Coco Watering Systems

  • Thread starter bdawg22
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I am starting a new coco room that will house 140 plants in 7 gal smart pots. We are switching from 2 16XXL Current Systems to Coco. My question to everyone is what type of watering system does everyone recommend? They will be in 7 rows of 20. I have a 300 gal Res and was thinking a 50gal res for each row. What are all you using? Any specifics would be appreciated. I obviously do not want to be hand watering these plants.




Top fed drip irrigation.. 50 gal res is great per row.. 10-30 sec water durations 1 to a few times a day.. Depending on size of the pump and water uptake..


Is there any specific set up or just piece it together with parts from a local shop?


get your parts from Use 3/4" pvc for your main distribution manifold and use a 5/64ths drill bit to drill holes where you want your 1/4" fed lines and use a 10-32 tap to cut threads into the holes. Use the 1/4" nipples with the 10/32 threads to thread into your min pvc manifold. Add some stakes in your pots and maybee a T fitting at the end of the drip lines. Bingo Bango, Your done.


I did a 1/4 hp inline pump hooked up to a homemade 4 out put manifold for each row with 24 sites.. 2 1/8in drippers to each plant.. At least I think the norm is 1/8 but my lines where 3/4 of an inch with elbows and t all from the hydro store.. My first watering I flooded my room lol not to bad tho.. I was watering every 8 hours for 5-10 sec.. Best system I ever ran with out hand watering..


get your parts from Use 3/4" pvc for your main distribution manifold and use a 5/64ths drill bit to drill holes where you want your 1/4" fed lines and use a 10-32 tap to cut threads into the holes. Use the 1/4" nipples with the 10/32 threads to thread into your min pvc manifold. Add some stakes in your pots and maybee a T fitting at the end of the drip lines. Bingo Bango, Your done.

Let me see if I understand you. So if I am using a 50gal res I have my pump attached to the res and the other line into the 3/4" PVC? I drill holes into the pvc where I want the water lines for each pot. Do the nipples go inside the holes in the pvc and then the 1/8 feed lines go into the nipples? Then stake down the feed lines into the smart pots and put a T to help spread the water. Is this correct? Obviously I need to cap the PVC end to avoid flooding.


Let me see if I understand you. So if I am using a 50gal res I have my pump attached to the res and the other line into the 3/4" PVC? I drill holes into the pvc where I want the water lines for each pot. Do the nipples go inside the holes in the pvc and then the 1/8 feed lines go into the nipples? Then stake down the feed lines into the smart pots and put a T to help spread the water. Is this correct? Obviously I need to cap the PVC end to avoid flooding.

Yup, you got it. you can use a top hat grommet instead of the threaded nipples but they cost around a buck a piece so I use the nipples. Put an inline filter before your pvc as well and your golden.


Nice thanks for the info. I have another question. I notice most everyone drains their runoff either into a flood table or something similiar. Does this go for all circumstances or just if you are going to reuse the coco? Basically I have all my smart pots in saucers which doesnt drain. I am also not planning on reusing the coco. Any feedback would be appreciated one way or another.


Most use a drain to waste set up to avoid salt build ups in the coco. It can be, and has been done with a zero waste set up where you just dont water to run off. I have seen this, but have no experience with doing this so I will stop here. I would assume you need to run your nutes differently to avoid build up, but im just guessing.


I run a drain to waste coco system that is fed with no runoff so basicly there is no waste virtually. I run a 60 gallon rez w/ a 1267gph pump to 3/4 irrigation poly tubing. Off that comes 1/4 spaghetti lines to a t fitting off each end of the T I have another 8 inch long piece of 1/4 to a 1.gph dripper attached to a dripper stake that when the water comes out of the dripper it goes down the grooves in the stake. They are about 7 in long I think so the water goes right where you need the roots. I feed 4 times a day for 5 mins at a time, in75% coco 25% perlite in 5 gallon grow bags. There is very rarely have any runoff. When it gets later in flowering and they are drinking alot I bump it up to 8 feedings aday but for 3 - 4 mins. Instead of 5. I feed w/ mutes every watering and only flush between beg and flowering and 7 to 10 days before harvest with a clearing agent. So yeah that's my grow in a nutshell with coco.
Bud Spleefman

Bud Spleefman

Premium Member
This is a thread I did awhile back on this very topic...........

No drilling required, all parts are from the sprinkler/irrigation aisle at Home Depot....


Me too doing one right now with double stacked buckets draining into my A/C drain line.


kushsmoker30 said:
how many plants u watering 1200+ gal pump, trying to figure out best pump for me. thanks[/QUOTE

Well to figure out how big of a pump you take the number of emmiters x the psi your running them at plus however many feet of tubing you are using total and that

should give you a.good idea of how big a pump you need. For example I was watering 18 plants using 36 1 gph drippers x 20 psi inline pressure regulator which equals 720 plus ably 50 feet of tubing so around 770 gph would be sufecient but I wanted the flexability to use the pump for other endevors.I'm pretty sure that was the formula I was given, in any event I use.a ecoplus 1267 pump on 18 plants w/ no problems hope that helps. Peace.

I hoe u see this kushsmoker30, since I am a new member I cant send PM's. Linda gay but w/e.

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