not treat unless I were going to pull right away

I had to read that like seventeen times before my brain finally caught the 2x negative there seamaiden!

1)Aphids are soft-bodied little thingys - I'm thinking pull plants out of the closet, lay down a heavy coat of cypermethrin on the floors/walls to chemically isolate the area.

2)Drench each planter with 1 gallon/40ml's of Safer's Insecticidal Soap - giving me some 1/2 gallon of insecticidal run-off which targets soft-bodied insects.

3)Folair feed @ 500ish PPM's - 150ish micro's and 350ish NPK . . . .

Let 'em ride?

I mean - I guess in an absolute sense I should cull the room -

I mean I've always been able to beat spider mites . . . :pimp:


My heart goes out to you man. You should study lilmisslone's thread start to finish.

Good luck on the war. Give em' hell.



Living dead girl
If your plants are in tables, you might want to try what I did that did end up working. I flooded each table, from 1"-2" up the sides of the pots, and left them that way for 2 days. Did that with the Bayer (imid product) and that didn't work, did it with Triazicide and that worked. Afterward I hit the entire basement area with Triazicide.

The first infestation may very well have been induced by ants, as I'd seen ants moving between the tubs and couldn't find where they were actually going or nesting. The scenario where it happened is unusual, made it very interesting. Lost that whole 12-15lbs, had to burn it in a brush burn, due to secondary infection of PM.


TF said:
My heart goes out to you man. You should study lilmisslone's thread start to finish.

Heh thanks man.

And I have. Which is why I'm going to hit them really, really hard.

seamaiden said:
If your plants are in tables,

3 gallon planters w/ a 70ish/30ish mix of chunky perlite & coco.

10 sq ft or so under a 600w hps. Supposed to be a quick and easy elbow before the end of the month.



Living dead girl
Then I would get something under each pot (I grow SOG indoors in 1gal pots, two trays) so as to ensure the media remains flooded as long as possible. I think I also gave the fliers a problem in that by flooding tables they didn't have so many resting places nearby egg-laying sites, but that is pure speculation on my part.


treated and recovering . . .

seamaiden said:
Then I would get something under each pot (I grow SOG indoors in 1gal pots, two trays) so as to ensure the media remains flooded as long as possible. I think I also gave the fliers a problem in that by flooding tables they didn't have so many resting places nearby egg-laying sites, but that is pure speculation on my part

Do all RA infections result in fliers? Do you know?

I flooded the planters with insecticidal soap and imidacloprid and let 'em sit for four hours before draining them off and putting them back in the closet - which I cleaned and coated heavily with cypermethrin.

The plants - now two days out - are looking better in the 'vigor' department but decent bud formation and ultimate recovery will be a few weeks out I guess.

I'll foliar feed for a few days and then resume a normal feeding schedule.

Thanks again everyone.

elite nugs said:
I heard this stuff works very well...

Evergreen, by MGK

Yea um I don't know how you can actually get that stuff.

I'd like to get some though to run as a prophylactic in my hydrobuckets.

You know where you can order it from?

Elite Nugs

Do all RA infections result in fliers? Do you know?

I flooded the planters with insecticidal soap and imidacloprid and let 'em sit for four hours before draining them off and putting them back in the closet - which I cleaned and coated heavily with cypermethrin.

The plants - now two days out - are looking better in the 'vigor' department but decent bud formation and ultimate recovery will be a few weeks out I guess.

I'll foliar feed for a few days and then resume a normal feeding schedule.

Thanks again everyone.

Yea um I don't know how you can actually get that stuff.

I'd like to get some though to run as a prophylactic in my hydrobuckets.

You know where you can order it from?

There's a hydro store here in southern cali that sell's all the good stuff that usually is only commercially available, with the proper licenses. I just picked up some stuff called Judo from them. Awesome stuff. But I guess that woulnt help ya. Check your local hydro stores. You might get lucky. They cant display the bottles, so you usually have to ask, then they pull it out of the back or from under the counter. Give it a shot, you might find it.


Living dead girl
Sedate, I do not believe that all RA infestations result in fliers.
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