Feds Targeting California Pot Dispensaries; Told To Shut Down In 45 Days

  • Thread starter DazedNconfussed
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Well-Known Farmer
That`s just scary for EVERY US citizen! It`s high time we Americans take out the trash ! These kind of people don`t belong in Goverment,they belong in jail for treason against the American People and our Consitution !


Garden of Dreams Seed Co
That`s just scary for EVERY US citizen! It`s high time we Americans take out the trash ! These kind of people don`t belong in Goverment,they belong in jail for treason against the American People and our Consitution !

that violates our constitutional rights, called freedom of speech :sign0065:


posted on cnn 7 hours ago.

Federal prosecutors on Friday referred to several "recently unsealed" criminal cases related to their effort. One alleged that two people in San Fernando Valley used encrypted phones to coordinate sales of marijuana to locales as far away as New York, netting $194,000 each in profits monthly. And six defendants out of San Diego face a 77-count indictment for allegedly running "a wide-ranging conspiracy that included numerous marijuana sales to underaged persons."

Wagner claimed that people, "often with criminal records, are coming to California to set up marijuana operations taking advantage of the lax enforcement environment in this state." He also said that investigators "learned that huge amounts of marijuana" are being flown out of California and sold for "huge amounts of money."
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
Holy smokes, that is insane.....

The law could also potentially affect academics and medical professionals. For example, a U.S. doctor who works with overseas doctors or government officials on needle exchange programs could be subject to criminal prosecution. A U.S. resident who advises someone in another country on how to grow marijuana or how to run a medical marijuana dispensary would also be in violation of the new law, even if medical marijuana is legal in the country where the recipient of the advice resides. If interpreted broadly enough, a prosecutor could possibly even charge doctors, academics and policymakers from contributing their expertise to additional experiments like the drug decriminalization project Portugal, which has successfully reduced drug crime, addiction and overdose deaths.

WOW!! is about all I can say...is this really what the American citezens want? not me..

Gotta make more criminals...the American way



posted on cnn 7 hours ago.

Federal prosecutors on Friday referred to several "recently unsealed" criminal cases related to their effort. One alleged that two people in San Fernando Valley used encrypted phones to coordinate sales of marijuana to locales as far away as New York, netting $194,000 each in profits monthly. And six defendants out of San Diego face a 77-count indictment for allegedly running "a wide-ranging conspiracy that included numerous marijuana sales to underaged persons."

Wagner claimed that people, "often with criminal records, are coming to California to set up marijuana operations taking advantage of the lax enforcement environment in this state." He also said that investigators "learned that huge amounts of marijuana" are being flown out of California and sold for "huge amounts of money."

Bingo. This type of activity is not happening in Colorado remotely close to that scale. There is far more regulation in Colorado. Ironically this is the time of year when Colorado gets flooded with Cali buds. The 3rd quarter Cali influx. Outdoor from the golden state.


Bingo. This type of activity is not happening in Colorado remotely close to that scale. There is far more regulation in Colorado. Ironically this is the time of year when Colorado gets flooded with Cali buds. The 3rd quarter Cali influx. Outdoor from the golden state.

i would bet this type of activity is happening anywhere your allowed to grow - unfortanly greed gets the best of most especially when you are only allowed to legally grow a certain amount for your patients, which is typically 2 zips - what do you think happens to the extra, could you flush it or give it away , which is probally a crime also.......... the sad part is you could tell that things were getting way to wild in cali over 100 dispencerys , numerous grow ops - was hoping it would open the door for other states -which it did but unfortantly it seems to have gotten way to out of hand for the federall gov't , so i would bet that the east coast just got hit bad and that delaware and new jersey will not open dispenserys now,,,,, oh well as long as you have the knowledge you will never need to smoke shitty mexican seedy weed. I just really wanted this to reach the east as i am ready to open a shop as soon as i can but that seems to be a long way off


i would bet this type of activity is happening anywhere your allowed to grow - unfortanly greed gets the best of most especially when you are only allowed to legally grow a certain amount for your patients, which is typically 2 zips - what do you think happens to the extra, could you flush it or give it away , which is probally a crime also.......... the sad part is you could tell that things were getting way to wild in cali over 100 dispencerys , numerous grow ops - was hoping it would open the door for other states -which it did but unfortantly it seems to have gotten way to out of hand for the federall gov't , so i would bet that the east coast just got hit bad and that delaware and new jersey will not open dispenserys now,,,,, oh well as long as you have the knowledge you will never need to smoke shitty mexican seedy weed. I just really wanted this to reach the east as i am ready to open a shop as soon as i can but that seems to be a long way off
We should just let legalize all drugs and let humans decide what they want to put in their bodies and get rid of these enforcement agencies that we don't need in the first place. It would be a better world IMHO. Humans can handle it. Some can't, I know, but most of us can handle it. Not everyone can handle alcohol but most people can. I have a problem with alcohol so I quit drinking it. There are plenty of liquor stores in walking distance from my house, too. Why would that not be true for other drugs? Its all about money. Maybe someday the humans will get together and use their collective minds to stop the madness...it's not a war on drugs, it's war against the human mind. Its hilarious. All about the Benjamins. People chasing dollars so they can get something in life. Killing for dollars, stressing for dollars, growing for dollars.
Anyway legalize drugs. All of em'.


posted on cnn 7 hours ago.

Federal prosecutors on Friday referred to several "recently unsealed" criminal cases related to their effort. One alleged that two people in San Fernando Valley used encrypted phones to coordinate sales of marijuana to locales as far away as New York, netting $194,000 each in profits monthly. And six defendants out of San Diego face a 77-count indictment for allegedly running "a wide-ranging conspiracy that included numerous marijuana sales to underaged persons."

Wagner claimed that people, "often with criminal records, are coming to California to set up marijuana operations taking advantage of the lax enforcement environment in this state." He also said that investigators "learned that huge amounts of marijuana" are being flown out of California and sold for "huge amounts of money."

THAT is WRONG and should not be tolerated. I SAY let em burn at the stake.

But dont use that as a reason to pass some new CRAZY ass bill that will give the US the power (IN COURT) to rape anyones rights.


two negatives dont make a posative people. SIMPLE MATH!

I really hope that this is taken seriously in the eyes of the people.

Guess all we can do is sit around a wait to find out. LMFAO!!!!!

FIGHT BACK PEOPLE. CALL someone, talk to ur neighbors, let them know what is happpening, dont sit there and hide under a safe rock.

IGNORANCE IS A BITCH. help the ignorant, please.

S i R


I m just wondering will this end up affecting the cali paitents who stay under the "99 plant" limit.


this is real, friends out there, their friends got raided two days ago, fucked up


I m just wondering will this end up affecting the cali paitents who stay under the "99 plant" limit.

Why do u "JUST" wonder that?

sorta confusing that u worded it that way. lol.

but seriously,

people if ur growing MJ, or Smokin MJ, or anything, like talking ONLINE to a friend who happens to be outside the US... and say hey by the way ur plants are looking a little thirsty.

U R in Violation of this praposed Bill. and "subject" (lol) to prosecution.


and u can thank all those A holes Logic just told us about.

How much clearer does it gotta be?

The Federal UNITED states GOVERNMENT is trying to tighten the CSA ON THE ENTIRE GLOBE, YES, EARTH, u know the world we live on.

*Not recattagorizen "Medical" MJ as legal..... HELLO????

anybody waking up yet?

S i R


You better believe the Mexican drug cartels are fucking overjoyed with this news. No more shrinking sales because of a bunch of Hippies in Cali.


Seems to me they would have their hands and jails full if to even try and prosecute everyone who is in violation of terms of the proposed law........where is the funding for this?
Im sick of scare tactics and political strong arming, and that is 1 thing our lovely government loves to instill into us, fear!!!Fuck them and fuck that, i will continue on my path through life and what happens happens, I will enjoy my life and not let our government dictate how I live until they pry that last bud out of my screaming hands and lock me away, unfortunately that is the risk and choice i choose to make!!!!
I am not a follower . Im a doer, and not everything I do is right, but they are my choices and the government can go get fucked!!!!
The fight is far from over, and it is time to for us to reorganize and fight this fight even harder and further than we ever have before, neither the government or us are going to back off, so time to cut the strings to the puppet parade we call the US Government!!!
Ok off my soapbox now............off to lynch the rippers!!!!!!


Living dead girl
If anyone pays attention to advertising, when, where, what programs tend to be associated with what adverts, then you would know that criminal justice is a fast-expanding field. We have the Pennsylvania case of the judges that took cash in exchange for convicting children and sending them to juvie, called Cash for Kids. And that, my friends, I feel is only the tip of the iceberg.

Incarceration has become a big business.



We should just let legalize all drugs and let humans decide what they want to put in their bodies and get rid of these enforcement agencies that we don't need in the first place. It would be a better world IMHO. Humans can handle it. Some can't, I know, but most of us can handle it. Not everyone can handle alcohol but most people can. I have a problem with alcohol so I quit drinking it. There are plenty of liquor stores in walking distance from my house, too. Why would that not be true for other drugs? Its all about money. Maybe someday the humans will get together and use their collective minds to stop the madness...it's not a war on drugs, it's war against the human mind. Its hilarious. All about the Benjamins. People chasing dollars so they can get something in life. Killing for dollars, stressing for dollars, growing for dollars.
Anyway legalize drugs. All of em'.

clearly alcohol is much worse than pot - anyone with any intelagence (Yea i know i spelled it wrong) would clearly know that. but hard drugs might be pushing it . Ever see the wire series ?


Just cruisin....
Welp I think that's the last straw for me guys and gals.. Going to lay low for a few months and see what happens. Peace out farm!



Welp I think that's the last straw for me guys and gals.. Going to lay low for a few months and see what happens. Peace out farm!


Almost feel like doing the same....:sweating
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